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Game crash after character selection screen

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[https://imgur.com/a/BX81rDX](https://imgur.com/a/BX81rDX "https://imgur.com/a/BX81rDX")The game crashes after I press play at character selection screen. I played on 4th gen i-3, 4 GB DDR3 Ram for 4 years. I didn't have issues like this. Got a new pc with i-5 8400, 8 GB DDR4 Ram, after installing Gw2 this is the situation. I have sent a ticket but no one got back to me. Anyone encountered this before?

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The CS Team allows 72 hours to respond, after the near-immediate automated reply.

Did you receive the automated response, and how long has it been since you submitted your ticket?

In the meantime, you could try a -repair of the client (instructions found in the Knowledge Base, accessed via the 'Support' link above/below and 'Search - Repair').


Good luck.

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I had a major issue with the game crashing at cut scenes and end of mission scenes. The game almost became totally unplayable. Tech support gave me this solution. Perhaps it will work for you.


Go into your options screen. On the first page ( General Options ) nr. the bottom, change Streaming Content setting to " On Demand ". Then, on second options page ( Display Options ) change the Frame Limiter setting to 30. Exit and restart the game. It solved 99% of my problems. I have seen no change in graphics quality or any laggyness but I haven't had a disconnect that I could attribute to a game fault since. Might be worth a try and hopefully, it will help you.

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  • 3 months later...

I know this is old, but I found this thread after coming back to the game and experiencing the same issue.

Just in case anyone else comes back to the game with this problem and finds this thread, my crashes were caused by out of date addons.


I merely had to go to the game install directory, [addons] directory and delete all the addons, and then also delete any .dll files in the [bin64] directories that were associated with those addons. (For example: d3d9.dll that is part of arcdps)

As soon as I deleted all the old addons and DLL's, I got right into game no problems.

Disabling addons is also often required after major updates to the game. It's just been so long I forgot about trying that and had to go searching for solutions.

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i had similar issue since one of the last patches (dragon bash?), game would crash and then constantly crash when i go back in and try to load into a character...


... other times werent so lucky, it would say "your game files may be corrupted", and run repair just get stucked


a restart of the pc resolves it

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