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Pre Patch Zerker ( What we lost because of Pve Balancing )


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So ofcourse this Berserker rework was 100% PVE inspired. But as someone who liked to do unranked PVP and dueling etc on berserker, It is time to drop the elite spec.

**Here is Why:**


First off, this isn't the first time a pve inspired rework of any kind damaged pvp but here are a few points of example as to the situation we have now.


**Combat is now clunkier:**

With the removal of access to core warrior burst skills, we now have less utility / options as to which version of burst is better used for the scenario at any given time.

Also consider that we have to fill 3 bars of adrenaline now when we can't even use the first 2 in combat.


**The Zerk Eviscerate change is terrible:**

Even from a pve standpoint but lets talk about the immediate differences.

The old version was a leap of 300 range and a cleave - and would double hit on a downed target ( Not even sure if you knew that. )


The new version is a single target ranged eviscerate from the position you stand. But the best part is the range is still only 300 while we lost the leap.

considering the new obvious animation there is no reason this range shouldn't be bumped back up to at least the original evis range that got ninja nerfed years ago that no one talked about.


**The extend berserk time mechanic**

The rage skills that are bad are still bad so there is no point taking any extra to extend time but i guess they are good in pve so it doesn't matter.


**The ''reduced defense and taking risk'' speech**

Is literally cancelled out in 1 trait. ''eternal champion'' . But I guess pve'rs don't use that trait either.



There is more but since nothing will become of this post I won't invest in any more detail. I just find it funny that Berserker got the daredevil ''swipe treatment'' for the sake of differentiation of elite specs, when it was Spellbreaker that had the real identity crisis. ( Core warrior with a full counter and tether )


But it's all good because new arcing slice hits 3 times now.

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I would also add this

**Engage combat:**

You have to use headbutt with trait savage instinct to cancel stun or use headbutt with outbreak(get rig of 1 skill) to cancel stun or get rid of 1 skill and get signet of fury.You have to use cc /stunbreak or signet just to get fast adrenaline.What the heck.Thats garbage.

**too long berserk**

If you spam to much rage skills you overextend berserk . If you kill trash mobs on fractals you cant get right skills ready for those mini-fights so your dmg is garbage .Also you cant turn off berserk .There should be option to turn off and turn on berserk on the spot.Also if you get berserk time from rage skills like 50% of that time should transfer to next activation of berserk if you previously turned it off.

**Activation of berserk**

adrenaline bars to activate it is too much.You either use some very important skills that were designed for cc stunbreaks just to start combat or you press 1 like an a****ole and wait for your adrenaline to go up.Such garbage.

**Overall dps**

Overall dps is too low on condi and on power build.When you try to do any kind of roation you fell like you randomly press buttons and wait to some miracle happen.There is like 0 synergy now with traits.


Please revert this garbage and give back the mechanic we get before coz in current state warrior doesnt do dmg is unfun .There is no fluid combat.Class is JOKE.

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So getting rid of the F!, now Berserker skill cap effectively lowered because I can't just stow NORMAL eviscerate with weapon cancel > bait a dodge > pop berserker mode > chop a few times bait more dodges > and then Primal F1 eviscerate.


And if they actually nerfed primalEviscerate into that, LOL that's so bad.


And ofc, ANET enforcing the meta and pidgeon holing Warrior into GS more instead of more ways to combinations and more ways to have fun.


Eternal champion losing stability too, zzz. Really dumb, it was one of the only reasons to play Eviscerate as well.


And obviously, ANET doing their own thing is just zzz. Not much you can do. Literally, Good. Job. ANET.


P.S Even if someone figures out a way to make arcing slice OP., it's still boring garbage. Literally stupid change, because it's braindead gameplay assuming that it "is" viable. It's not a better, more balanced change than baseline fast hands ever will be.

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So after playing pure glass cannon in PvE and WvW, I have mixed feelings. In PvE, the change seems to be minor (relatively minor nerf to condi berserker; and minor buff to power berserker - bursts are still very low to be competetive with other DPSes, so far it looks like it). In WvW, double Arc Divider deals insane amount of damage and is an amazing skill. Decapitate is pretty good, range is very nice. Both skills are smooth and well polished.



This true glass cannon build has 0 sustain, dies to everything pretty fast, can't run away, but damage is just... satisfying af :D


Berserk duration prolonging mechanics is not very consistent. Sundering Leap, even though it has 5 second Berserk increase, it is still pretty meh and kinda useless. Maybe if it was also stunbreak, it would worked well with Head Butt as starting combo in PvE.

I would suggest more fixated durations of Berserk without "rng" aspect to it (Outrage giving 5 seconds instead of 1 when breaking stun).

What if all rage skills had just 5 seconds prolonged duration to make things simpler? If Berserker wants permanent Berserk and slots in all rage skills, is that a bad thing? In PvE endgame, where is permanent Alacrity and Quickness, Berserker could achieve permanent Berserk without slotting all rage skills (if 1 rage skill prolongs Berserk by 5 seconds) and allowing Berserker to also use Physical skills, signets, etc. I did not calculate, if all rage skills with 5 seconds is enoguh to keep permanent Berserk uptime, just an idea.


One of the most annoying things so far was adrenaline gain and managing during combat in WvW (in PvE, it is not as bad as Axe Mastery trait in Discipline helps quite a lot).

Getting 30 adrenaline to be useful can be solved by To The Limit, Signet of Fury and/or Head Butt, but as rage skills are missing adrenaline gain now, it is a bit inconsistent to get 10 adrenaline and use burst in combat. Adrenaline in-combat management feels inconsistent compared to Core/Spellbreaker.

I suggest adding Adrenaline back on rage skills.


Another sad and noticable thing is missing fury upon entering Berserk. Oh well.


I hope Anet will adjust and tweak some things more.

It is sad that power Berserker in PvE is still not competetive as DPS. Bursts are quite low, same for sustained average DPS. People still need to test proper rotations, etc to conclude things, but so far it looks like power Berserker is just not there yet.


Berserk cast time is not that bad, so I can live with that.


Haven't tried more sustain builds yet, max dps double Arc Divider is just brutal and feels sooo goooood.

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