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Why I Abandoned Spellbreaker

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I played SB for a few weeks now, and even though I did extremely well for a full division climb, I am now back to my core warrior build.


Here's why;

The kind of person who eats my full counter is also the kind of person who will mindlessly spam their hotbar no matter what build I'm running.


The kind of person who can outplay or dodge/avoid Full Counter is the kind of person who will render my build useless, seeing as FC is a one trick pony.


With my core build I still get reliable kills from bad players/spammers. Because no matter what build either of us is running, they are bad.


And against wise players who don't fall for FC, I can mess up anyway because of direct damage and my own sustain. Also people just see war and expect an SB.


Too long, didn't read?


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> And against wise players who don't fall for FC

FC is totally a one trick pony when you go into a teamfight in mid and aoe FC everyone and watch people fall over and die because there's 1500 things going on right, but I guess they're just idiots and bad players lol nice logic l2play

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> what if I told you that spellbreaker has all of the sustain tools of core warrior, but with full counter on top.


It also does less damage than a Core Warrior.

Not to mention that survival traits like Adrenal Health or Cleansing Ire are much less effective due to Spellbreaker being restricted to T1 bursts.


The whole point of the spec is trading offense for better defense thanks to Full Counter.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> what if I told you that spellbreaker has all of the sustain tools of core warrior, but with full counter on top.


As a warrior, I would love that! However, after finding out this is completely wrong, I'd shake my head and, out of resentment, write you off as a player who does not have a very good class knowledge. So, are you saying it for real? :)


To those wondering:

* A warrior has to abandon either Strength (Might Makes Right, Building Momentum) or Defense (Adrenal Health, Defy Pain, Last Stand/Cleansing Ire/Rousing Resilience), and obviously the synergy between the two lines (might from Shield Mastery, endurance from Last Stand) in order to get Spellbreaker... So this is an exchange between Full Counter and other sustain mechanisms.

* The OP's is semi-trolling. Full Counter is more efficient than the sustain you give up, simply because the portion of bad players in PvP is way higher than people believe it to be.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> The kind of person who eats my full counter is also the kind of person who will mindlessly spam their hotbar no matter what build I'm running.


Hmm does Meteor Shower, Guardian Traps, Necro marks, Ranger Traps and any other area of effect / damage over time skill in the game trigger Full Counter?

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:



> The kind of person who can outplay or dodge/avoid Full Counter is the kind of person who will render my build useless, seeing as FC is a one trick pony.


This kind of person who don't know how to pop full counter or randomly use it.



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> @Sorem.9157 said:

> Wanna see full counter get some penalty and shut those warriors who say people need to l2p ? Make them eat the damage and interrupt if nobody hits their FC


Yes! But they also need to be electrocuted a bit by their keyboards! And their dogs need to self combust! And...and...stuff!

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> @"Reaper Alim.4176" said:

> You abandoned Spellbreaker mainly because of Scourge right?


No. To be honest I didn't even notice scourge. I am used to Condi spikes so I don't care where they come from. With my setup I can cleanse all Condi twice every 30 seconds.


So off-topic of my own thread, I see nothing wrong with scourge. Another l2p issue in my eyes. Feel sorry for necroes who are gonna get screwed over inevitable nerf.

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> @Crinn.7864 said:

> what if I told you that spellbreaker has all of the sustain tools of core warrior, but with full counter on top.


What if I told you full counter is jack shit compared to the direct damage do?


Fact of the matter is that FOR ME spellbreaker is too slow for my patience and relies heavily on my enemy being dumb.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> I played SB for a few weeks now, and even though I did extremely well for a full division climb, I am now back to my core warrior build.


> Here's why;

> The kind of person who eats my full counter is also the kind of person who will mindlessly spam their hotbar no matter what build I'm running.


> The kind of person who can outplay or dodge/avoid Full Counter is the kind of person who will render my build useless, seeing as FC is a one trick pony.


> With my core build I still get reliable kills from bad players/spammers. Because no matter what build either of us is running, they are bad.


> And against wise players who don't fall for FC, I can mess up anyway because of direct damage and my own sustain. Also people just see war and expect an SB.


> Too long, didn't read?

> Gitgudl2p


So you come into every Sb thread waving the Warrior banner high and calling everyone shit, defending the build and even calling it OP yourself. Now you felt the need to tell everyone on the forums that you changed your mind in the time-span of what? An hour?

You also climbed a season in the last two weeks, that's an immense improvement of "skill" for such a short time-period. Seems my skill declined since the PoF release, went from 1830 to 1770. Same build and everything.

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> @Elegie.3620 said:

> * The OP's is semi-trolling. Full Counter is more efficient than the sustain you give up, simply because the portion of bad players in PvP is way higher than people believe it to be.


At first I had to wonder if maybe subconsciously I was semi-trolling. But no.


I guess it all boils down to three things for me in PvP.

-personal skill

-team intelligence

-enemy intelligence




Everyone is right when they say FC is ridiculous OP at mid, but here's the thing...


I was spellbreaking on mid with My team and personally downed 4 players while at 1/4 health. What happened next? Everyone ran off to chase the 5th man and I got rupted and downed by the 4 fallen at mid.

Got killed. After that I was primary focus target.


Nobody capping. Everyone dueling. Nobody stomping. Nobody going bell. This is Gold division?!


Fudge that!

I'd rather play my core build and have personal victories than carry. After all let's be serious, thanks to Anet reward structure and their MM anyone under legendary is just here for pips. But that's another topic.


Who cares if SB is OP? Pv P is still a laugh show of players who should never leave unranked.


I went back to core because it's more fun, less stressful, less gambling, guaranteed kills, 95% survival in any 1v1 and even 1v2.


Everything to MY pkaystyle is better in core.


- mobility/speed

- kiting

- support(yeah I said support)

- survivability

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> @ukuni.8745 said:

> Congrats you just made a post about how you win duels, i to swap my build to counter my opponent in duels.


I win cap node fights. Dueling is for "silly" people. And usually done off point.


Also as anyone who has read anything I ever wrote, I don't mince words or intent. This has nothing to do with winning duels. Just because you use underhanded writing, don't attribute it to ME.


Exactly as titled. Why I don't use SB.

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> @Duelight.7198 said:

> Are you playing berserker or pre berserker? I like my berserker build. It feels more natural to my play style. I'm not really a bunker type of player and I feel spellbreaker is for bunker more than anything else.


Main build is pre berzerker. It's more team oriented and waaay higher survival. To the point where I almost never die. But I sacrifice damage.


The only difference between thenextt one is my amulet, mainhand and the berzerker line that's almost exclusively for headbutt. This build is a solid 15- second kill on any class IF I connect the first headbutt. Relies on actually pulling off my main utility as well.

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> @maddoctor.2738 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > The kind of person who eats my full counter is also the kind of person who will mindlessly spam their hotbar no matter what build I'm running.


> Hmm does Meteor Shower, Guardian Traps, Necro marks, Ranger Traps and any other area of effect / damage over time skill in the game trigger Full Counter?


To be honest I have no clue.

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> @Flarre.4850 said:

> > @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:


> >

> > The kind of person who can outplay or dodge/avoid Full Counter is the kind of person who will render my build useless, seeing as FC is a one trick pony.


> This kind of person who don't know how to pop full counter or randomly use it.




So you'd rather say I'm a bad spellbreaker and class is OP plz nerf, than say spellbreaker is just fine and there are examples of fine players countering it? Gotcha.

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