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Have anet ever talked about removing/reworking consume plasma ? (in pvp)


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> @"Mydnyght.5026" said:

> Just wondering because thieves already have all the tools to hunt mesmer (power) , that steal is just broken.


My dude, anet gave them quickness and resistance specially to destroy condi mesmers(and even harder to destroy power builds) too without a chance to fight back .Gave their withdrawal torment removal to fight mesmer torment stacking . Do u think why thief got so many anti mesmer tools specially targeted against mesmer?

And I dont mean its good or right . Its dumb-unfair

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> @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:


> >

> > Wrong.


> In all your post you say yourself, you're a mesmer main... L2P plz..

Coming from a salty thief ... coming to mesmer forum... crying L2P ... Struggle to learn to play bro ?

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> If you have any problems against mesmer as a thief perhaps you should be the one that needs to l2p.


Quote for truth.


While I enjoy other classes coming over and stirring things up, if you can't beat one of the most one sided match ups as Thief, there is no amount of nerfing which will help.


Personally I like the counter, it remindes me of pre HoT days when Thief was the direct counter to Mesmer.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> > I never said I have problem with mesmer.. The clone clutter is annoying.. But funny I have 1 thief.. And two mesmers..


> Why the double dots?


Better to ask him why he has the thread "Why doesn't anet like us?" in a thief subforum :joy:

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I really don't see the issue with thief consume plasma. Mesmer is one of the very few matchups thief has in its favor. It's a rock/paper/scissors of hard and soft counters for every profession. Thief might have the advantage over mesmer, but guardian/ranger/engi/ele have the advantage over thief. If I'm playing Rev I don't jump into a fight with a condi mirage and expect to win, I do my best to disengage and find a more favorable matchup. Boonbeast having access to consume plasma and being able to extend the uptime on the other hand...

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> The problem is not the advantage and in the favor of thief, the problem is the thief vs mes match is onesided. Ectoplasma + Improv. and you'll have insane boon duration. I mean 20sec of protection 20sec of regen 20sec of vigor 6sec of stab 10sec of retal... Throw in swindler's eq. for extra lul.

*8 seconds of protection btw

Thief hard counters mesmer, guardian hard counters thief. Just don't fight thief if you're a mesmer unless you're extra confident. Thief has to avoid most other professions in a 1v1 because its one sided. Mesmer will be just fine, it has plenty more favorable matchups. If you wanted to improve mesmer to be better against thief that would be another story, but poor ol' thief doesn't need more nerfs.

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> @"Zexanima.7851" said:

> > @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> > The problem is not the advantage and in the favor of thief, the problem is the thief vs mes match is onesided. Ectoplasma + Improv. and you'll have insane boon duration. I mean 20sec of protection 20sec of regen 20sec of vigor 6sec of stab 10sec of retal... Throw in swindler's eq. for extra lul.

> *8 seconds of protection btw

> Thief hard counters mesmer, guardian hard counters thief. Just don't fight thief if you're a mesmer unless you're extra confident. Thief has to avoid most other professions in a 1v1 because its one sided. Mesmer will be just fine, it has plenty more favorable matchups. If you wanted to improve mesmer to be better against thief that would be another story, but poor ol' thief doesn't need more nerfs.


Thief doesn't win 1v1s because it has the by far highest mobility. It is that way for a good reason. That's also why guard must/should be able to trade vs thief/mes/etc - because it has lower mobility. And you are wrong about certain professions countering one another by default, for example thief does fuckall vs sword weaver but it counters fresh air.

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I love my Thief and all that purple gooey loveliness but yes, it's a tad obscene in WvW. I like the concept of getting drunk on boons by drinking Mesmer juices, but the durations for the vigour, protection, fury and regeneration should be half of what they currently are - especially when one considers the existence of Improv.

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"AsiraasiB.7165" said:

> > > I never said I have problem with mesmer.. The clone clutter is annoying.. But funny I have 1 thief.. And two mesmers..

> >

> > Why the double dots?


> Better to ask him why he has the thread "Why doesn't anet like us?" in a thief subforum :joy:


I'll answer both of you. Dots usually indicates that the writer believes that one would get what he means without the need to write a full structured paragraph ex:: The clone clutter is annoying.. But funny I have 1 thief.. And two mesmers..'

Means: we all know that mesmer has a insane amount of clutter, and it's only been buffed. Also I only have 1 thief and 2 mesmer characters so therefore what you have said about me being a salty thief is incorrect and also that I need to L2p. Reason being is I made a mesmer to do exactly that l2p. And i acutally enjoy mesmer and I made two one for chorno and one for Mirage. Should I add all i do is wvw and pvp hardly ever pve dont even have a griffin.



And yes I did make that topic. Did you read the long list of nerfs...? And how much impact each one was to thief damage and survivability? Or are you just being ignorant and ignoring facts that was researched for you and you can research your own and disprove me. Come at me with a lil substance bro

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