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Stealthy Backstab Build


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Thought I'd share the build I'm using since so one else seems to be using it and I've found it to be pretty fun. It's based around being in stealth all the time and then getting large backstabs. Like what it says in the title :p Tried a rifle Deadeye variant but it just didn't work very well. Did good damage and had great survivability but reflects are everywhere and you're often too far away to get a quick stomp. If I had teammates that would stomp or help cleave when I target a downed player it would be more useful but that's not something that happens.





- If you want to stealth in combat with your Black Powder Heartseeker combo make sure you keep your target selected so they're blinded and can't interrupt your Heartseeker

- Don't get Mug. It's a huge tell when you're going for a backstab

- Basi - Steal - Assassin's signet - Backstab is your main combo. Use Heartseeker after backstab if they're at around 40-50% and auto-attacks under any other condition

- Be patient and time your attacks. You do damage in large bursts not sustained

- Target people already at least slightly injured if you can. You won't get a one shot if they're at full health

- Use shortbow if your target goes into his teammates red circles for protection


Finishers: Spectre Finisher - Shark Rank Finisher

Titles: Silent Killer - Champion Shadow

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Looks fun, anyone that can get a build without Trickery to work gets a like from me. Double points for core-only.


A few points:

- given the BV -> steal+signet+backstab combo, why not Mug? Without Mug you won't proc the +200 power from Revealed Training on the backstab, which is a noticeable loss. In addition, you're also losing out 3k+ direct damage from Mug.


- If you've already taken Hidden Killer, why stay with Marauders instead of taking Valk amulet?


- How do you deal with prot and stability that's everywhere without boonstrip from Bountiful Theft or Rending Shade?


- Thoughts on replacing Shadowstep with Inf signet to further fuel initiative regen to sustain stealth? Also doubles as another gap closer if Steal isn't up.

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> @"killy.3278" said:

> Looks fun, anyone that can get a build without Trickery to work gets a like from me. Double points for core-only.


> A few points:

> - given the BV -> steal+signet+backstab combo, why not Mug? Without Mug you won't proc the +200 power from Revealed Training on the backstab, which is a noticeable loss. In addition, you're also losing out 3k+ direct damage from Mug.


> - If you've already taken Hidden Killer, why stay with Marauders instead of taking Valk amulet?


> - How do you deal with prot and stability that's everywhere without boonstrip from Bountiful Theft or Rending Shade?


> - Thoughts on replacing Shadowstep with Inf signet to further fuel initiative regen to sustain stealth? Also doubles as another gap closer if Steal isn't up.


Because people notice the damage of mug and dodge before the backstab hits outside of Basi. Just tested it ingame and it makes your backstab do less damage. Steal only did 2k damage as well. The power from Dagger Training helps outside of a single burst on a large cooldown, gives power to your shortbow as well and has poison to reduce enemy healing


You do lots of damage even outside of stealth. There is a lot of power in this build


You just don't 1v1 someone with defensive boons. You do tons of damage outside of your burst so it's not too big of a deal


You need Shadowstep to get rid of conditions and it's your only instant defensive skill

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> @"ParanoidKami.2867" said:

> Because people notice the damage of mug and dodge before the backstab hits outside of Basi. Just tested it ingame and it makes your backstab do less damage. Steal only did 2k damage as well. The power from Dagger Training helps outside of a single burst on a large cooldown, gives power to your shortbow as well and has poison to reduce enemy healing


I think I misunderstood your original description. I now believe you're talking about using Steal to close the gap, then while still in stealth, reposition for a backstab under assn sig. In that case, yes you're right Mug is useless. But in this scenario, are you not finding that the Poison + Weakness you apply on Steal giving you away?


I was talking about being positioned before Steal, then landing Steal + assn sig + backstab all at once. If you cast Steal -> BS very quickly together, you can get Mug to hit before BS hits, in which case the revealed power bonus would apply to BS.


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Most people don't notice conditions but health going down makes them dodge even if they don't know what's going on. You can aim it for when they're stuck in an animation or just add to your stealth and go for another if they dodge. I usually land it multiple times a game no problem. Mug is great for trickery that can reduce the cooldown of Steal or give the Thief enough initiative to position like you say.

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so I played a few games in unranked with this build, and personally I had more success with Mug. Since this build has perma-stealth anyways, pre-positioning isn't really that big of an issue. And if I really need to gap close to quickly +1 without giving myself away, Shadowstep is actually a decent option in place of no-damage steal. The recently buffed 15sec timeout on SS gives more than enough time to either finish the fight, or gtfo. And having the extra damage from Mug land first means my target selection is a little wider, as players hovering around 60% health is susceptible to Executioner + sigil of exploitation kicking in for a really big hit.


This might just be a difference in playstyle though.


Overall, I do like the build. Between SB and superspeed in stealth it still has good decap capabilities so you can still fill the thief's role. With the increased number of zerker SBs and chronos, this build can usually take them down from full HP before BV wears off. And again, extra kudos for sticking to core only.


edit: btw this build prob works for wvw as well if you swap in a rage/celerity sigil.

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