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Scourge vs Reaper: Which is better?

Beth Feywind.5396

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Okay, so even though I'm a condi ranger main, I really love the condi output on the necro, so I have a question. I have both scourge and reaper fully trained on my necro and I keep switching between the specs. I know reaper is the tankier of the two, but since I do mostly PvE, not much PvP or WvW, which is better for a PvE player? I mean, I like the higher health pool of the Reaper and the corruption of the Scourge. Any suggestions for weapons and gear? Thanks!

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It's all personal preference. Both reaper and scourge are good specs to play for a variety of reasons.


If you want a power build with berserker stats and scholar runes, go with Reaper. It's a melee spec that focuses on applying chill on enemies and dealing a lot of AoE damage. It's also has more mobility skills compared to core necromancer and Scourge. I would say for open world, especially Central Tyria play power reaper as the strong AoE damage is more than enough to take out a group of mobs very quickly.


As for scourge, you can play it either as a condition spec with viper stats or a support spec with magi stats. Scourge's original design was to make the shade skills to support allies, but not in the traditional sense. You're not granting tons of boons like chronomancer and druid or healing allies like scrapper or tempest, you are instead pulling allies towards you when they're downed to rally them and grant them barrier to make them tanky.

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PvE, mostly Reaper, this will give you the highest damage out of the 2 specs, I do like playing Scourge ocassionaly, but you'll want to learn your priority skills and how to burst if want to compete with everyone else.

PvP / WvW: Scourge will be considered 'meta' altough there are a lot of good reaper builds around aswel.

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Scourge can be very effective as power to the point where I hardly bother with Viper's anymore. While Metabattle does not showcase it, power based Scourges are very successful in both PVE and WvW and our guild has customized builds based around this.


IMHO, If you want powerful single target focus in PVE, Reaper will be your best bet. Reaper is also good for roaming in WvW. For PVE meta's and tagging, I'd go Scourge (it's already 'meta' for WvW). If you want to do both, get yourself some power gear and switch between them...see what you like.


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Depends on your preference. My preference is scourge because I prefer balancing my skills with energy use. Its more meaningful gameplay for me. But other's prefer the more death knight play style of the reaper. Scourge has a bit more flexibility in PvE at the moment, since if you play reaper you'll be expected to simply deal damage, while Scourge brings some group utility, reaper really doesn't. This isn't really a problem if you like hitting things. So there's that.

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