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Is this right?


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1- Rousing Resilience: **Gain toughness and health when you break out of a stun. ** Should not work when I use any "break stun" skill or only when I literally break out A stun?


2- Eternal Champion: **Gain toughness while in berserk mode. Gain stability and might when breaking stuns.** Same thing here. Only when I literally break out a stun or click in any break stun skill?


3- Head Butt: **Stun: 3 seconds + Self-Stun: 1 second + Breaks Stun** When I use this skill I proc "Rousing Resilience"... why?

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1 rousing (should only) works when you break a stun, and only when you break a stun


2) same as above, only when u break a stun


3) headbutt is a stunbreaker so there the outcomes varries


you can get cc'd, use headbutt to break the cc (triggering Rousing Resilience) leaving you seldstunned, which can be broken by whatever stun break again like outrage triggering Rousing Resilience for the second time




because of point 2) the stability on stunbreak this particular situation is not likely to happen, as the selfstun of headbutt would not happen(because of the stability from eternal champion) so no follow up with outrage to get the second Rousing Resilience



but, if you use headbutt without cc you will not trigger Rousing Resilience, you will still be affected by the 1 second selfstun, that you can break with any other stunbreak like outrage to trigger Rousing Resilience at last

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