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Looking for a new healer in fractals, mainly pugs


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Using my diviner Renegade (Aligade for short) and so far I'm having a blast with him.

But I also need a healer in case my team really needs it or when I feel like healing for a change ^^

Now I have a harrier druid, but I find druid lacking at the moment, in the high paced and fast environment that is fractals

So I was curios to try the other healers out there


Any advice whats a good healer for fractal pugs at the moment?

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I want to live in your meta. I think the best advice I can give (given your circumstances) is to play whatever you have the most fun with, as your group obviously doesn't care about clearing things as fast as possible. I just did some math in my head and you could run minstrel holo with healing turret. This seems to fit with your meta and may offer that 'Punch' you're looking for.

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Holo as a healer?

I think you mean the scrapper not the holo

Else I wanna know where you ... buy your stuff and if you can disclose the location of that place so I can get some too

At the moment there is Tempest, Firebrand, scrapper as a healer, Scourge and chronomancer who can also heal if depressed enough


Have to thank you for you advice but ill pass on the holo healer (unless anet overbuffs the healing power of the holo by 9000x then ill change instantly)


I think I'm gonna see what I can do in pvp (at least in pvp I can test almost everything for almost free...)

and test each class and see how it feels in the healing department and range

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> firebrand, it doesn't go better then that at the moment.

> wait you healed fractals with Divine Rene?


Never healed fractals with divine rene, unless you count the Elite ability of the aligade as a heal (kala)

Only have ever healed as a druid in fractals and raiding


and I have a bit of experience as a Firebrand in pvp (though that doesnt say much in)

With the removal of glyph of empowerment (which I used to empower the healing of myself and others in tight spots)

and how clunky druid the elites feel (druid elite spirit and the glyph of stars) I it felt less fun to play as a druid in fractals


Also the Glyph of Unity that replaced glyph of empowerment feels clunky to use.. (tried the glyph when it was still a elite glyph)

and they actually removed some of its range?!


Seems the next step is switching some of my healer gear to my Firebrand and getting some more harrier gear for him

Though I did had a Tempest healer as my healer the other day and it did quite alright in fractals t4 mhhhh....

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > firebrand, it doesn't go better then that at the moment.

> > wait you healed fractals with Divine Rene?


> Never healed fractals with divine rene, unless you count the Elite ability of the aligade as a heal (kala)

> Only have ever healed as a druid in fractals and raiding

> and I have a bit of experience as a Firebrand in pvp(though that doesnt say much in experience as a healer)

> With the removal of glyph of empowerment (which I used to empower the healing of myself and others in tight spots)

> and how clunky druid the elites feel (druid elite spirit and the glyph of stars) I it felt less fun to play as a druid in fractals


Can't say anything of druid. last time I played it it was viper druid, lol.

Check FB, mst of the fractal FBs have harrier minstrel amulet and/or rings for suitability(separate set of harrier for raids ofc), there are some that just go in with full minstrel as from wvw to fractals-back to wvw. Trick is to don't forget to charge mantras and remember FB heals mostly in front of them.

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I'd recommend fb heal as well though few times you may need to remind your party that you are a heal fb, not a quickbrand. I use harrier stat but add two magi accessories just because I have extra trinkets from dungeons :p. Sometimes you need to decide whether to bring axe (more cc and fury) or mace (more healing, aegis, protection, regen). If I bring mace, I will take 'feel my wrath' for fury unless other player can cover it. Staff is a must if you are the only source of might, it's also a good source of burst healing with 2 and 4. Even paired with aligade, I assume the aligade will focus on alacrity than might generation.


If paired with a chrono, I'll drop my quickness a bit and bring other utility or you can convince the chrono to drop well of action and bring something else. If you have a static group that you can trust or a pug that are actually doing good, I will choose radiance over virtues to bring bane signet with perfect inscription (damage boost for the party and instant cc). Most of the time I am always being cautious and use virtues instead. Don't forget your dodge also heals and you have many source of reflect ;). Hope you have fun :D

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Nothing carries like a Heal FB.


**Axe**/**Shield**; **Staff** (Axe for the Fury on the symbol + CC/minor add pull, Shield for Aegis and Prot and a bit more CC, Staff for Might generation and burst healing)


**Honor**: 3,3,2 (for more Prot and Might uptime and in general more uptime on Symbols and rolling healing)

**Virtues**: 2,2,2 (3,2,2 If taking Wall of Reflection when Reflects/projectile hate beyond Courage and Shield 5 are needed, such as Bleed Fire, Artsariiv, Siren's Reef etc.)

**FB**: 2,2,3


**Mantra of Solace**, **Mantra of Potence**, then I personally recommend **Bow of Truth** and lastly **"Hold the Line!"** (this is your most flexible slot, to be replaced with **Wall of Reflection** or "Stand Your Ground!" in rare circumstances (such as the last boss of Chaos), or whatever else you feel like you need), and **Mantra of Liberation** for the elite.


Full Harrier, for Fractals you can slot in a few Magi pieces due to the Fractals Potion+Mastery providing boon duration.


Use **Justice** mainly for minor pulls/cc and the Fire field (which you can blast with Staff 2 for more Might, also when prestacking).

**Resolve** mainly for burst healing, burst condi cleanse if needed, as well as Regen uptime and some Vigor (Use 5+4+3, then if there isn't much pressure coming in, try to keep using 3 one or two more times for more boon uptime on regen and Vigor, otherwise get another 5+4 in when in high pressure).

**Courage** is your Stab spam and projectile hate, mainly use 5+1 when you need loads of Stab (such as the last phase of Skorvald in 100CM), 3 for Projectile hate and 4 for resistance when getting overwhelmed by condi pressure, which can be useful rarely (such as the Kraits in 99CM when not bursted quickly enough), especially when Resolve isn't up.


You can use Bow of Truth pretty liberally whenever you know there is pressure coming up, or double cast it in situations of extreme pressure, especially when combined with Resolves 33% healing increase from 5, as well as the heal field on 4, you can outheal pretty much everything.

Other uses are to use it while camping in Courage for Stab or Projectile defense for a few seconds, allowing you to still heal for 1k+ HP/s combined with regen and Resolve passive Sharing while being in a no heal kit.


Always try to block dangerous attacks for your team with Aegis, rather than outhealing them after, if you can.

Use Mantra of Liberation frequently to avoid the plentiful Minor CC in Fractals, to supplement blocking it in the first place with Aegis, or for those cases where it can't be blocked. FB negating all the minor dazes and stuns is an often overlooked increase to group DPS uptime, as well as major quality of life boost.


You can use Staff 2 to blast your symbols for more condi cleanse, or as mentioned your Justice Fire field for more might.

Also don't forget the build provides perma self Vigor (as well as slightly increased endurance regen for yourself and allies), and heals quite a bit in an AoE upon dodging.


This Build is capable of providing permanent 25 Might, Quickness, Fury, Swiftness, Regeneration, Protection, Retaliation and providing somewhat decent Vigor, while spamming Aegis and Stability, and being capable of providing Resistance in emergencies.

It almost passively heals for a good 1000 HP/s and can burst overheal for 6000HP/s or more, as well as having access to mass condi cleanse, even in the form of converting them to boons as well.

It can also provide permanent projectile defense and completely negate instabilities such as We Bleed Fire, or drastically ease fights with lot's of projectiles or ranged adds.


My experience with this build, or variations of it, is clearing CM's + T4 almost daily on it for months, usually in around 45 minutes.

Fair warning though, a lot of pugs don't seem to like it that much for arbitrary Meta reasons and insist on no heal or Renegade heal, just to then waste 10+ minutes on wiping here and there, ending up with a lot slower runs (1h or more) than if they had just taken the heal FB, which can be frustrating at times.

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You can play your renegade.

Harrier, ventari/kalla, invocation/Salvation, or devastation/salvation if you want AP but less energy.

What's good with ventari/salvation you can spread perma alacrity AND 25 mights; with diviner and not taking salvation you need to chose LL or RR (chose RR)


FB is very strong too, good package. Honor/Radiance, or Honor/virtues, both strong. All weapons are good, all skills are good; you can adapt to all needs if you need more mights, more protection, more healing, perma stab, more Wall and F3, or share bane signet, etc.

I play mostly [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRApe3ensADFBjlBBGCBEEhF+BzqAYCgFAUE2zod0TKA-jhxGQBLV5XueAADZ/BAcCACq6PQVJIA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRApe3ensADFBjlBBGCBEEhF+BzqAYCgFAUE2zod0TKA-jhxGQBLV5XueAADZ/BAcCACq6PQVJIA-e"). Bow of truth really stron healing, but Hold the line if you need to loop protection/regen, you can take wall, merciful intervention, stand your ground, mantra of lore ...

Virtues/honor for Chaos with hallowed ground, mantra of liberation or Siren's reef with wall and renewed focus to spam F3 #3 and #5, lot of possibilities. Staff or scepter if mights are needed, GS for some particular pull like 99cm or aetherblade, etc.


Druid got some nerf with the lost of GoEmpowerement.

Scrapper is pure healing, no buff no boons.

You have chrono too, it's a "boon chrono", but with some healing.

Scourge, barriers, 25 mights, little dmg buff with lifesteal; best rez machine ever.

Tempest; good healing, mid range healing, some boons, no buff.

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> @"Lillbryschan.3281" said:

> > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said: Tempest; good healing, mid range healing, some boons, no buff.


> Long range heal with staff, plus can spread Auras (buff?).

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aura


Shouts and overload are mid-range.

Auras are not "buff" like dmg buff in hl scenario with DPS race, at very best you spread 1sec burning if you get hit; this is more than negligible. Magnetic aura could be strong if you time it well.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"Lillbryschan.3281" said:

> > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said: Tempest; good healing, mid range healing, some boons, no buff.

> >

> > Long range heal with staff, plus can spread Auras (buff?).

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aura


> Shouts and overload are mid-range.

> Auras are not "buff" like dmg buff in hl scenario with DPS race, at very best you spread 1sec burning if you get hit; this is more than negligible. Magnetic aura could be strong if you time it well.


Yeah. Other professions and specs do buff dmg and stuff better. Wasn’t sure what you meant by “buff” so I felt it was worth mentioning the auras, since some of them can make a nice addition in some instances.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > @"Vagrant.7206" said:

> > > @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> > > Scrapper is pure healing, no buff no boons.

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Purity_of_Purpose

> >

> >



> Edit : some boons if you stay on condition aoe.


Depending on the boss and instabs, I've provided a ton of alacrity, fury, and might for my teams (especially on siren's reef). But again, situation-dependent.

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How is support scourge in T4 fractals? I use a mix of Marshal’s and Shaman’s gear and have been enjoying it in other game modes but wasn’t sure how it would do (or be perceived) generally in fractals. Thoughts?


Like the OP, I’d been playing Druid healer a lot in fractals as well as raids but since the latest nerf, I just don’t find it fun any more. :disappointed: I also have a tempest healer but that seems more limited to max heals and augmented auras? I feel like I am able to contribute more on support scourge but perhaps my damage is nearly as insignificant.


Firebrand sounds like a fun option but it shall take me some time to learn the class and acquire the gear.

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A support Scourge is fun if your team already has a healer and you need that little extra to survive deadly encounters

But a full healer Scourge isn't possible because it lacks to many boons to be a full healer in fractals

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> @"Rico.6873" said:

> A support Scourge is fun if your team already has a healer and you need that little extra to survive deadly encounters

> But a full healer Scourge isn't possible because it lacks to many boons to be a full healer in fractals


It sounds like firebrand might be the best choice for both heals and boons in fractals then? At least better than scourge (barriers and rez but low on direct healing and boons) or tempest (mega heals but minimal boons from auras if traited right) — please correct me if I am mistaken! I know revenant also has options but I never got into the play style.


Thank you! :)

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> You can play your renegade.

> Harrier, ventari/kalla, invocation/Salvation, or devastation/salvation if you want AP but less energy.

> What's good with ventari/salvation you can spread perma alacrity AND 25 mights; with diviner and not taking salvation you need to chose LL or RR (chose RR)


> FB is very strong too, good package. Honor/Radiance, or Honor/virtues, both strong. All weapons are good, all skills are good; you can adapt to all needs if you need more mights, more protection, more healing, perma stab, more Wall and F3, or share bane signet, etc.

> I play mostly [this](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRApe3ensADFBjlBBGCBEEhF+BzqAYCgFAUE2zod0TKA-jhxGQBLV5XueAADZ/BAcCACq6PQVJIA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQRApe3ensADFBjlBBGCBEEhF+BzqAYCgFAUE2zod0TKA-jhxGQBLV5XueAADZ/BAcCACq6PQVJIA-e"). Bow of truth really stron healing, but Hold the line if you need to loop protection/regen, you can take wall, merciful intervention, stand your ground, mantra of lore ...

> Virtues/honor for Chaos with hallowed ground, mantra of liberation or Siren's reef with wall and renewed focus to spam F3 #3 and #5, lot of possibilities. Staff or scepter if mights are needed, GS for some particular pull like 99cm or aetherblade, etc.


> Druid got some nerf with the lost of GoEmpowerement.

> Scrapper is pure healing, no buff no boons.

> You have chrono too, it's a "boon chrono", but with some healing.

> Scourge, barriers, 25 mights, little dmg buff with lifesteal; best rez machine ever.

> Tempest; good healing, mid range healing, some boons, no buff.


Thank you for the overview! :+1: :)

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