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Upcoming Bonus Events

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> @"Cell.4176" said:

> I think a big reason why I don't bother at all with meta events and worldbosses in general is the pointlessness of zerging a huge hitbox with 1-2 attacks, pressing 1 like every other chap and waiting for that 0.0001% drop to happen


> I mean, doing shatterer doesn't feel epic or anything, you either get in an aoe because you were brain afk pressing 1 and get rezzed or you don't, there's almost no chance the fight fails and tbh last time I had to do one of these events I just hit the boss once or twice then afk'd until it was over



Pressing 1 is literally all you can do halfway through all these fights anyways because of the massive skill lag.


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Most people playing the game now have a good deal of ascended equipment already, so guaranteed rares aren't really all that exciting to most of us. You could TP them or salvage for ectos, which is nice, but I think that, given most of the people doing this bonus event are veteran players, tokens for trade-in instead of obscenely rare RNG drops might have been a better choice. Maybe even some exotics for the few newer people or more casual players who haven't had the time to build up their gear set yet.

Overall, the fact that the game is made NOT to be a neverending upwards gear treadmill (which is a good thing, IMO, don't get me wrong) means that almost everyone has capped stat gear at this point, so you're going to have to be very creative to make rewards enticing. Cosmetic items are always cool because they let people customize their otherwise "identical-to-everyone-else" gear into something unique. That being said, more cosmetic items available as drops during future events might add incentive? Just a thought.

Thank you for trying to make things fresh again and encouraging player feedback.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



I hope you don't get discouraged from doing similar events like this in the future.

While the rewards themselves do feel underwhelming, the idea itself behind the event is still nice and appreciated.



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Hmm. Welp. Just one feedback zbout thzt extra loot box, sections should be at least equal, only that useless spore in rare? Way far too much things in common. It would be nice if the written ratities meant something, frankly i don't see the diferences between rare and super rare which are basically (you will never get that. 0.00000000000001 chances....)

And the common which are guarenteed. But it's kinda the same thing with bl chests... plus hard to find keys...

Better to have a token to exchange.


Events are about rewards, you can turn the event into anything ,add 2638 rng boxes will not change anything, if not rewarding it's not. Wb are like this since 6 years ago, how much it costs to make champs spawned by scaling dropping champ bags? Adding a chance even low of dropping bl keys or ascended after an amount of them done?

And as some said why not a currency dropping from them to purchase cool little things?


The event is very cool, but rng kill it. Why not earning tomes of knowledges each two wb done? Just a thought.

But still, it refreshed world boss and make them very active right now with several commanders.


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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



As it's pretty obvious lately. World Boss loot has been pretty lackluster by today's standards compared to other parts of the game. At the very least the daily cap on world boss loot should be removed entirely, except for Tequatl due to the 2 gold you can make from it. The rest, even Triple Trouble is reasonable for having repeatable loot due to it taking a long time to coordinate and actually successfully killing the boss.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> I did the event this morning. Got at1 mat and a rare unid. I thought. Not worth. Went and did other things. Later today a friend wanted to do it so we went and spent 2 hours with a zerg. Got about a hundred ectos total(from all loot not just bonuses). I was pleased. He got a tequatl chest. I got some Shatterer achievement and FINALLY OMG. Got the kill the things in 20 seconds Shadow Behemoth achievement.


> We won't be doing this 24-7 because once you don't get the regular loot it isn't worth but when you ADD regular loot PLUS the bonus boxes plus the mat gathering while waiting totes worth.


> Liking this event way more than I thought I would.


That's the right point of view. People shouldn't expect that farming bosses became a thing, out of the blue. There's a small _additional_ reward for killing them, but imo is a good thing that farming world bosses doesn't become a new SW, as many seem to expect. My guild mates tried it yesterday, and apparently there were so many people that the game was unplayable. Still, my boss got an ascended weapon from Tequatl.


The idea of the tokens... yeah, it might work, but as @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said, I also would feel forced to collect them as fast as I can. In the end, it's like a farming festival/labyrinth: you get many boxes that usually only have "junk" but a super rare chance to make jackpot. "Normal"/casual players won't spend the whole day/week there, but there are also many players that farm these things, because they really hope for an infusion. So let the farmers farm, and the casual ones move on on what they like more.

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> @"Devildoc.6721" said:

> This event reasserts the need for a good breakbar tutorial. Too many people in these boss events for like the shatterer just plain don't know what a breakbar is even though anet has intended for us to use them as part of the boss fight mechanics. That's on anet to fix because we can try to make informative forum posts or use map chat to attempt to instruct people on what to do, but many players never view the forums, never look at chat. So we need something in the tutorial to address what is such a common mechanic in the game. It's about as important as dodging, and dodging has a tutorial (even though it's a badly implemented side tutorial that these same players who don't care about improving skip)


> You changed the new player experience and tutorials before taking out the downed state tutorial, you can do it again.


When the event is nothing more than a 3minute skill lagfest and particle effect massacre.. breakbars become irrelevant.

Breakbars or not, they don't last long enough for players to care.. it's all about getting in the map, putting skill 1 on auto and going to make a coffee then collect loot (if you dont have the auto loot) remap to next boss.. rinse repeat.

The only exception is maybe Teq where you have to stop auto attacking (mostly) when Teq flies off and the defence stages start.. kinda becomes 3 or 4 stages of auto attacking with a short run in between.

Breakbars on world bosses became irrelevant 5minutes after they were introduced imo.

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I don't think this is off topic having re-read OP's post and regarding feedback.

I would first like to say that it was very very refreshing to see so many people in the maps, I killed some bosses last night and enjoyed it.

However - the lag! Oh my. My computer handles this game very well, but at these events I was suffering from freezes and skill lag more than I have ever had, to the point I couldn't even tell if i was actually hitting the boss.

I found the rewards (all mats) quite useful as i'm a crafter, but I'm guessing that would be meh for most.


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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



Maybe if you remove the T1 mats and add 1 gold to the box.

Getting jute from a world boss feels a bit like a slap in the face. :s

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So far, after a few hours playing last night, I’m enjoying the event. While I want to try and earn gold for my griffin mount, doing these bosses is letting me complete some weapon skin collections first, I’m getting some good rare loot on drops and when I’m ready, I have all the dropped bags of loot to open.


Like I’d love to get some super rare loot from the bonus box when I open it, but honestly I’m having fun with the community coming together on this event. We’re chatty, having fun and trying for harder achiements. Also laughing at the low fps that is, and I quote, “like a powerpoint presentation” and the joy of #pingyourfps during the fights.

If anything from this, I’d love more community events similar like this of any kind. Maybe doing bonus meta weeks, or several other popular ideas brought up in the forum.


Also much love to the mighty tree I saw last night, you were a wonderful, generous tree.

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> @"Urud.4925" said:

> That's the right point of view. People shouldn't expect that farming bosses became a thing, out of the blue. There's a small _additional_ reward for killing them,

Its wasting players time. nothing more.

This game is all about getting stuff to sell or salvage to make something other.

When you don't get enough stuff it's not worth doing this.


the best part yesterday was the map chat.

and i got Genesis, but not from the additional loot and that's what we are talking about here.


somehow i have a bad feeling about the next Events. when everywhere only the bonus chest reward is the difference then it's not worth playing it.


> @"Dami.5046" said:

> However - the lag! Oh my. My computer handles this game very well, but at these events I was suffering from freezes and skill lag more than I have ever had, to the point I couldn't even tell if i was actually hitting the boss.


Server lags. even the bosses stopped doing something.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



People are just upset they aren't getting the Super duppa ultra rare mega gold infusions.

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> @"Eremes Guile.1480" said:

> anyone got infusion drop yet? loving the 10 fps tho


there already some at the Black Market


> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> People are just upset they aren't getting the Super duppa ultra rare mega gold infusions.

no. read the thread again. no one here complains sbout the infusion droprate at all.

Its about the rest that is in that chest.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



In terms of actual rewards, the rare unid isn't a *bad* reward in terms of value (although ~20s 4 times an hour isn't exactly spectacular), but it's almost invisible. You don't feel like you got much out of it. It would genuinely be better if you had an interface e.g. black lion chests to show the rare reward, or if the rewards were not things you normally get regularly from world bosses.


You've run into something similar here as you've had for other events, where even though the rewards are ok objectively, they feel bad because they're just a little bit more of the same, and its hard to separate out the extra rewards from the stuff you would have already gotten.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



Thank you for engaging with us! It feels so great to see this.


Personally I feel the event is rewarding enough - like you said, you always get a piece of rare gear, with extra lottery rolls on expensive infusions, as well as the loot the bosses normally drop. You can actually rack up a respectable amount of rares doing this.


My friend said it well enough to a guildmate of mine, "Did you just expect to roll up to shadow behemoth, loot your invisible boots and you're good to go?"

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Just add a reward track for world bosses.

Or even better, for PvE (a track for each map, and a global track for world bosses).

Another track for dungeons.


Basically add a reward track for unrewarding gamemodes (fotm and raids are fine right now, so they don't need a reward track).

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!


There needs to be a reward unique to this system that players can work towards. Not an RNG drop, a progress goal. There need to be tokens of some kind that you can collect to eventually get something cool from it. No amount of mats or unidentified gear would add up to "enough" to be "cool."

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!


Yeah, the problem with boxes is that they feel like they're meant to be obtained in larger quantities, when you only get them 1 every 15 minutes instead. So each time I open them and get a bunch of 3 low level materials, my main reaction is: "Yeah, ok". The super rare rewards may make everything worth when you get them, but they are so incredibly rare, they're not meant to be dropped to every player, making it so the box ultimately functions as a bait, an illusion.


Here are my many suggestions to improve on this:

- Follow Black Lion Chest's concept of having 1-2 unique drops in Uncommon category.

- Fill in the Rare category with plenty of items. Put in some mystic coins, mystic clovers, amalgamated gemstones, etc. The drop rate seems low enough that I doubt a single mystic coin or a single amalgamated gemstone per (week? day?) would break the economy, especially when it's not even the most effective way to get them, but at least it would feel extra nice.

- Add more achievements for bosses that don't have many of them. Something similar to what Shatterer, Triple Trouble, etc. already have. With some good ap and an unique drop or two locked somewhere there, it would at least make players work towards a goal.

- Have an additional box-awarding repeatable achievement that gives you a bulk of boxes of goods after doing X unique bosses, in addition to the current existing one (1 boss = 1 box).

- Take opportunities like this to improve existing content, even if it means the little details, like Taidha's door taking forever to break.

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> @"Vegeta.2563" said:

> > @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> > Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.

> >

> > Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.

> >

> > Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!

> >


> As it's pretty obvious lately. World Boss loot has been pretty lackluster by today's standards compared to other parts of the game. At the very least the daily cap on world boss loot should be removed entirely, except for Tequatl due to the 2 gold you can make from it.

It's not like you can kill Teqs back-to-back. Not even using guild world boss spawn items. Even uncapped it would still be vastly inferior to any serious farm content.

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> @"Stalkingwolf.6035" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > However - the lag! Oh my. My computer handles this game very well, but at these events I was suffering from freezes and skill lag more than I have ever had, to the point I couldn't even tell if i was actually hitting the boss.


> Server lags. even the bosses stopped doing something.


I would also like to bring up the fact that, along side bosses lagging behind, there were several instances where you couldn’t resurrect people. And this extended post boss defeat, so that might need looking into for future events as it’s probably frustrating for a player whose downed not getting help because the game bugged and lagged out on that action.

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> @"Chris Cleary.8017" said:

> Reading through your comments so far since the event has started, the main feedback that I'm seeing since the World Boss Rush started is that the box doesn't feel rewarding, with most players calling out that they "only got a few mats". I do want to point out that a Piece of Rare Unidentified Gear is a guaranteed drop unless you get a Rare/Super Rare drop.


> Going into this event we know that we have a lot we can improve on, and making repeatable rewards that feel rewarding is one of them. There are a number of designs internally to accomplish this, and getting rewards right is a critical part of making these events fun.


> Thanks for your feedback everyone, keep it coming!



Hey chris, thank you for doing these style of gw1 events again. I feel these would be much beter if you introduced a token system like dungeons then a vendor for them. I believe this is the best way of rewarding people through such events without causing a mass hysteria on the economy if loot is handed too freely. It allows you to control how much people can be rewarded and find a better middle ground. In matter of fact, you guys already did with the beetle racing event, it is the PERFECT way of reward system. Tonics, some piece of armor, some other novelties, decorations. All good nice things to have without breaking anything.


Another thing that can be done with less effort, is to reward people nicely but with a daily cap like the mystic coins and other legendary mats like you did before with Super adventure box. Hell, you could even double the core tyria xp masteries or even give us some exotic account bound armor pieces with selectable stats to gear people up for these bosses. I'm sure A LOT of people would be happy if they at least got an armor where they could select one of the hard to get spreads like celestial or trailblazer

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