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What do you feel is the best classes for Raid/Fractal


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This here is something that internist me to know what would be the best group build (and to see if what class if any would be less used) this is for Raids and fractals (I know fractals does not really need this as much but just putting it up as an option as well)


The idea here is you have 10 players that are extremely good at there class so for example 10 Warrior (and its elites) 10 Rangers (and its elites) 10 Mesmer (and its elites) etc.


Now I know I put 10 in here and I know you would not want 10 of one class in a great preforming raid (and can't have that many in a fractal) but this is so you can mix an match with no need to have to replace a class with another because there not there (and I know could of probably left it at 5 each) .


So the idea how many of a of class. I know you got your dps, your healers, your tanks, your boon supports etc. I know some class like the ranger can do at least 3 of them good, and I know there are different raids that will call for different build


This is why I want to see (the players Ideas of the best list) so

(if any)


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Mesmer is self sufficient because it can buff itself (as well as allies) with all necessary boons, on top of strong burst and CC (as well as decent heals).


Next one is probably guardian followed by necro. Other classes don't have ways to share important boons with good uptime (most important ones being quickness and alacrity) and damage/heals at the same time.

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Answer is mesmerand nothing else. You can play 2 minstrel support chronomancers and 8 power chronos. With signet of inspiration and traits chronos can keep perma 25 might and quickness on themselves. Those 2 support chronos can provide alacrity and top of fury and quickness .


No other class can provide all relevant boons (fury, might, quickness, alacrity) so there is no competition

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> Answer is mesmerand nothing else. You can play 2 minstrel support chronomancers and 8 power chronos. With signet of inspiration and traits chronos can keep perma 25 might and quickness on themselves. Those 2 support chronos can provide alacrity and top of fury and quickness .


> No other class can provide all relevant boons (fury, might, quickness, alacrity) so there is no competition


I can see 10 Guardians working decently as well. Alacrity is great, but you can do okay without.

Quickness, Might, Fury and Vuln you really need though.


So if I understand the topic right and it's about viability of stacking the same profession, I would say


**Mesmer** (Sup Chrono + Power Chrono/Condi Mirage) > **Guardian** (sup FB + pDH/cFB) > **Necro** (sup Scourge + pReaper/cScourge) stacked could all clears Raids okay ish, although the Necros might run into mechanical issues like reflects for Matthias.


Stacking Thieves would also work, but probably only well on bosses with the Detonate Plasma Stolen skill.


Everything else would probably struggle a lot, mainly due to lack of Quickness.

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> @"Asum.4960" said:

> > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > Answer is mesmerand nothing else. You can play 2 minstrel support chronomancers and 8 power chronos. With signet of inspiration and traits chronos can keep perma 25 might and quickness on themselves. Those 2 support chronos can provide alacrity and top of fury and quickness .

> >

> > No other class can provide all relevant boons (fury, might, quickness, alacrity) so there is no competition


> I can see 10 Guardians working decently as well. Alacrity is great, but you can do okay without.

> Quickness, Might, Fury and Vuln you really need though.


> So if I understand the topic right and it's about viability of stacking the same profession, I would say


> **Mesmer** (Sup Chrono + Power Chrono/Condi Mirage) > **Guardian** (sup FB + pDH/cFB) > **Necro** (sup Scourge + pReaper/cScourge) stacked could all clears Raids okay ish, although the Necros might run into mechanical issues like reflects for Matthias.



Corrosive poison cloud should work.


Nevermind..it's not a reflect lol



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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Asum.4960" said:

> > > @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> > > Answer is mesmerand nothing else. You can play 2 minstrel support chronomancers and 8 power chronos. With signet of inspiration and traits chronos can keep perma 25 might and quickness on themselves. Those 2 support chronos can provide alacrity and top of fury and quickness .

> > >

> > > No other class can provide all relevant boons (fury, might, quickness, alacrity) so there is no competition

> >

> > I can see 10 Guardians working decently as well. Alacrity is great, but you can do okay without.

> > Quickness, Might, Fury and Vuln you really need though.

> >

> > So if I understand the topic right and it's about viability of stacking the same profession, I would say

> >

> > **Mesmer** (Sup Chrono + Power Chrono/Condi Mirage) > **Guardian** (sup FB + pDH/cFB) > **Necro** (sup Scourge + pReaper/cScourge) stacked could all clears Raids okay ish, although the Necros might run into mechanical issues like reflects for Matthias.



> Corrosive poison cloud should work.


> Nevermind..it's not a reflect lol




You can reflect with daredevil staff aa chain :D

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I am Not sure you guys understand the question (tho maybe you do).

The idea here is not just 1 class (its not the idea can you go just 10 Mesmer or 10 Guardian etc).

The only reason I put 10 of each class is so there is for more then enough of each class to chose.


The idea of this is:

If you had 90 players 10 of each class that were expert in their class and all its elites and you wanted to make the best BEST group you can make.

What classes would you chose.


Now again if you actually think that 10 Mesmer or Guardian would be the best even better then a mix of servile classes then I guess you did understand.

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> @"Emferno.5219" said:

> In current state for fractals I'll say for DPS DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver).FB or rev heal , quickbrand or alacritygade .and fifth slot core warr bs or spellbreaker bs depending on instabs . This is ideal comp for fractals :D


Thank you its good to see that someone understood what I was asking, (tho I do think I asked it clearly) it does seem most people here think I was asking what one (1) class could be the best lol (and that was not what I was asking).


like you (Emferno) posted for DPS -- DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver). That is the what I am looking for the idea is to see what people think or like the best.

For example (a thief) would thief be the last choice or first chose for dps in a raid or fractal if you had a choice of any good dps player same with druid or FB would it be first last etc


The idea of what I am looking for is like > @"Emferno.5219" said:

> "for DPS DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver)"

What I want to see is: Are there classes that are so to speak last choose (when it comes to what is the best?) That may even not be wanted on fractals or raids if you had the choice of good players in ever class

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> @"Phoenixtwolf.9213" said:

> > @"Emferno.5219" said:

> > In current state for fractals I'll say for DPS DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver).FB or rev heal , quickbrand or alacritygade .and fifth slot core warr bs or spellbreaker bs depending on instabs . This is ideal comp for fractals :D


> Thank you its good to see that someone understood what I was asking, (tho I do think I asked it clearly) it does seem most people here think I was asking what one (1) class could be the best lol (and that was not what I was asking).


> like you (Emferno) posted for DPS -- DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver). That is the what I am looking for the idea is to see what people think or like the best.

> For example (a thief) would thief be the last choice or first chose for dps in a raid or fractal if you had a choice of any good dps player same with druid or FB would it be first last etc


> The idea of what I am looking for is like > @"Emferno.5219" said:

> > "for DPS DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver)"

> What I want to see is: Are there classes that are so to speak last choose (when it comes to what is the best?) That may even not be wanted on fractals or raids if you had the choice of good players in ever class


You can check websites like https://discretize.eu and for classes non preferred will be all condi builds (ramp up time and after phase certain bosses lose condis ).power classes like herald and reaper do not provide much dps as meta ones do .deadeye has no cleeve (multi targets) .hope this helps you :D

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> @"Emferno.5219" said:

> > @"Phoenixtwolf.9213" said:

> > > @"Emferno.5219" said:

> > > In current state for fractals I'll say for DPS DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver).FB or rev heal , quickbrand or alacritygade .and fifth slot core warr bs or spellbreaker bs depending on instabs . This is ideal comp for fractals :D

> >

> > Thank you its good to see that someone understood what I was asking, (tho I do think I asked it clearly) it does seem most people here think I was asking what one (1) class could be the best lol (and that was not what I was asking).

> >

> > like you (Emferno) posted for DPS -- DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver). That is the what I am looking for the idea is to see what people think or like the best.

> > For example (a thief) would thief be the last choice or first chose for dps in a raid or fractal if you had a choice of any good dps player same with druid or FB would it be first last etc

> >

> > The idea of what I am looking for is like > @"Emferno.5219" said:

> > > "for DPS DH or Soulbeast (pls no weaver)"

> > What I want to see is: Are there classes that are so to speak last choose (when it comes to what is the best?) That may even not be wanted on fractals or raids if you had the choice of good players in ever class


> You can check websites like https://discretize.eu and for classes non preferred will be all condi builds (ramp up time and after phase certain bosses lose condis ).power classes like herald and reaper do not provide much dps as meta ones do .deadeye has no cleeve (multi targets) .hope this helps you :D


Sorry but no not really:

I think what I am asking is not being understanding very well

First of all this is not just about dps.

The dps example I gave was just an example and I also gave a healing example again just an example


Now I did check out the website and tho some of what it had was interesting and a bit different then https://snowcrows.com/ or https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki which I go to.

I know there are going to be different opinion. Maybe in time ill make a post about the meta ideas (which classes would be the best )

But I am not only here for just the meta opinion but more so players opinions and experience.


Now I know in ever game even gw2 you could remove a class or 2 and it would not brake the game (more or less) usually you have 2 or more dps type and same for tank and heal and if you wanted a game with 1 dps class 1 tank and 1 heal it would be possible tho probably very boring lol.


Thing is I have felt in gw2 more then ANY OTHER GAME that there are the best (healing, dps, cc, support etc) NOW REMEMBER THAT IS (CLASS) NOT BUILD OR ARMOR STATS). This problem makes players that like a class that is not the popular class of its given type such as (healing dps cc support etc) have to play a class they may not want to play (or at least not like as much as there main).


For a game that wanted to get rid of the idea of the trinity they sure went the opposite way later on in the game but even in other games I never felt there is the (master class) as I do here

On most games if you want to play dps well dose not matter if your warrior assassin hunter/ranger or magic class. same for healing and tank ever class was welcome if it was what they needed (dps tank or heal)


Here you have to change to another class just to play in a good group or wait a long time for your lfg or find a lfg that you can join.


So this is what I am looking for to see what classes would be played in an events like raids/fractals if you can choose the best with no need to settle.


An example: I did go to the website and saw on there for the it had 6 class under the meta stats the three that was not there were thief, necromancer and engineer.

As for the dps inserting enough the (great builds actually had higher dps then the meta) which I can understand seeing that a meta would not only be for dps but have other things that would help as well which would slightly lower the dps.

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