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Guardian monopoly on group stability has to go.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Note that I’m saying comparable and not same. With how fights tend to go, the small difference in range between the skills, of any, would be neglible.

> > >

> > > If stability is an issue, guilds can use the two banners which grants it to allies. Those have a 1-1.5K range.

> >

> > You can say whatever you want, the fact is that the stab skills provided by other classes are an unreliable substitute for what guard has.


> According to you.



> > Getting crippled for 2 sec will knock you out of range of the mostly 240 radius group stab skills provided by others.


> Cripple doesn’t knock you around. Most group stack buffs before engaging so you’ll be well within range.


> > What banners are you talking about? Turtle banner etc.? You've got to be joking.


> They’re options even though they don’t fit the narrative being presented.



Sigh... good luck have fun out there.

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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> What role do you have in mind for guardian OP?

> Everything else has been stripped away. Outhealed, outcleansed and as always out DPS'd.

> Stabobot is what they have, all they have.


Is that why Lord Commander Zudo gets mad at me for doing bern guardian? I'd rather have permeating wrath than that healing line. The group needs to figure it out on their own.



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> @"Klipso.8653" said:

> Maybe the problem is that there is too much CC.


> Stab wouldn't be such a mandatory boon if everything didn't vomit out so much CC.


I think stability needs to be revised again, that would be more likely than removing CC from skills (or changing all CC skills to hit a single target instead of being aoe).


My idea for dealing with CC spam: stability stacks in duration, whenever you are inflicted by a CC, the remaining duration is reduced by one second.


And specifically, for wvw: being affected by a CC should grant the player short term stability (3 secs, probably) if they don't already have it. This could be trialed via an event, or added as a bonus to the outnumbered status.

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> @"Skotlex.7580" said:

> I think stability needs to be revised again, that would be more likely than removing CC from skills (or changing all CC skills to hit a single target instead of being aoe).


> My idea for dealing with CC spam: stability stacks in duration, whenever you are inflicted by a CC, the remaining duration is reduced by one second.


> And specifically, for wvw: being affected by a CC should grant the player short term stability (3 secs, probably) if they don't already have it. This could be trialed via an event, or added as a bonus to the outnumbered status.


I like this idea, could work idk.


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Not complaining here, I’m having fun in the current meta just the same, just adding some suggestions.


I think a different way to overhaul WvW’s reliance on 1FB (often 2FB) parties is to provide some other builds, which already have support characteristics, a viable way to put out group stability while rapidly moving. Sure Legendary Dwarf can give stab but the likely hood of even the top tier fight teams running perfectly over the field isnt high.


-Perhaps add more moving aoe stab to rev legends via trait selection (adding the stability trait increases CD between legends, which provides balance similar to FB tome 3 CD) or

-Reduce some healing characteristics of Druid’s celestial form and give it some aoe stab production similar to Tome 3, which would help put Ranger’s in a zerg slot for the first time in a really long time.

-Make chrono’s stab well a moving well similar to how scrapper gyros now work, since they are hardly ever used anymore for anything but driving.


Just a couple rough examples off the top of my head.


More smaller sources of group stab instead of the concentration/ease that you currently have by just getting FBs in your squad would lead to more interesting and diverse squad comps.

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My idea for a revised stability, not that it would ever happen, but:

Does not stack in numbers or duration. If you get another source of stab, it overwrites your old stab. This would punish unorganized groups while boosting well coordinated ones. Some sort of boon overhaul would have to take place where you only provide boons to people in your party, so some noob cant run up and mess up your stab.

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Teams bring FB not because of the stability skill... but because of everything else FB offers in addition to the stability skill. It's the total support package that makes it meta right now. Great healing, great boons, team cleansing, team stun-break, team blocks.... and stab.


Minstrel Scrapper is getting almost as many slots in a squad as FB, because the total support package from scrapper is on par with FB. However it's easier to play FB than scrapper.


For a brief time, Minstrel Tempest was making an appearance, but aura-share is not enough to make its total contribution the same as FB or scrapper.

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