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How to counter Warriors or at-least disengage

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> Scare them into shield stance with a simultaneous lighting surge and arcane wave. Gust them afterward if they still don't press 4.

> Open with static field or unsteady ground in order to interrupt block stance in transit to a point of if they are prancing around aimlessly while on a point. Follow up with frozen ground if they are point camping.

> Meteor shower during the stun or if they just choose to stand still. Follow up with lava font and flame burst. Spam fireball.

> This about when they pop everything. If they use rampage, burning retreat through the boulder, dodge the charge, and then lightning flash to inaccessible terrain (i.e. a ledge or platform above the main battlefield. Then attune to air and apply blinds while superspeeding away.

> Enter tornado after they are out of stability.


> I swear, fighting people in this game is less about actual reads and game sense, and more like playing Simon Says. It's upsetting.


The DD Temp version: Run Away.

No I jokes lmao

Earth Overload to Immobilize them... Then run away lmao


Ok... I can only beat Warriors below mid plat, for those ones its just about spamming Lightning Rod, kiting stances then rotating burst where possible. Use soft CC like chill on rampage and LoS, pretend its a Reaper shrouded up and keep distance until its over, same thing as you, reserve Lightning flash to port up terrain.

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Venom thief build based on applying poison stacks relentlessly. Basically S/D condi thief, thieves guild wombo combo. Drop TG, apply venoms then engage with sword #2 from a safe spot and troll them with that distance for immob + poison. Switch to SBow for disengage or applying poison fields on a usually downed body by then.


Hope that helps.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > Can you explain to me your issue .... of bringing irrelevant WvW videos into PVP? They both have way different balance/skills/food ... ?


> [Warrior] Spellbreaker v.10 - WvW & **PvP** by Vaanss

> (builds included)

Oh ,right,sorry then .

But ...there is mostly wvw ... ? Actually, I'm not sure if watching warrior gameplay would help to escape from a rampage.

I have to add (after watching actual pvp moments) its a defense RR warrior without BC and THAT much damage from rampage compared to his STR brother. You would easly get away from that

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The trick to fighting spellbreaker is to engage the 1v1 by repeatedly stowing your weapon. As soon as you get on node left click about face then turn back toward them and stow your weapon. The spellbreaker, afraid of your awesome mechanics, will now stow their dagger 3 use shield 4 and weaponswap to cancel 4 and about face to run away from you

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> @"Crystal Paladin.3871" said:

> Skills that CC in total of 10 secs rampage(~70s CD)

> with peak performance + 20% damage for all physical skills

> with bodyblow trait, every CC inflict 3s weakness foes inflict less dmg, have less endurance so less dodge

> with Dispelling Force boons are removed for every CC

> Throw boulder(8s CD)(range 900) : 2 secs Stun * 2 times

> Seismic Leap(10s CD)(r 600) : 2 sec Knockdown * 1 time -> idk this one feels like r900 during battle

> Kick(4s CD) : knockback * 3 times

> Uppercut(2s chain): 0.5s Daze * 5 times

> Bull charge(24s CD)(r 900): 3s Knockdown *1 time(traited, movement skills remove immobilized)

> Rampage CC for 4 seconds in total with a 72 seconds CDS when traited which is what most warrior will run with strenght

> balanced stance(40s CD): PULSE 2 stack stability for 4 sec

> rampage: PULSE 2 stack stability for 3 sec


> the problem with pulsing stability is, even if we use boon removal or remove it with a CC skill, it just comes back and ensure the player doesn't get CC'd

> Warrior can be ccd while in Rampage with boonstrip (Longbow 4 can do it)

> and everytime a warrior hits like a truck



> Stuff that I find makes my escape plan to always go south:

> 8s total CC and ~12 possible times it can be inflicted upon others

> all the while, the warrior enjoys 14s of uninterrupted skill usage with rampage and balanced stance cast after one finishes

> 1500 range quick movement skills to close gaps and inflict neverending CCs to the target so escape is impossible for a mediocre/low skilled players(idk about high skilled players)

> Rampage has a duration of 10 seconds on warrior and 15 on Holosmith

> At this point, I want to know all the possible ways we can escape from warriors

> Warrior struggles with targets that run in circles around it.Try to move around while fighting since warrior is actually not good fighting on flat ground

> chill, cripple might help but during fights, I couldn't notice any difference in their movement/mobility when I inflict chilled/crippled

> Immobilize is totally waste against warriors that I learned the hard way(entangle elite utility is a paper against firey scissor)

> True,you will find most people running Disc which allows them to cut down Immo with movement skills. I would like to know which specific build you use

> Kiting is hard when dealing with warriors... First I tried using LB but It's not reliable against warriors head on... only good thing about LB against a warrior is Hunter shot but that fails 30% of the time its a hit or miss stuff

> Rapid Fire and Point Blank Shot work well and as i already said you can CC Rampage with Longbow 4 and cc the warrior through Full Counter with boonstrip since you remove the stability from it.

> even if I use birds swoop to get away, they catchup to me most of the time but I remember escaping a few times though

> Keep a check on the skills that the warrior has on cooldown to know when to use it.

> I wish to know how to react and what skills traits to use to counter warriors...

> Most warriors will be running Disc/strenght/Spellbreaker with the utilities Frenzy/Bull's Charge/Shake it Off.

> As Of now, my cowardly strategy :p is to use a stunbreak(if I'm CCd) and quickly use SOTP, fight 5 secs and then run away with bird swoop, hornet sting and monarch leap...

> Good way of disengaging,after doing all that you could swap into longbow and auto from distance to then land Hunter's Shot or 4 followed by rapid fire to apply pressure

> Fighting Holos is kinda fighting a warrior... but atleast I can kite and wait for their heat or avoid their AOE CC and re-engage but warriors hit like a truck and most of the time, the damage I inflict says 0 or not crit at all and all low numbers

> I can't really say anything since i have no idea of the kind of builds you've been fighting but i will assume defense with endure pain and other lower damage variations,high sustain variations

> Also I like to know my list of options to disengage safely while encountering a warrior



> Also, Is Condi the perfect counter against warriors? Coz, most of the time when I look at fights between necro and warrior, necro/scourge always wins or the warrior runs away at 30% health... and when I look at them both going spin to win mode, its always the necro who wins... but necro spin is a meele damage isn't it? how come they can inflict considerable dmg to warriors

> Scourge beats warrior on points since the necro kit pretty much counters warriors kit with the corrupts

> No hate plz.... suggestions r velkome ;)


> **TLDR;**

> How would you guys disengage safely from a warrior

For last i will say that you can join the PVP Discord and there i and others can go more in-depth about builds,matchups and other recommendations.




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