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Most Broken Class Right Now


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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > @"suffish.4150" said:

> > It’s definitely rev by a pretty significant margin. Try playing against 2 good revs then try to deny this fact lol. The damage is just absolutely ridiculous and that reveal hurts so much against many builds. It needs nerfing to the same level as thief for sure.

> >

> > Second place would be chronomancer (illusions bunker build). Scrappper imo really isn’t OP because even though it’s sustain is far beyond any other duelist in the game, it’s damage is very low so you can just counter it by leaving it in a stalemate all game and winning the rest of the map.


> you... you do realize rev only has one viable build for pvp in general right? Which is herald/shiro power build. If they nerf it then rev's will vanish completely from the game mode as its all they have to run; They dont get to make the same choices you do with your class. Glint is the most useful legend in the game due to one thing, the heal on its own.


> Now if they buffed up their other choices and made rev capable without glint, alot of the problems would vanish completely because as it stands now glints heal is one of the few reasons to take her over other specs. (For ten seconds it turns all damage received into health, pretty good with the zerker face roll meta we have.)


Having only one viable build that happens to be OP doesn't make that build any less OP. If there were only one viable Mesmer build, say Chronobunk, (some would say this is actually so), and that build happened to be OP, well, it would still be OP even if it were the only viable build within the profession. "It's our only viable build" is not justification for that build being OP.


That said, Rev may only be situationally OP. We have some of the lowest condi presence (Rev counter) in the current meta. Double Revs can dominate. And high level Revs know how to exploit the things like non-telegraphed, LoS-ignoring, long-range burst ports that Incisorr mentions.

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> @"Chilli.2976" said:

> Looks like a power creep meta, who wants conditions back xD?


Apparently not the 20 people (as of this post) who voted Condi Mirage to make it second only to Scrapper for "most broken."


Maybe you should have specified that this poll is not "which class do you dislike the most," but "which class is the most _objectively_ overpowered?"


Even then, as others mentioned, the poll is horribly flawed by omitting key specs and builds. A glaring one: Holosmith.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > > How did she/d thief even make it on this list? XD.

> > >

> > > XXxDddD

> >

> > I swear to god. Even if they nerfed thief to 100dmg an auto attack. There will be a guy who died to it and will come here and cry thief op.


> People are always going to be annoyed at the enemy who can escape any fight and not ever die even if they have no hope of properly winning the 1v1. It's actually my problem with Spellbreaker right now except Spellbreaker is actually a top tier 1v1 build, unlike thief.


Yes every other class has a problem for you except your own main class. We understand.

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So as for the main culprits right now spell breaker, soul beast, holo, scrapper, mirage, or chrono. I dont see much of a issue as a reaper vs the majority minus scrapper since it has endless life and still has massive damage which can be toned down. But as for condi mirage I'm sorry it still is broken when you can run hide flee and avoid all damage in so many ways yet still apply life ending conditions.


Either one or the other. 5 minutes of dodging, evading being invulnerable, etc.. or life ending conditions. Not both.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> So as for the main culprits right now spell breaker, soul beast, holo, scrapper, mirage, or chrono. I dont see much of a issue as a reaper vs the majority minus scrapper since it has endless life and still has massive damage which can be toned down. But as for condi mirage I'm sorry it still is broken when you can run hide flee and avoid all damage in so many ways yet still apply life ending conditions.


> Either one or the other. 5 minutes of dodging, evading being invulnerable, etc.. or life ending conditions. Not both.


Don't forget their capacity to run and reset too. But their not quite as lethal as they used to be.


I voted scrapper - a well played scrapper is too difficult to shut down with out a group effort rn.

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