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do u buy outfits but then stop using them......

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I mostly use them for ranking-up characters and key farmers, so I don't have to choose between re-dying with every new armor piece or wandering around in brown rags. So most of my outfits get used. Logan's Pact armor was, I think, the only one so gotta-have I spent real money on it, but I hoard my black lion statuettes for whenever there are outfits available.


But yeah, some of them rarely get used, and I kind of feel like I wasted my resources on them.


I would have chosen, "I collect outfits and don't care if they get used" except that I do look at the unused ones and it bothers me that I don't use them.

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I've only brought a few over the years as I don't really like most of them, but out of the few I've brought I've rarely used them, they probably got may 3-4 times use each at most. I think a large part of why I brought them was simply because they were on sale and I had some gems.


The one I use the most (but still very rarely) is probably the Arctic Explorer outfit, which I switch to if I'm spending lots of time in snowy maps, just to match the look of them.

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I rarely buy an outfit. Im also patient enough to wait for outfits I want to appear so I can buy them with lion statues. the occasional wardrobe unlocks I get from weekly key or map completions have been unkind to me in regard to outfits.

the ones I do buy I make sure one of my characters is using it at the very least.

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I voted that I always use outfits I buy. I have the problem that there are only very few medium armors I like and close to none heavy. So, all my toons with medium and heavy are with outfits. The only few outfits I do not use are those I received (not chosen), that I do not like much.

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There are some outfits that I regret buying. After the purchase and using it, I notice wonky visual aspects of it that I didn't notice at first that completely ruin my enjoyment of it.


But there are outfits that I use all the time and have been money well spent, and outfits that work for just one or two characters & were worth it for that. I'm glad when I see an outfit and immediately go NOPE, NO THANKS! It's the ones that appeal at first but then later sour that I need to be wary of...

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