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You should be dismounted when . . .


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> @"Karnasis.6892" said:

> It really shouldn't. Otherwise what's the point of having an hp bar like every other mount >.>. It also basically negates the stomp engage skill if a stray attack puts you into combat.


The HP Will make you survive the traveling distance and stuff like npc's like those archers in blue keep


And that stomp is pure stupidity if not retarded

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> The HP Will make you survive the traveling distance and stuff like npc's like those archers in blue keep


> And that stomp is pure stupidity if not kitten


Survive the distance? what the fuck does that even mean

FYI, those archers in blue keep put you in combat as well, so how would the health bar save you if you get dismounted anyway?



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> @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> You should be dismounted when you enter in combat,


> seriously anet.


I guess youre playing a roamer class which is struggling to get people into fights. Might I suggest that you just nuke them while theyre mounted? You seem to forgot the meaning of a mount.

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> @"barei.8967" said:

> > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > The HP Will make you survive the traveling distance and stuff like npc's like those archers in blue keep

> >

> > And that stomp is pure stupidity if not kitten


> Survive the distance? what the kitten does that even mean

> FYI, those archers in blue keep put you in combat as well, so how would the health bar save you if you get dismounted anyway?




That's the point i tried to make


Those archers Will dismount you on 1hp mount, which would be the only creatures in the map besides towerguards


So 10k health on npc's sound better and insta dismount from enemy player

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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:


> That's the point i tried to make


> Those archers Will dismount you on 1hp mount, which would be the only creatures in the map besides towerguards


> So 10k health on npc's sound better and insta dismount from enemy player


Except there is no way to make it determine if your being put into combat by a player or an npc. So the HP bar would be pointless if things went this way.

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> @"Aury.1367" said:

> > @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> > You should be dismounted when you enter in combat,

> >

> > seriously anet.


> I guess youre playing a roamer class which is struggling to get people into fights. Might I suggest that you just nuke them while theyre mounted? You seem to forgot the meaning of a mount.


A mount should be **ONLY** a mobility tool.

No dodges, no permastab and all damage should be inflicted on player's health pool.

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Hard CC should knock a player off a mount. Mounts themselves should have a skill to knock an enemy off a mount. Putting a mount in combat should substantially reduce their speed.


It requires a pretty huge damage burst to take a mount down and that burst has to happen within 1s or so while a mount is in range. Condi is pretty much the only mechanism that works atm. This is so much of a problem they had to make mounts no longer contest points because the speed and dodges made holding points ridiculously easy on a mount.


I really like mounts as a tool to get people to fights faster. I really hate that it is frequently used to essentially troll players wanting to fight.

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> @"Aury.1367" said:

> > @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> > You should be dismounted when you enter in combat,

> >

> > seriously anet.


> I guess youre playing a roamer class which is struggling to get people into fights. Might I suggest that you just nuke them while theyre mounted? You seem to forgot the meaning of a mount.


Do please enlighten us on the meaning of mount

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> @"Jayden Reese.9542" said:

> As anet continues to nerf mounts the complainers will make more and more threads and won't be happy to it's basically useless and has no dodges and certain classes on foot can keep up even in enemy controlled territory because they can't deal with anyone getting away from a fight ever.


Which is a good thing since mount shouldn't have any combat value to begin with. People wanted to move faster without needing to invest into gear/traits and warclaw provides a lot more than that.

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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"FlOwMaKeRs.8623" said:

> > You should be dismounted when you enter in combat,

> >

> > seriously anet.


> Here's the ganker lobby again! WoohoO!


> How about "NO"?

> Get out of town and take all your ganker/roamer mates with you.


Oh no ! people killing people in a pvp mode !

Ban em all Anet !

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I mean, I do agree they should be CC'able. I think Anet suggested something about a break bar in the future?

A successful Maul (w/e the 1 skill is called) should be a two-way dismount as well. (Missing with it of course only dismounts the attacker.)


That said.


I don't mind the health bar, dodges or speed. I mean, everyone gets a kitty and it _should_ have some contributive mechanics attached to it apart from slightly increased movement. I know people hate change, but you guys need to adapt. Its not that bad.


~ Kovu

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> @"HazyDaisy.4107" said:

> You should be dismounted when you press 1, but since Tuesdays patch, sometimes that doesn't happen. How bout them cookies!


I can confirm, this has happened to me a few times now where I end up clicking and trying to dismount but it never happens until 6-8s later if I leave it alone and then try again.

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