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Themed mounts in licence packs

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I'm not sure if this will be of interest to anyone else, but I made a table to document all the 'themed' mount skins currently available in licence packs, to see which are complete/nearly complete and which are still missing mounts. I admit what I classified as a theme is probably a bit random but my thinking is do they look like they could be sold as a 5-pack. So I haven't included things like striped or spotted mounts, because there's a lot less consistency in how they look.


![](https://i.imgur.com/H8Sg49g.jpg "")


Notes: This does include skins only available in the original, purely RNG, adoption licence pack, I was making a comprehensive list rather than focusing on any practical considerations. Also I gave the jackal a free pass on 'sand' themed skins because almost all of them are sand skins. Oh and I included the warclaw even though it's only had 1 pack of 5 skins released so far and only one of them fits a theme.


I'd like to see all of these 'sets' completed eventually, even though it would be expensive since they're spread across different adoption licence packs. I'd especially like to see a lightning jackal, and I'd like to see the primeval set completed since that's a personal favourite.

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Thanks for doing this, it's a nice overview!


This however makes me really sad that some skins from this list are locked behind the first mount license. I am still hoping they will re-release it so you can pick your mount skin just like in the other ones. According to the wiki, the pack where (for example) the Starbound griffon is in, can be only bought as a 30-pack for almost 10 k gems. That is just beyond insane and a crime really, considering that the other astral/star skins are both in random and pick-licenses..

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Problem is, ANET likely sees higher returns requiring players to buy random licenses for 400gems to try and collect all the "Primeval" set than they would offering the entire "Primeval" family as a 2000gem bundle.


Also an issue would be some players already have 1 or 2 of any given theme, so they wouldn't be interested in buying a bundle where they only get some of its contents.


I wonder if ANET knew then what they know now, would they have gone about this differently? I suspect not though, since once they created 1 Primeval skin, they obviously could have done so for all the other mounts. Including only 1 theme skin in each of the license packs was a deliberate choice, again I suspect, in order to maximize revenue through gambling.

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