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Karma merchant that can convert Mini's and hopefully annoying items into karma?


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We have raid merchants that can convert Mini's into currency

Why not have a merchant with the power to convert every mini into karma?

(Looking at you fractal mini's and Path of fire Spearmarshal plea Mini's!)


Easy way to get rid of them into one go without accidentally destroying mini's/items you like if you gave players that option in another way

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There are many ways to gain karma ([https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Karma")). I imagine that ANet would prefer people to play the game more to get more karma. Not saying that your idea doesn't have merit; rather, that perhaps the current methods by which one can gain karma are by design.

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Was using karma because that thats a easy currency

Doesn't matter which currency it uses as long we have a way to "delete/remove" certain un-destroyable mini's

They can be destroyed ofc.. but with "EFFORT" where this certain "merchant" can bypass that in a easy way


You can get Mini's from raiding and you can convert those mini's into raid currency

Thats what sparked this thread, a merchant that can convert all unwanted items that have to take effort to destroy into currency

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> It kinda seems sad that society now considers pushing buttons a real effort. /smh


Just like you judging society from one person, thanks for the generalization. Kind of sad you're judging society on a gaming forum, you should get out more.

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