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Berserker, My two cents

supa suop.8026

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From a PvE standpoint I love the new berserk mode makes me feel like a Power house. and the new Ark Divider feels great. That being said there are a few things that should be looked at for future the Berserker elite spec.


**1. Weak and vulnerable outside of zerker mode**

so after you exit zerker mode you are left in vulnerable state. This obviously because you lose your core burst skills as well as traits that are tied to said core burst unless your are in zerker mode. One way to fix this is to make zerker mode be accessible with any lvl of adrenaline. Of course the duration, burn and trait bonuses of zerk mode will depend on what lvl you activated at.


For Example:

Fatal Frenzy LvL 1 gain +100 pwr/condi -100 toughness Duration (5s) 1 stack of Burning

Fatal Frenzy LvL 2 gain +200 pwr/condi -200 toughness Duration (10s) 2 Stacks of burning

Fatal Frenzy LvL 3 Gain +300 pwr/condi -300 toughness Duration (15s) 3 stacks of burning


**2. Rage skills outside of zerker mode**

With the change of rage skills they feel a little more on the useless side when you are not in zerker mode. A simple fix to this would be when using a rage skill outside of zerker mode they reduce the cooldown timer of zerker mode by X secs depending on the skill you are using.


**3. Decapitate**

This skill feels exactly like eviscerate without the leap even with quickness applied. Maybe reduce the precast time of it by 25%. it does not necessarily have to do more dmg but I feels like this skill should come out quicker.


**4. Ruptured Smash**

Can we make this skill like Arc Divider, or Holosmith skill 5. We are trading out 1-2 sec stun from core hammer burst for a 1 sec daze and 2 sec immobilize burst in zerker mode.... this does not seem like a good trade at all, its more like you are just giving the warrior a 2 layered stun. You could give Ruptured Smash the same cascading effect as Arc Divider , but with more of a focus on CC (both hard and soft ;) ) rather than Damage.


For example:

Ruptured Smash

First impacted radius 240, Launch foes (distance 0) and apply vunerability 10 stacks (5s)

Second impacted radius 360, Immobilize(2s) and weaken(4s)

Third impacted radius 480, cripple(5s)


And that is my two cents on what would help push berserk in the right direction moving forward after this recent rework In my opinion. None the less I appreciate the changes that have been made to berserker, both the ones I agreed and disagree with, it has given the elite new life and and added slightly different play-styles to the warrior. looking forward to your future changes.

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