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What happened to Berserker?


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Took a few weeks break to freshen up and keep working on achievements/collections in the game. For the most part I play Weaver, Scrapper and Berserker, but I noticed something really... off about Berserker. Why were skills overhauled as they are now? Not only it seems less flexible (I found a lot of freedom in how I approached situations when I could use burst or berserk mode.), but also awkward to use. Berserk now is a cast skill with a timer, but has increased duration from rage skills. This sounds nice and all, but what is the point if my only options are limited to either using Berserk, or not at all?


I am not any sort of serious pvper in any way shape or form, or presume any top-tier knowledge in warrior-specific builds other than my own tweaked traits over my entire playtime as a warrior so forgive my perhaps narrow-minded opinion, but this is a real buzzkill for me, specially after trying to go back to the game and using what I thought was the most enjoyable combination of burst/elite skill.


If I do have to move away from berserk entirely, what is an interesting class to play? I have each and every class maxed with every elite unlocked and also maxed, so I am open to suggestions if berserk changes and overhauls are in fact, written in stone.

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Have you tried one shot berserker? My friend plays it and was able to hit 2 Arc Dividers for 250k in no time, the enemies literally got deleted, my auto attack on sword weaver didn't even come off before they died. However, it's not for dueling, it needs a group.


Well, Scrapper and Soulbeast are probably the best at dueling, Holosmith is great (damage, cc, sustain, you name it), know players that can make Herald work perfectly, also you can try oneshot Chrono/Mirage/Guardian (but guardian is mostly a support if you want to survive, so... meh). I won't go for Necro/Ele/Thief/somehow-ish Warrior because in respect to the others mentioned above, they are lacking in dueling.

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Really? that is interesting, specially about thieves. I figured they would remain strong in that regard. Though I suppose Deadeye may not lend itself too well to the task. I suppose I will experiment with berserker for a few days see how the changes feel, but for the most part... it just does not do it for me anymore.

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> @"Corraidhin.3986" said:

> Really? that is interesting, specially about thieves. I figured they would remain strong in that regard. Though I suppose Deadeye may not lend itself too well to the task. I suppose I will experiment with berserker for a few days see how the changes feel, but for the most part... it just does not do it for me anymore.


Thieves haven't been strong duelist for years.


Damage across the board has been cut, forcing players into very specific sets of weapons so they can actually kill something. Other classes got a mass influx of boon generation, but thief still remains reliant on stealing buffs rather than generating their own. Other specs have quite a bit bolstering their survivability... to the point they get carried. Interrupts are still bordorline worthless (Because a lot of specs can easily shrug off the opening the thief forced) and expensive on the Thief's Ini pool. Along with bursts to you happening so fast, you can't interrupt it before you're killed.


Basically, there's a huge outcry from non thief players... and Anet listens to them more than the thieves suggestions about the class. The recent change to Daredevil is a mix of frustrating and decent changes. Frustrating because Steal's range has been massively cut and given Unblockable. Thieves asked for the daredevil's version of steal to be a completely different thing as Unblockable steal does very little or nothing for Thief's current play-style, or in duels. Outside of forcing interrupts through a channeled block I guess. And Unhindered Combatant is still Hindered Combatant with how thief's primary means of staying alive is Dodge and Endurance. So catching up to another player is suddenly more difficult. Thank you anet.

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> @"Corraidhin.3986" said:

> Really? that is interesting, specially about thieves. I figured they would remain strong in that regard. Though I suppose Deadeye may not lend itself too well to the task. I suppose I will experiment with berserker for a few days see how the changes feel, but for the most part... it just does not do it for me anymore.


I believe it's mostly trying to push PoF specs too much on the community. Staff Weaver was able to hit over 50k on golem, now it hits weaker than any DPS out there, you may think Weaver got nerfed, but in reality it was core weapons and lines that got obliterated by nerfs, Staff now hits almost half of that 50k, see the difference. For why ele is bad in dueling, it lies in the core design, the class has no built in defense or burst, so you either go full support with no damage or the complete opposite.


Don't know about thieves, but I believe the same might have happened with pushing Deadeye on the community before DE got the nerf.


Now after these core class stuff get nerfed, it's time to actually nerf the e-spec, then you look from afar and see your class among others... meh.


For Necro, they lack stun breaks, give them one or two and watch them wreck the hell out of others.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"Corraidhin.3986" said:

> > Really? that is interesting, specially about thieves. I figured they would remain strong in that regard. Though I suppose Deadeye may not lend itself too well to the task. I suppose I will experiment with berserker for a few days see how the changes feel, but for the most part... it just does not do it for me anymore.


Deadeye has the potential to be quite a strong duellist, what with the ini regen from attacking and the boon generation it has. The main issue is that they're being forced into the permastealth gank options by nerfs, which isn't really fun for anyone as far as duels are concerned.


> Don't know about thieves, but I believe the same might have happened with pushing Deadeye on the community before DE got the nerf.


^ yep, pretty much.


> For Necro, they lack stun breaks, give them one or two and watch them wreck the hell out of others.


Yeah, necro has loads of damage, just no real way to avoid the damage of others.

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