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Choosing a profession


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Hi all,

I have few question that I would like to be answered, before I post them I want to say that I did go on wiki and read about professions but more or less those informations are from developers side but I want to know from players and their experience, because of the lack of knowledge in the game.


I do know that I cant have one main class for every type of content in the game (wvw, fractals/dungeons, raids, spvp, etc..) bcs Im coming from the holy trinity mmorpgs (tank,dps,support) and these mechanics confuse me little bit bcs I did not get used to it.


I really hope that you will spare some time answering these questions even though it will take a lot of your time so I want to thank you in advance.


Note: Before answering these questions I want to mention that every question that is going to be mentioned bellow keep in mind that I am asking about every profession and their elite specialization.




1.What is from each profession and their elite specialization needed in contents (PVE and PVP (every type)) (for example druids are needed to heal)?

2. From the point of players in each content what profession would you like the most to have in certain content (PVP and PVE (every type) to go little bit in detail what class to go for in spvp, what class to go for in wvw, what class in raids etc (if i miss anything just add on to it))?

3. Is the a profession that can be used in every type of content (every form of PVP and PVE) because I am not a big fan of having alts (that is not a ranger or mesmer because I tried those 2 classes and did not set well with me)?


I want to thank in advance for spending some time helping me about this.

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I'm just gonna say to pick whichever class you like thematically because classes can fit bunch of roles among different types of content, can be extremely strong in one game mode, but not that great in others, but generally all classes have builds decent enough to do everything in game.


A full answer will take hours to write, don't overthink it. It's a game and a very alt friendly one. You don't have to play the same class everywhere.


If you want a class that has strong presence in literally every type of content, take guardian. DH is strong power dps in pve and decent roamer in wvw. FB is strong support in all modes (especially wvw zergs) and good condi dps, especially hybrid-support in pve.

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> I'm just gonna say to pick whichever class you like thematically because classes can fit bunch of roles among different types of content, can be extremely strong in one game mode, but not that great in others, but generally all classes have builds decent enough to do everything in game.


> A full answer will take hours to write, don't overthink it. It's a game and a very alt friendly one. You don't have to play the same class everywhere.


> If you want a class that has strong presence in literally every type of content, take guardian. DH is strong power dps in pve and decent roamer in wvw. FB is strong support in all modes (especially wvw zergs) and good condi dps, especially hybrid-support in pve.


I want to thank you for ur time, the reason y I asked all these questions, is bcs as each patch comes out on metabattle and snowcrow meta changes, i mean for example i dont want that on current patch guardian is a MUST but on the next patch to be useless if u get me what I am saying.

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> @"PanDemonAeon.6412" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > I'm just gonna say to pick whichever class you like thematically because classes can fit bunch of roles among different types of content, can be extremely strong in one game mode, but not that great in others, but generally all classes have builds decent enough to do everything in game.

> >

> > A full answer will take hours to write, don't overthink it. It's a game and a very alt friendly one. You don't have to play the same class everywhere.

> >

> > If you want a class that has strong presence in literally every type of content, take guardian. DH is strong power dps in pve and decent roamer in wvw. FB is strong support in all modes (especially wvw zergs) and good condi dps, especially hybrid-support in pve.


> I want to thank you for ur time, the reason y I asked all these questions, is bcs as each patch comes out on metabattle and snowcrow meta changes, i mean for example i dont want that on current patch guardian is a MUST but on the next patch to be useless if u get me what I am saying.


That's never going to happen because they cant nerf support, power dps and condi dps in the same patch. Besides, quickbrand is just starting to become popular because people got tired of 3 years of chrono only. It's not going anywhere.

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> @"PanDemonAeon.6412" said:

> 1.What is from each profession and their elite specialization needed in contents (PVE and PVP (every type)) (for example druids are needed to heal)?

> 2. From the point of players in each content what profession would you like the most to have in certain content (PVP and PVE (every type) to go little bit in detail what class to go for in spvp, what class to go for in wvw, what class in raids etc (if i miss anything just add on to it))?

> 3. Is the a profession that can be used in every type of content (every form of PVP and PVE) because I am not a big fan of having alts (that is not a ranger or mesmer because I tried those 2 classes and did not set well with me)?


1. This would take a long time to answer. I recommend looking through the information here to get some insight on the possibilities of each spec in each game mode: https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki


2. Again, take a look at the metabattle. Specifically, click on each game mode and see which specs are rated highly for that game mode. You can read the guide on the spec for additional details, and also look at the comments. I'm sorry to basically tell you "go read this website," but I would just be regurgitating the information on there. If you want to look at additional resources, check out snowcrows (raid-centric) and discretize (fractal-centric).


3. Guardian, Warrior, Thief, and Engineer have places in every game mode.


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I will talk about pve part of the game since I play mostly raids and some fractals. Hopefuly this will help you even when it is late.


There is no holy trinity but still clases have theirs specific jobs. I would say there is holy duality of support and dps.


Some terminology in this post:

Condition dps = dps that specialize in damage over time, better with long phases

Power dps = dps that specialize in "normal" damage, usualy better in short fights, cleaving and bursts

Active support = support class that spend most of the time actively supporting allies

Passive support = class that is taken primary for their support but it is mostly played like a dps. Its support part is either totaly passive or require very low percentage of time to use its support skills.

Core: build that doesnt use either specialization


Next paragraphs will be about raids. Generaly power dps is waaaaay better in fractals because of short fights (burst > dps) and adds (cleave)



Warrior is always needed in pve. It is taken for its passive support in terms of banners and empowered allies trait. Because of that second every squad want one but none want 2 of them. Since there is no clear way to nerf this i think warrior (and druid/soulbeast) will be meta for long time.

Berzerker: condition version with suprisingly strong cleave damage. Basic version of banner warrior in raids.

Core: power version with high ammount of cc. Comes ahead in fights with alot of phases and when cc is needed. Go to version for fractals.

Spellbreaker. Taken only if boon stripping is needed and noone else can do it (so sometimes basicaly fractals). I am not sure if kast patch changed that



Can cover many roles.

Dragonhunter: Right now very strong bursty power dps. It is on the easier side and recomended for beginners.

Firebrand: either ok condition dps with quite fast condition aplication (so more burst then normal condition options) or offensive support called quickbrand that (together with alacrity renegade) can replace chrono. More active support then warrior but i would still consider it passive support (basicaly allsupport spelks are used whenever ready and have short cast times) but it has many situational support skills at its disposal to deal with many situations. Power option is meta in fractals. Better for guild runs since PUGs usualy want chronomancers



Only renegade has any uses but there are many of them.

Renegade: either strong condition dps with advantage agains big hitboxes and moving targets or support build that focus on providing alacrity (alacrity renegade). Alacrity renegade can also fill in role of healer. Because of energy managment it doesnt have option to use most damage spells so it is active support.



In demand because of spitits.

Soulbeast: either good bursty power dps or good condition dps. Not best in slot but certainly not bad.

Druid: primary healer in raids. It has not the best helth per second but provides so much offensive buffs that there is no competition. In 99 percent of time you need 1. (In fractals renegade takes its place in firebrand/ren compozition)



Mostly dps builds. Can support on some bosses (depends on stolen skills).

Daredevil: good power dps with no cleave but acces to huge cc.

Deadeye: power dps with highest potential numbers that is not best in slot anywhere because it require specific conditions that are rarely met and doesnt do anything else.



Acces to great vulnerability aplication.

Core: condition dps that is considered the hardest build to play because of number of inputs and cooldown tracking. Has many skills at its disposal so there might be answer to everything if you know where to look. Requires perfect boons from supports to be playable.

Holosmith: either good power dps or slightly easier core (barely noticable diference). Core is better at longer phases whereas condi holo is better in shorter fights.



Not very good (outside of specific situations) in group pve but very strongvin soloplay.

Reaper: easy power dps with low potential.

Scourge: condi dps taken only for epidemic or heal version that is only useful in hands of experianced player when he/she wants to carry inexperianced players.



Very good power dps withch can have great cleave and burst but also very squishy. On the harder side (but nowhere near core engi lvl)

Tempest: easier version with great burst and amazing at clearing adds. Can be also played as healer or buffer.

Weaver: since sword is now the go to weapon it lost its cleave but still extremly good at bursting.



Many options here, all of them top tier somewhere.

Mirage: condition damage that have no match on fast atacking bosses.

Chrono: Either power dps with very high burst that is delayed and require guite a few inputs. Has no cleave and after its burst it becomes less demanding to play but also less powerful until you get your long cds back.

Or active support build that buffs group and deal with some mechanics, good support chrono swapsa traits, skills, weapons or even armor and runes/sigils for each fight.



Edit: most requestes is support chrono folowed by druid and warrior. If i remember correctly then warrior, guardian and revenant are good in all 3 gamemodes

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