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Please "lock" Level-80 Boosters for new players!

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Some of this revolves less around the level 80 boost and more just about how unusually bad Guild Wars 2 is at presenting its world and mechanics in a digestible way for new players. I've seen people quit in their first hour of playing just because a lot of stuff isn't intuitive and isn't explained well in-game, leading to a lot of frustration.


The issue with gating level 80 boosts is that it undermines their main benefit - getting your friends into the game and giving them an opportunity to play with you in new content while learning from you.


The main design mistake this game had was having 80 levels to begin with. Content doesn't properly fill it out, and it makes leveling seem overlong and shallow. If i could snap my fingers and redesign the whole game around 40-50 levels I would do so.

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On the reverse side, I would not have been too pleased to find myself locked out of the booster, like people were telling me how I should play and learn. I had trouble with mesmer, wanted to keep with my mesmer. So I boosted her. About five months ago. Still here. I did go straight to HoT cause I wanted basic gliding. Once I got that, I went back to core Tyria to learn on an easier level. Because, you know, it was hard. If an expansion map is causing me trouble, I try out a different map. If a higher level map is causing me trouble, I go lower. Figuring maybe I need more practice, since I was new. If you go straight to the expansion and find it difficult, is that not your own fault for being impatient? Core Tyria has plenty to do. Kept me occupied for a month. Now I'm quite confident to go further. At least with the mesmer. I repeat this process for every new profession I start. I am not comfortable or confident with close range, so my revenant has barely touched Verdant Brink. Ranger and necromancer have both gone to Tangled Depths.


A compromise of a better tutorial or suggestion when boosting, such as to inform players that the HoT maps are more difficult than core Tyria and maybe they should stick with Tyria for a bit, is better. Inform them with a pop up in their face. Then it is their decision.

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> @DearlyMe.5320 said:

> On the reverse side, I would not have been too pleased to find myself locked out of the booster, like people were telling me how I should play and learn. I had trouble with mesmer, wanted to keep with my mesmer. So I boosted her. About five months ago. Still here. I did go straight to HoT cause I wanted basic gliding. Once I got that, I went back to core Tyria to learn on an easier level. Because, you know, it was hard. If an expansion map is causing me trouble, I try out a different map. If a higher level map is causing me trouble, I go lower. Figuring maybe I need more practice, since I was new. If you go straight to the expansion and find it difficult, is that not your own fault for being impatient? Core Tyria has plenty to do. Kept me occupied for a month. Now I'm quite confident to go further. At least with the mesmer. I repeat this process for every new profession I start. I am not comfortable or confident with close range, so my revenant has barely touched Verdant Brink. Ranger and necromancer have both gone to Tangled Depths.


> A compromise of a better tutorial or suggestion when boosting, such as to inform players that the HoT maps are more difficult than core Tyria and maybe they should stick with Tyria for a bit, is better. Inform them with a pop up in their face. Then it is their decision.


Unfortunately you're (just from my experience) more the exception than the rule. I'm spoken to a few players new to the game that were frustrated not only with how hard the level 80 content was for them but also with how veteran players would sometimes unkindly direct them to lower level maps. Now, I can understand the frustration on both sides of that second issue, but for most people that are bright eyed and wanting to stay current in the game, they are basically being sold a bad experience simply due to them not knowing and then trying to find their way through content that many vets don't want to drag a new player through.


I think locking the level 80 boost behind level 40 is a good trade off as it gives a new player time to learn some mechanics and classes, and then decide if boosting at that point would be beneficial to them.

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The Level-80 Boost does come with the description "For advanced players". I used it recently on a level 30 Ranger, since I have had a lot of experience with the class and really only wanted it so I could go to level 80 maps to train the pets I wanted before continuing on with the story. The only issue with using the boost over using 80 single-level boosts is that you don't get any of the gear that you would get from leveling up naturally. The game saddles you with Soldier's gear (which not everyone may like). I'm currently struggling to get enough mats to do the 400-level Leatherworking, otherwise I have to engage in the HoT and PoF stories for better armor rewards.


But, no, I don't think the boost should be locked behind how long you've played for. They aren't necessarily given out for free, anyway. People can play however they want. We even have "veterans" who aren't very good, and there may be "noobs" who are naturally skilled at the game. You can't judge someone based on how they play.

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The Heart of Thorns maps are not a good introduction to the game. The personal story and Path of Fire do a better job at giving players a good start. I would recommend to people with friends trying the game who want to catch up to send them to Path of Fire first. The mounts are very useful on all maps and give a feeling of moving forward. With a mount, the HoT maps are a lot better.

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Anet doesn't need to babysit its players and decide for them when they are ready to use the boost. Each player can make their own decision for this. Just like they can choose to go to a higher level map early on if they so desire, or to engage a champion solo. I can't understand for the life of me why someone new to the game would expect to jump into end-game content and excel at it, especially if they've only been playing the character for a whole 20 minutes. While I would advise new players to play through to 80 without the boost to learn the game and their class, I don't think it's an absolute necessity especially if you have friends to help and you want to jump in and play with them.


Also, the boost lets you try the class out in Silverwastes, and this is something that **should** be available for new players because it gives them the chance to experience their class in a Lv80 zone (and let's be honest, the Lv80 gameplay is very different from the Lv10, they can't even mix trait lines until 45, and won't have three until 71). I like to advise new players to go to the PvP lobby and try out classes and skills very early on because this is what I found most helpful in picking classes myself. I suspect the Lv80 boost trial would do an even better job than that.



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I always thought level 80 boost should only be usable by those who had at least one level 80 character, but I understand some players may want their friends boosted quickly in order to join them. Perhaps require new players to complete the personal story up to certain level, like 60 or even 40. Something to get them playing in Tyria for at least a bit. I have to think throwing brand new players straight into HoT or PoF is bad for player retention.

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> @Nooker.7856 said:

> I have the exact same experience with those instant lvl 80 scrolls.

> 2 friends of mine, one don't want to play WoW anymore, the other want to play a simple MMO again, bought HoT, I explained to them first to play the story... but the lvl 80 scroll was too seductive. They activated it, went to HoT, because they wanted to glide, died over and over and over and over again (we all know, that HoT maps are cancer for unexperienced players), lost their interest in this game, end of the story.


But it's weird that your friends, as well the friends of the thread creator gave up so fast, as if the problem is not crystal clear already: Newbies jumping into endgame.

Do they also think skipping driving school make them able to steer around a 16-wheeler truck just because it looks so easy from the outside?


When I would figure out I am dying too often and hundred thousands of players around me enjoying the game, it might be a me-issue after all. Especially since in both scenarios (TC and the quoted forum user), the players that gave up were "veteran" MMO players as described in said posts. Thread creator played games together over 6 years, the other played WoW which is totally cluttered and overloaded, and still they can't figure out skipping the levelling aspect (self-explanatory) leaves them unexperienced?


Sorry, I am not getting the actual problem here.



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But suppose a new player buys the expansion, wants to use the 80 boost instantly, and then finds they have to grind up to whatever level, and then gets bored of it and quits? We can speculate all day or we can just play the damn game. Personally I recommend the latter.

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To be honest, if I were new to GW2 I would be sad if I couldn't use max lvl boosts just because I'm a newbie. I hopped into two MMOs when max lvl boosts were offered (Wildstar and Rift) and I had no issues with high lvl content at all. I never played the games before and the max lvl offer was the reason why I decided to try them. So locking the boost away from newbies might discourage some potential players.

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> @Andred.1087 said:

> But suppose a new player buys the expansion, wants to use the 80 boost instantly, and then finds they have to grind up to whatever level, and then gets bored of it and quits? We can speculate all day or we can just play the kitten game. Personally I recommend the latter.


While I am against boost and WP unlock, I agree. If the lynchpin to OPs post is preventing boredom/quit then this undoes it.


Also, the type of person who BUYs 80 boost is also the kind of person who doesn't care about learning and playing the game naturally.


By its very nature 80 boost is unnatural, so let's not expect people who use it to be in it for the joy of story/lore/the fun noob feel...


My opinion.

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I think the level 80 boosts should be removed completely. The speed at which you can level from 1 to 80 in this game is ridiculous compared to other MMO's.

We already have an armor/stat system that allows for down-leveling. Reverse it and allow people to be up-leveled when they party with someone who is at a higher level. This allows people to play at higher levels in a way that they have a mentor with them to also teach them how things work, instead of just dumping them in SW and saying "good luck!"

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> What you suggest may be right, but also could be perceived really bad by somebody who purchased the game.


> A friend ask another friend to come to gw2 to play together.

> The friend is not sure cause he doesn't like to lvl up in another mmo, but hey there's a boost lvl cap!

> So the friend tries but he's stuck to use the boost till 1000 ap ( which are nothing to me... combo fields, mechanics, attack glitches and so on can be learned through hours of playing, and could not be necessarily related to the number of achies ).


> Also what about a solo player?

> If you buy the game you'll have a boost! But you can only use it after hours of playing!


> Though i pretty understand and share your thoughts, i am not sure about the solution you propose.


God forbid you have to play the MMORPG game you buy... Honestly, I have been against the booster from the beginning, but if it _**HAS**_ to exist, it should be gated by earning lv80 for the first time.

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> @Zeivu.3615 said:

> > @Shirlias.8104 said:

> > What you suggest may be right, but also could be perceived really bad by somebody who purchased the game.

> >

> > A friend ask another friend to come to gw2 to play together.

> > The friend is not sure cause he doesn't like to lvl up in another mmo, but hey there's a boost lvl cap!

> > So the friend tries but he's stuck to use the boost till 1000 ap ( which are nothing to me... combo fields, mechanics, attack glitches and so on can be learned through hours of playing, and could not be necessarily related to the number of achies ).

> >

> > Also what about a solo player?

> > If you buy the game you'll have a boost! But you can only use it after hours of playing!

> >

> > Though i pretty understand and share your thoughts, i am not sure about the solution you propose.


> God forbid you have to play the MMORPG game you buy... Honestly, I have been against the booster from the beginning, but if it _**HAS**_ to exist, it should be gated by earning lv80 for the first time.


This. Same with wp unlock. Behind 100% map on 1 char

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I see stuff like this happening all of the time. I strongly suggest as advice to new players to not use the boost and to just play normally so they can learn the game. But in a generation where most people want things quick and easy its hard to direct them in a way you personally view as the most beneficial. Players using the level 80 boost and not knowing anything about the game prior and just quitting, is a meme now.


Adding a restriction may not be the correct answer. I think Anet should just add an instanced tutorial for those that use the boost. They are transported to some area within the mists where they are taught the importance of dodge, conditions, and boons. They are explained what the different modes of play are; spvp, world vs world, raids, fractals, and even dungeons.

The tutorial should also explain traits or point them out to the player. When it comes to the different icons they see on the map, that should be in there too and explain what they are or give the player the ability to just walk up to a few of them and interact to see what they do.

And, while they are at it, I think providing this for both WvW and spvp would go a very long way to get new players and even old into other modes without feeling too lost.

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This game is accessible at level 80 just like it is while leveling, you can still complete 1-15 maps, and the level scaling system is the best out of any game, you might have exotic gear, but it's usually not too good for your class and can definitely be upgraded. I think the 80 boost is absolutely fine as is.

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> @Paladine.6082 said:

> > @Kheldorn.5123 said:

> > > Just to say that I witnessed same cases of two friends, tentative GW2 players, new to the game, who ignored my recommendation to first play the "normal" game because they could not resist going to HoT for gliding. They used the booster to 80 and from there, hating all of HoT due to not understanding anything of it, hating foes, dying continuously,

> >

> > These are things that long term core veterans complained about HoT too, so booster is not the problem here. Core Tyria in no way prepares you for difficulty jump in HoT and PoF areas.


> I came back in first week of August after 4 years away from GW2 - when I left we didn't even have LWs1 let alone anything newer. I have had zero issues in the LW1-3 or HoT stories or any of the maps. So I am not sure what the fuss is about claiming HoT maps are too hard. And I solo'd all the stories.


> The issue is more likely to be one of patience than map difficulty...


LW1 isn't even available anymore.


And if you managed to avoid being swarmed over by Pocket Raptors or Smokescales you must be one lucky cookie.


> @Xbon.9086 said:

> This game is accessible at level 80 just like it is while leveling, you can still complete 1-15 maps, and the level scaling system is the best out of any game, you might have exotic gear, but it's usually not too good for your class and can definitely be upgraded. I think the 80 boost is absolutely fine as is.


You missed the entire point of this thread.

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> @PookieDaWombat.6209 said:

> Unfortunately you're (just from my experience) more the exception than the rule. I'm spoken to a few players new to the game that were frustrated not only with how hard the level 80 content was for them but also with how veteran players would sometimes unkindly direct them to lower level maps. Now, I can understand the frustration on both sides of that second issue, but for most people that are bright eyed and wanting to stay current in the game, they are basically being sold a bad experience simply due to them not knowing and then trying to find their way through content that many vets don't want to drag a new player through.


> I think locking the level 80 boost behind level 40 is a good trade off as it gives a new player time to learn some mechanics and classes, and then decide if boosting at that point would be beneficial to them.


Sad I would be an exception. I just looked at it as common sense. I can't expect to go straight to the end and not get my butt kicked. I can understand both sides frustration. I did have a friend who played since launch helping me, but I still mostly tried to learn on my own. She made herself available to help with my stories until I got the hang of that and mostly showed me cool sights or gave me history lessons. MMOs are time consuming enough without having to constantly take someone under your wing. I, in turn, have been helping another friend completely new to games in general, but if they're just mapping and exploring, I go off to do my own thing.


I'm still more in favor of making it much more obvious how much more difficult the HoT maps are instead of just "experienced players only" but that's more reasonable than 80. A fair in between.

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This has always been the case not just in this game but in others, especially with people new to mmo's, they boost to 80 and then have no clue on their build, rotation or mechanics, most often than not you will then find that person never touching that character again because of how confused they are, if they choose not to make another character thats entirely down to them, it certainly would'nt put me off, but some people are just born easy quitter's, you can clearly see though in something like pvp who has boosted and who has not by how easy they drop lol.

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"I've lost track of the number of players who were outright lost and frustrated with their experience in Heart of Thorns and Path Fire."


I'm a veteran returning player who had several 80s under my belt when I tried out Heart of Thorns. It was one of the worst MMO experiences of my life and easily the worst expansion to any game I've ever played. Everything was wrong. It felt like Anet listened to a small niche of players and made an expansion catered specifically to those players and no one else.


New players who try out Heart of Thorns and think that is all of GW2 are likely going to be turned off regardless of whether they used the level 80 boost or not.


The problem with GW2 is that there is no tutorial to teach you the parts of the games that are easy to understand once you know they are there but hard to know that they exist or function that way. It is also extremely hard to gauge what the hell the stats on gear are going to do towards your performance when the stats don't show how they are changing your character in any logical manner. How much is my crit chance being increased with 102 verse 204 ferocity? Why is ferocity called ferocity instead of crit chance?


There is no real difference to playing the game as a fresh 80 verse starting from scratch provided that you aren't starting out in Heart of Thorns maps. A better option would be to ask Anet to restrict players to vanilla GW2 maps or PoF maps UNTIL the player has finished the story in either vanilla GW2 or PoF and only then open up HoT.

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> @Embered.5089 said:

> They could change the description of the boost to

> "Warning: Best for alternative characters only. Please level at least one character to level 80 yourself before using this boost. You were warned."

> Or something like that.


ANet should write an "Introduction to the game for new players" guide on the wiki, then make the booster open that page when you use it.

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