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So the commander is he better then the hero of guild wars 1?


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Well in my made up background for my fighter Tarwin Steel he is the grandson of the first hero of Ascalon (guild wars 1) Matthew Steel everyone may have forgotten his fathers name but Tarwin has not and has acutal journals from dating to guild wars 1. But why not share them cause who gonna believe Tarwin is the grandson of the first hero of Ascalon (guild wars 1) no people would denie Tarwins claim and believe he is lying, and refuse to accept the history in the journals so many want to beleive one thing or the that is not the truth about what happen in guild wars 1 and Tarwin is the only who knows the past and dose all he can to live up to his grandfather's legacy. For Tarwin the world dose not need to know he is the son of Matthew the first hero of guild wars 1. Also Tarwin family is part of the Ascalonain royal family bloodline of King and Queens, so Tarwin can end the the curse of the foefire, accept a problem is that Tarwin will not cause the charr legions have to many charr among them like FUme brighteyes wanting war with what is left of the Kingdom of AScalon in Ebonhawk. If this becomes know to the charr legions they will have to promise to end and bury all their hate for humans and give back the cities of Ascalon they can stay and live them too, but no more war for power and conquest, and no more bloodshed, those times of fighting between nations is over. But it is unlikely the Legions can keep such a promise or even honor it as to many warmongers like Fume brighteyes and Banager will start a war with the humans as soon as they some how gain the upperhand to do it. And the charr cannot start fighting new wars of conquest that takes land from other races like the Ogres the charr have to accept they can still have their armies but have to live in a new era of peace or else the foefire can remain and only Tarwin can undo the curse of the foefire not Rytlock cause only a memeber of the royal bloodline of Ascalons kings can end the curse of the foefire and only Tarwin ( and his sister from the storyline of guild wars 2) can undo the curse course then some charr would have a plot to force Tarwin to undo the curse possibly by kidnapping his sister somehow or even some of his friends.

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> @"Susy.7529" said:

> I'd say yes just because we don't need an 8-men party to simply explore a map and kill mobs, unless monsters have become significantly weaker.

> Also GW1 hero couldn't swim nor jump. xD


Well, on the flip-side back then it was rare to encounter enemies that weren't in a cluster :P

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