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Power Reaper on Legendary Chak Gerent *Post Balance*


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[https://youtu.be/Cl8pp8g0-xs](https://youtu.be/Cl8pp8g0-xs "https://youtu.be/Cl8pp8g0-xs")

The new Soul Eater trait is definitely a nice addition. I was able to hit some good numbers on the Gerent tonight that wasn't really possible before given my build/playstyle. The updated Warhorn #5 was able to fill up the Lifeforce bar just as quick as before the patch. The 10% damage boost to dagger is nice as well. I've never been a fan of the greatsword in general but I think I'll play around with it and see how it does for me.


Would love to see more Reapers at our Chak Speed Clears btw ; ) Sub 2-minute kill times from here on out!



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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> OP, what build and items did you use?

All Ascended Berserker with power infusions. Impact/Force on my melee set. Bloodlust sigil on ranged set. Sometimes for fun I might swap Bloodlust for Cruelty. And Impact for other things I might find useful to experiment with. I have a hipster Dhummfire build that does pretty good on the Gerent, not far off in damage from going straight power damage. I like the idea of burn's ticking off damage when I'm dodging or chasing down the Gerent and not able to deliver those crits.


Current build as of that video:

Spite: 1-2-1

Soul Reaping: 1-1-2

Reaper: 2-1-3


Up until yesterday's release of Soul Eater I was basically grabbing every shoud-sustain trait that I could. That meant making some hard choices. But it pays off I think. The Reaper's kit handles the Gerent's shenanigans no problem. It can stay on top of him and keep up a steady barrage of heavy hitting crits. Gravedigger spam is risky against him, IMO. Falling rocks, bad rng on the donuts, swipe attacks and charges can make it unreliable. If you watch the video, towards the end you'll see a Reaper spamming grave digger and he gets bonked pretty hard. I just prefer to play it a bit safer here. Dagger/WH gets me back into full shroud about 5-8 seconds faster than GS on average as well.


> @"Billy.1879" said:

> like I can't tell if I'm going crazy but the damage output currently seems mental

Sharpen those Scythes! Get down to Ogre lane and let's melt this sucker down in under 2 minutes! ; )


On a side-note: If anyone can help design a nice Reaper-themed background for the channel that fits Youtube's requirements of 2048x1152 pixels, hit me up!

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I believe so but I've never been a huge fan of the focus since this game's release tbh. Warhorn LF generation feels about the same to me. It might even be faster now if executed under the right conditions. It delivers the same number of impacts in a shorter time frame. What this means for me against the Chak Gerent for example, if I want to maximize the LF gain and pop back into shroud with a full bar, WH#5 should be activated when I'm standing directly underneath the Chak so that all those tiny impacts hit within that 5 second window. The amount of LF gain should be the same as before. So yeah, it's less reliable as you say but it's still doing the job I've always used it for. I feel bad that it no longer synergizes with those of you taking the Blood Magic trait line. Hopefully they address that as a bug and fix soon.



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3.77 million total damage against Chak Gerent tonight! Executioner's Scythe critting for 32k on breakbar with Impact sigil lol. That's up from last night due to a couple of factors. Might've been possible to even hit 4 million damage in our 3 minute burn window if that initial CC was A LOT slower.

[https://youtu.be/0YsNciM7bqQ](https://youtu.be/0YsNciM7bqQ "https://youtu.be/0YsNciM7bqQ")



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> @"jonG.8369" said:

> Since Tuesday's patch Reaper has been pulling top numbers across all lanes for Chak Gerent. Huge 40k crits on the Executioner's Scythe. Life Reap auto's for 24k. Loving it! Quad 1-Burn #131 as of tonight. https://youtu.be/8NteoGFwwWY

> Thanks again to any of the top necro players on here who may have shown up the past few nights. It's been fun!


if it shows anything besides you being a good player (arcdps doesn't lie) it shows how poor the open world community is

guys that can't top 8k+ dps in a zerg event where everyone buffs veryone is just sad reality of 11111111 pressing players

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Yeah, we've actually had quad burns fail that were so close, the difference would've been accounted for if players would've equipped our DPS/support foods/utilities that we provide before the event starts instead of Magic Find food.

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