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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:


> **The No Daily Cap for the Meta-Event Rush will not make the first release**

> Unfortunately, we will not be able to make this change for _this_ run of the event. This is planned as a bonus for potential future runs of this event.

>with releases.


> **Feedback is important!**

> We know that not every event can appeal to all players, but we want to make them as fun as possible for everyone. The events we’re running now aren’t set in stone—and neither are the rewards—because we want to keep things fresh and continue to improve them.


> Keep giving us feedback. We’ll keep reading it and communicating with you.


I guess you hedged with the "not every event can appeal to all players", but I guess I don't understand the no daily cap one. It is really only a bonus for people who play 2+ hours a day and is a total non-existent bonus for anyone who doesn't play in huge chunks. Do you really want to encourage people to pull 24-hour straight playsessions to max out the uncapped rewards? Because some folks will, and that's not really a good thing.


On the topic of events that aren't straight reward buffs - would be fun to see things that encourage some build adjustments or slight tweaks, but the reward is faster killing or smoother combat:


Bloodbath- bleeding does 50% (just tossing out a number) more damage

Pyromania - burning you inflict lasts twice as long

Mace to the Face - breakbar damage is doubled (would be great time to go after things like the Legendary Vinetooth, Shatterer acheive, serpent's ire, or anything else where breaking the bar at the right time is critical to the encounter), eyc.

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I am a returning player from 2012 and I have to say I really love this game... the lore, the art, the game play... it's fantastic. I wanted to share some ideas that I think would go along with special events but also tie into future releases (level 500 cooking/jewelry) etc.


-Racial holidays/festivals/events. It would be really cool as well as add to lore if each race had their own holiday/festival/tournament etc. These events could take place in maps that do not have high traffic to take advantage of existing maps. The game is so beautiful I would love to revisit places but with a new mission. These mini festivals could last a week or two and fill in the space between existing world holidays.


-Unique harvesting nodes/recipes tied to race/region. Building off the Living Story maps, it would be nice if each race/region had unique ingredients that could only be harvested in that region or during certain seasons. I also think it would be cool if each race had their own recipes to make with these regional ingredients. Again this would help people return to older maps in search of special nodes.


-Random world boss. To help in team building and getting players to help each other... there could be random world bosses that spawn maybe once a day. Players would have to first find the boss and then call for other players in guild/map to come take the boss down.


-Angel/Goodwill buff. I noticed back in the day players would always heal another downed player... now many players ignore downed players. If you resurrect another player you get the "goodwill" buff. It would be the exact same as the "hero's guild banner" 6 buffs. For each player you rez you would get the buff for 2 minutes (stack-able to 30 minutes.) This could be REALLY good for WVW.


-WVW mega boss... A boss that appears in the WVW main battleground. All 3 teams would have to fight not only each other, but takle down the boss as well. Whichever team scores the last hit on the boss gets reward/experience for the entire team (the other two teams would get no reward/experience if they do not make the last hit, regardless of damage done to boss.)


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> @"dauphinamericain.3286" said:



> -WVW mega boss... A boss that appears in the WVW main battleground. All 3 teams would have to fight not only each other, but takle down the boss as well. Whichever team scores the last hit on the boss gets reward/experience for the entire team (the other two teams would get no reward/experience if they do not make the last hit, regardless of damage done to boss.)


So basically it'd be a magnet for fights guilds but give the reward to the longbow archer waiting at a distance? Kind of like the grub but that gives no reward to anyone. Doesn't even count for the daily.


Personally, smc is a fine enough fights magnet, or the home keeps. I enjoy pve but in pve maps, please. I wouldn't want this even if every team got the reward.


As to reviving--there are some cases I'll even go out of my way to revive someone, especially in a starter map and many where I will outright refuse to(basically, if you're fighting a boss and you fully die, WP back. I have seen full dead people refuse to wp even with an uncontested wp 2 raptor jumps away. That isn't far even if you rp walk. I can understand if it's something like Patriarch and you had to use a tp to friend to even get there, but Tequatl? TD? Dragon's Stand? Many bounties? Shatterer? Come on folks. If you're that lazy(or afk) you can sit there dead until the chest vanishes as far as I'm concerned.


I did like the bleeding does 50% more or whatever suggestions, adjusting builds for that is nifty.


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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> > @"dauphinamericain.3286" said:


> >

> > -WVW mega boss... A boss that appears in the WVW main battleground. All 3 teams would have to fight not only each other, but takle down the boss as well. Whichever team scores the last hit on the boss gets reward/experience for the entire team (the other two teams would get no reward/experience if they do not make the last hit, regardless of damage done to boss.)

> >

> So basically it'd be a magnet for fights guilds but give the reward to the longbow archer waiting at a distance? Kind of like the grub but that gives no reward to anyone. Doesn't even count for the daily.


> Personally, smc is a fine enough fights magnet, or the home keeps. I enjoy pve but in pve maps, please. I wouldn't want this even if every team got the reward.


> As to reviving--there are some cases I'll even go out of my way to revive someone, especially in a starter map and many where I will outright refuse to(basically, if you're fighting a boss and you fully die, WP back. I have seen full dead people refuse to wp even with an uncontested wp 2 raptor jumps away. That isn't far even if you rp walk. I can understand if it's something like Patriarch and you had to use a tp to friend to even get there, but Tequatl? TD? Dragon's Stand? Many bounties? Shatterer? Come on folks. If you're that lazy(or afk) you can sit there dead until the chest vanishes as far as I'm concerned.


> I did like the bleeding does 50% more or whatever suggestions, adjusting builds for that is nifty.



Been doing WVW for a week due to bonus... literally the same thing over and over and over and over. No variety in gameplay. Something different would be nice. Like all events in GW2, if it doesn't interest you, you are not compelled to participate.


For the rez, not speaking of world bosses or wvw zerg fights... just the common respect of coming across a dead player on a map and knowing they are not near a portal so rez them out of good will/karma. (This tends to be more of a problem on HoT and PoF maps.)

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:


> > **The No Daily Cap for the Meta-Event Rush will not make the first release**

> > Unfortunately, we will not be able to make this change for _this_ run of the event. This is planned as a bonus for potential future runs of this event.

> >with releases.

> >

> > **Feedback is important!**

> > We know that not every event can appeal to all players, but we want to make them as fun as possible for everyone. The events we’re running now aren’t set in stone—and neither are the rewards—because we want to keep things fresh and continue to improve them.

> >

> > Keep giving us feedback. We’ll keep reading it and communicating with you.


> I guess you hedged with the "not every event can appeal to all players", but I guess I don't understand the no daily cap one. It is really only a bonus for people who play 2+ hours a day and is a total non-existent bonus for anyone who doesn't play in huge chunks. Do you really want to encourage people to pull 24-hour straight playsessions to max out the uncapped rewards? Because some folks will, and that's not really a good thing.



That's their own choice. Imagine having to actually play the game to gain something from participating somewhere. If you do even two of the same boss events you will have benefitted from this. Events SHOULD encourage people to play a lot. Nobody is FORCED to do it, but having the choice and being rewarded for a change is something extremely positive and should be encouraged. You talk as if those people have no say in it at all.


I like WvW, I play it a lot. During this event week I played more than I have in months, yet only reached the last Diamond chest before i stopped again. I got my share of fun and tons of loot from all those level ups. Felt great. Wouldn't feel great if it wasn't that much faster. Doing a world boss and getting an extra chest that might contain one of the items I've been trying to acquire for years will also feel great.

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I would love to see all these living world events (mist rifts, joko invasion, rift sensor, etc) turned into a rotating series of events. They're getting cluttered. A one-a-week or one-a-month rotation would maybe help, but there might be a better solution. It would also allow for them to be cleared out of the way temporarily for any new events.

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Faren Away weekends

Weekend 1: Lord Faren is missing. Find him and ask him to come back and get a food item if you can convince him.

Weekend 2: Lord Faren is back on his normal location in a big way. He is now twice his normal size and, if you found him the first weekend and this weekend, you can ask him for a Lord Faren tonic that lasts 1 hour.


Edit: Let the Faren tonic be a combat tonic that occasionally recites Faren quotes of the past; even in combat.


Also, is it time for another LA election?

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"thehipone.6812" said:

> > > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> >

> > > **The No Daily Cap for the Meta-Event Rush will not make the first release**

> > > Unfortunately, we will not be able to make this change for _this_ run of the event. This is planned as a bonus for potential future runs of this event.

> > >with releases.

> > >

> > > **Feedback is important!**

> > > We know that not every event can appeal to all players, but we want to make them as fun as possible for everyone. The events we’re running now aren’t set in stone—and neither are the rewards—because we want to keep things fresh and continue to improve them.

> > >

> > > Keep giving us feedback. We’ll keep reading it and communicating with you.

> >

> > I guess you hedged with the "not every event can appeal to all players", but I guess I don't understand the no daily cap one. It is really only a bonus for people who play 2+ hours a day and is a total non-existent bonus for anyone who doesn't play in huge chunks. Do you really want to encourage people to pull 24-hour straight playsessions to max out the uncapped rewards? Because some folks will, and that's not really a good thing.

> >


> That's their own choice. Imagine having to actually play the game to gain something from participating somewhere. If you do even two of the same boss events you will have benefitted from this. Events SHOULD encourage people to play a lot. Nobody is FORCED to do it, but having the choice and being rewarded for a change is something extremely positive and should be encouraged. You talk as if those people have no say in it at all.


> I like WvW, I play it a lot. During this event week I played more than I have in months, yet only reached the last Diamond chest before i stopped again. I got my share of fun and tons of loot from all those level ups. Felt great. Wouldn't feel great if it wasn't that much faster. Doing a world boss and getting an extra chest that might contain one of the items I've been trying to acquire for years will also feel great.


That's quite the overreaction and putting words in my mouth, so this response will likely be as effective as talking to the bathroom wall, but here goes. I never claimed anyone was forced to do anything, only that people would likely respond to an altered reward structure. And in my opinion, the proposed no daily cap bonus event has a reward structure that promotes unhealthy gameplay habits. Which, again, in my opinion, is not how these bonuses should work. They should enhance the time you spend in game, not promote something where you burn out and grind as hard as you possibly can while the bonus is active.



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What I would suggest, in two related concepts:


**INTEGRATION**: GW2 is a fantasy world as amazing as any book or movie. But when new world developments are added, they are not integrated into the great things that already exist. Let’s bring the entire GW2 world into a more cohesive unit. Doing so would be more work than I can imagine, but the results would be tremendous.

Send things from everywhere, to everywhere else – integrate components from Core Tyria, HoT, PoF, LS2, LS3, LS4, WvW and PvP all over the place. Bouncing mushrooms in Caledon, sending us up to new bloodstone and mistonium node spawns and an unexpected Silverwastes breach champ… skritt tunnels in Eternal Battleground, leading us to…??? unpredictable beetle walls, jackal portals, Nuhoch wallows all around the Tyrian world. The possibilities are endless. With a taste of the other parts of GW2, players would be more incentivized to purchase all expansions and living seasons if they don't already have them.


**SURPRISE**: The game has so many features, yet to read players’ chat, much of it has become stale to veteran players. Meta events in organized groups have reached auto-mode now. It has become formulaic, and there is a ho-hum effect that players have been remarking on. The Event Timer with scheduled events is really good for people whose real-life schedules allow only so much play time in a set schedule (most of us). But there could be more.

With the introduction of the Current Event portals and rifts, new possibilities opened up. The element of surprise could be added everywhere, all the time, which would shake up the player base with new challenges. Examples: East and North in Octovine getting to be sleepytime? Send a Choya stampede during burn phase. Not every time, but enough to stir players to be wary and alert. Send some indiscriminate fire wyverns into a WvW zerg battle! When a full squad takes on a Legendary Bounty run, challenge them… imagine a chak rush spawning in a fight with Rubedon!

Surprises all the time… And better still, surprise events announced on the 10-minute alerts with the Portal Alert items we bought from the gem store. (These items don’t do enough for us now, basically just duplicating the wiki Event Timer. Warning us of unexpected events about to happen would make them worth having… and worth buying gems for.)


Players like the comfort of knowing how to do events on auto-mode; but players also like the challenge of the unexpected.

Troll us a little! Surprise us… a lot.



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I would love to see Dungeon event weekends/weeks, where we get extra rewards while doing dungeons during this period! I'm still working towards getting all my dungeon skins, even after 6+ years playing. Having special events where I can farm dungeons with lots of active players doing the same would be fun!

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I would love see Dragon Hunting Event with rewards like year ago in the Pavilion

Everytime dragon is killed by players, then everyone will get reward based on first daily kill.

* Tier 1 ~ 20 slot bag

* Tier 2 ~ 24 slot bag

* Tier 3 ~ 28 slot bag

* Tier 4 ~ 32 slot bag + Bonus reward with xxx killed dragon (chosen one or two?) : Magic find Merchant. He will sell every booster existing in the game for Luck.

Every bag can be crafted to 32 slot bag.


It will be cool to if every test stuff like first week of mount in wvw or something special like golem rush be added week for month or for 2 with "outnumbered buff" for every server or every server with first place (draw match). Everything is to promote wvw Mode for players with low rank.


"[suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas" in this thread people also add some interesting ideas about events and for the rest game content.

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> @"thehipone.6812" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"thehipone.6812" said:

> > > > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > >

> > > > **The No Daily Cap for the Meta-Event Rush will not make the first release**

> > > > Unfortunately, we will not be able to make this change for _this_ run of the event. This is planned as a bonus for potential future runs of this event.

> > > >with releases.

> > > >

> > > > **Feedback is important!**

> > > > We know that not every event can appeal to all players, but we want to make them as fun as possible for everyone. The events we’re running now aren’t set in stone—and neither are the rewards—because we want to keep things fresh and continue to improve them.

> > > >

> > > > Keep giving us feedback. We’ll keep reading it and communicating with you.

> > >

> > > I guess you hedged with the "not every event can appeal to all players", but I guess I don't understand the no daily cap one. It is really only a bonus for people who play 2+ hours a day and is a total non-existent bonus for anyone who doesn't play in huge chunks. Do you really want to encourage people to pull 24-hour straight playsessions to max out the uncapped rewards? Because some folks will, and that's not really a good thing.

> > >

> >

> > That's their own choice. Imagine having to actually play the game to gain something from participating somewhere. If you do even two of the same boss events you will have benefitted from this. Events SHOULD encourage people to play a lot. Nobody is FORCED to do it, but having the choice and being rewarded for a change is something extremely positive and should be encouraged. You talk as if those people have no say in it at all.

> >

> > I like WvW, I play it a lot. During this event week I played more than I have in months, yet only reached the last Diamond chest before i stopped again. I got my share of fun and tons of loot from all those level ups. Felt great. Wouldn't feel great if it wasn't that much faster. Doing a world boss and getting an extra chest that might contain one of the items I've been trying to acquire for years will also feel great.


> That's quite the overreaction and putting words in my mouth, so this response will likely be as effective as talking to the bathroom wall, but here goes. I never claimed anyone was forced to do anything, only that people would likely respond to an altered reward structure. And in my opinion, the proposed no daily cap bonus event has a reward structure that promotes unhealthy gameplay habits. Which, again, in my opinion, is not how these bonuses should work. They should enhance the time you spend in game, not promote something where you burn out and grind as hard as you possibly can while the bonus is active.




Calling my measured response an overreaction, while you're the one saying that people are unable to control themselves because they need to play for those 24/7 rewards... Okay.


Aside from this unrealistic scenario you've made up, saying that a normal player isn't going to benefit from this is plain wrong. They get bonus chests too and the people who do play a bit more will benefit more. That's fair and if you think that it encourages unhealthy behaviour then I don't know what to tell you. Sure, some people WILL pull 24h shifts to get as many chests as possible, but that IS their own decision. It's not encouraged, nor is it discouraged. It is to be expected that people can make their own decisions, no matter if wrong or right.Some people are hardcore or insane enough to pull that stuff. I can respect the hustle


In reality most people will do one or two runs and then peace out. Or come back later. Even better. You can do a run, leave for multiple hours and come back later, STILL get rewards and be a happy person that is able to use their time efficiently with a chance of rare infusions and those darn invisible shoes.

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Well i prefer it if you did not put "Collections and meta achievements with titles" in limited timed events please. Many of us that did not exoerienced "Living world season 1"could not get things from there It may not be best to repeat that :(


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Some very good ideas have been mentioned for theme weeks: dungeons and Season 1 for instance.


But is the idea just more loot or different loot? if that is the case, simply triple the drop rate and you are done. Or for something more intricate, make all Dry Top chests appear during sandstorms and the loot they drop is dependent on the tier achieved in the prior 40 minutes.


I suspect there is more than simply better loot or ideas which can quickly be coded into the system. As Yoda would say "Loot not make game great." What is desired is interaction with other players. A way to make solo players and the socially awkward view GW2 as an MMO instead of a single player game with a built-in chat system.


Fortunately, that system has already been created - guilds. How about this: If a player joins a guild and stays a member for 72 hours, they get a goodie cookie. So a player is a member of five (5) guilds. They get five (5) tokens. The player can give 1 to each of their 5 guilds or give 1 guild all 5 tokens. A guild then takes these tokens and can create a decoration based on number donated. Larger guilds can make a larger statue say like bronze, silver or gold raid trophies.


To prevent abuse, F2P accounts need to be a certain level - either age-wise or level-wise.


The idea is to create interaction and join a "real guild". Not a personal bank or a friends-only guild but a real guild with guild events.


As a side note, the guild limit needs to be expanded. With the plethora of specialty guilds around (raids, WvW, fractals, etc) it is easy for a player to want to be a member of more than five (5) guilds.

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I haven't read all the posts so this might already be a suggestion, but here goes nothing:


**Event name**: Mirror Madness (or something about Lyssa?)


**Effect**: All enemies when reaching 0 health instead of dying they divide in two. And then each of these "mirror images" further divide in two when being killed (unless that would be too much?). The resulting "images" would be weaker than the original mob, but not 50% weaker, so for example fighting the resulting 2 Mossmen would be harder than fighting the original.


**Loot**: Loot drops would be the same for each image (and the original unchanged of course), effectively multiplying the loot drop by 3 (if one division) or by 7 (if 2 divisions).


**Where**: Everywhere and on every monster, be it trash mob, champion or legendary boss. Excluding only the "giant pile of hit boxes" type of bosses, like the dragons and whatnot. But otherwise any and all "npc"/"creature" type of enemy in game.


**Why**: I think it'll be fun. It will certainly add a level of difficulty to... well everything involving mobs since jumping and insta-killing 4 icebrood wolves in Bitterfrost might not be a good idea anymore. Or having to really think about how to go about killing that wave of mordrem during a DS meta... And if that would seem like fun the extra loot should be a nice addition.

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It sounds cool at first until you realize how much time it would take to kill 2 Tequatls...and 2 of everything in every mob...think POF but worse. I have enough trouble getting out of combat in POF. Instead of 3786932 mobs now I'd be fighting 728398327872? (yes just randomg keysmash of numbers)


How about in one zone. So I could avoid it. Because I /cannot/ jump into a group of 4 icebrood wolves and insta kill them.

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Hi, just wanted to chip in. I really love the idea of bonus event - it hearkens back to the GW1 weekly events and brings back good memories. I also like the idea that you want to think outside the box and do other kinds of events than those which increase the chances of getting better stuff. I don't like the idea of more collections because they seem boring grindy to me at this point. Every release has some kind of collection that requires running around, grinding, crafting weapons, and I don't have the willingness and the motivation to do them. What I would be interested in would be something like Flux in PvP from GW1, so weekly modifications of how mechanics and skills work (maybe like reduced cooldown on elite skills, increased damage if you wield one handed weapon without second hand weapon, reduced direct damage and increased condition damage, etc). In PvE I'd like to see something similar and even more crazy, like the ability to use all the skills from elite specs on your class without the need to equip it, or maybe skill swap with other classes - pick one utility skill from other class to use it.

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Just a comment on the rewards side of things for these events:


* Emotes - custom emotes as rewards either as part of a collection reward or if possible to make it a drop that can be used on your account

* Home instance - unique drops for home instances either nodes or pets or something cosmetic

* Maybe some tracks like in WvW or PvP where you can get dungeon tokens, dungeon runes/sigils, legendary crafting mats and other stuff maybe from WvW or PvP for those that don't play those modes. these tracks could be associated to bonus events rather than regular PvE

* Collections with unique skins for the week including mount and glider skins not just weapon, armour or outfit

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> @"Taek.4671" said:

> Just a comment on the rewards side of things for these events:



> * Maybe some tracks like in WvW or PvP where you can get dungeon tokens, dungeon runes/sigils, legendary crafting mats and other stuff maybe from WvW or PvP for those that don't play those modes. these tracks could be associated to bonus events rather than regular PvE

> *


It's already in the game, all you have to do is go finish story mode for dungeon to unlock those

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Okay, some more thoughts given some time to reflect:




* DOTA week - Camps spawn low level npcs. Towers spawn parties of low level npcs and high level champions. Keeps spawn siege weapons. These rally to the nearest enemy held point and attack it -- except on EBG, where they rally to SMC if you hold it. This gives teams and players a reason to have to leave SMC to defend SMC. If you let the other teams capture all the keeps, you won't be able to keep up with all the attacks. If you take a few keeps, you'll be too well defended to attack directly until some of these supports are taken away.

* Rampage week - At a predictable interval, tower, keep and SMC lords will leave their keep (with a suitable retinue) to attack a nearby enemy held stronghold. Players will have to escort their NPC to keep it alive. It will be made much stronger when it leaves its base, but not enough to stay alive with no support. If the NPC dies while outside its base, the base's walls are weakened 50% until the NPC respawns.

* Dolyak week - Dolyaks spawn at an increase rate from each camp held. Each dolyak rewards double normal rewards to escorts / slayers. Slaying a dolyak rewards a temporary buff that increases all stats by 20% (doesn't stack) for 15 minutes.

* Nemesis - When you enter a WVW map, a player on one of the enemy teams is chosen as your nemesis. You can see their location on your map and get 10x reward (and a new nemesis) upon slaying them.

* Ripe for the picking - Each camp / tower / keep taken gives all players taking it a counter. No bags drop from normal enemies -- instead, you get 1 bag per 3 counters they have, rounded down.

* We brave few - Walls and defenses have 30% reduced health. Siege weapons do 1.5x damage. Successfully repelling an attack gives double rewards.

* They come at night - when night falls, unaligned NPCs appear and assault all bases -- undefended bases will be overwhelmed and revert to neutral. A heavier than usual number of NPCs will stay on these points and need to be slain to capture it back.

* They come in waves - allied npcs such as hylek, ogres, etc come in several waves of increasing strength when captured by one team However, they lose their alignment after the last wave is defeated and are free for another team to capture immediately.

* Watch your back - There are double as many allied NPCs guarding each base, but allied NPCs have a small chance to switch allegiances to an attacker when a base is besieged. (Probably need some sort of CD or minimum number of attackers / duration of attack to stop people running to all enemy bases trying to spawn it).

* Spy among us - Each hour, one spy spawns (per side) inside a randomly chosen allied base, if any, and roams the base in stealth. Enemies can see where the spy spawned. Offers a special reward if found and killed. If enemies do 10% damage to one of the walls of a base a spy is inside, the spy will destroy that wall.

* Traitor in the ranks - at a given interval, one of your lords will declare their allegiance for one of the enemy teams. Your team has 10 minutes (5?) to subdue the lord and return them to your side, or they will switch your base over to that team.




* The point is on fire - Each second, all points do direct damage to anyone standing on them and add 1 stack of burning.

* Point master - Two NPCs fight over each point. NPCs will buff allies with might, regen, swiftness, stability, etc, but don't count for capping points.

* Point decay - Points automatically decap when not held by a player. This effect starts 30 seconds after being abandoned.

* Opposites attract - Home point ticks at half the usual rate. Far ticks at double.

* Instabilities - similar mechanics to fractals, e.g. reduced damage when stacked and increased when too far apart. Randomise on game load (but same mechanics apply to both teams)

* Gotta go fast - permanent 50% speed increase to all players, except when crippled or chilled.

* Barrier mode - all heals grant barrier instead. There is no way to heal players. Barriers have 50% reduced effectiveness.

* To the victor - gain superspeed, fury and 5 stacks of might upon landing a killing blow.

* Dodge this - dodges no longer provide effective immunity. Enemies evading attacks miss out on any conditions that would have landed or CC, but still take 33% of the damage they would have incurred.

* Explosive revenge - two seconds after being defeated, players will explode, dealing 5000 damage to any enemies within 600 range.

* Not really downed - if downed players survive 8 seconds, they are automatically revived, but with a full downed penalty - if they die in the next minute they are immediately defeated.




* Slayer - A particular enemy type is singled out for bounty rewards for 24 hours. Killing a normal enemy awards one point, vet 2, elite 5, champion 10. Bronze, silver and gold completion levels are available and reward objects themed around that enemy (e.g. ghosts could reward Ascalonian tears)

* Mushroom week - Treasure mushrooms spawn after each world boss & meta boss kill. Other mushroom npcs spawn during these events and have to be dealt with by players.

* All the colours of the rainbow - Bosses spawn dyed a randomly chosen colour. They drop a guaranteed dye of that colour on death -- obviously spawned in normal proportions as of unidentified dye drops.

* Legendary week - Precursor drop chance tripled. Legendary chests (from collections) drop a small amount of resources of types needed for the next tier of crafting. Daily rewards also give 1 - 3 mystic clovers.

* Kill streak - Each player gets their own instanced enemies untouchable to anybody else, contained to a single map. Race to kill them all in time to get bronze/silver/gold rewards.

* Mist vault - On killing a given daily boss, a portal spawns to the mists. Once there the player has x seconds to loot as many chests / nodes / etc as they can manage.

* Dungeon boss week - a random dungeon boss spawns outside his dungeon each day, appropriately scaled as a world event (and appearing on world boss device). Drops tokens for his dungeon, and a small chance of a random exotic skin.


Disclaimer: I'm sure some of these would be terrible, but it'd be fun to mix everything up.

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Taek.4671" said:

> > Just a comment on the rewards side of things for these events:

> >


> > * Maybe some tracks like in WvW or PvP where you can get dungeon tokens, dungeon runes/sigils, legendary crafting mats and other stuff maybe from WvW or PvP for those that don't play those modes. these tracks could be associated to bonus events rather than regular PvE

> > *


> It's already in the game, all you have to do is go finish story mode for dungeon to unlock those


@"phs.6089" I am aware of the explorable modes. I am talking about the tracks as an alternate method for some of the dungeon specific items. Also WvW and PvP have tracks to obtain PvE so maybe a PvE to obtain WvW and PvP. Was just a thought on doing things differently.

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> @"Taek.4671" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Taek.4671" said:

> > > Just a comment on the rewards side of things for these events:

> > >

> >

> > > * Maybe some tracks like in WvW or PvP where you can get dungeon tokens, dungeon runes/sigils, legendary crafting mats and other stuff maybe from WvW or PvP for those that don't play those modes. these tracks could be associated to bonus events rather than regular PvE

> > > *

> >

> > It's already in the game, all you have to do is go finish story mode for dungeon to unlock those


> @"phs.6089" I am aware of the explorable modes. I am talking about the tracks as an alternate method for some of the dungeon specific items. Also WvW and PvP have tracks to obtain PvE so maybe a PvE to obtain WvW and PvP. Was just a thought on doing things differently.


What dungeon specific items? The wvw and pvp reward tracks let you get weapons and armor from the dungeons PLUS the currency. If you're proposing a PVE reward track to obtain dungeon currency that...kind of boggles my mind. You already HAVE a PVE method to obtain dungeon things--do the dungeon! If you're proposing a PVE reward track to earn wvw things, like Gift of Battle, I don't see it happening, although it has been proposed before. So you never know.

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