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Elite Specs and Masteries Too Easy To Acquire In PoF?


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> @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > I don't mind the exp being less of an issue...

> > >

> > > The mastery points however, it took me less than a week to collect all the available PoF mastery points. That's.....underwhelming.

> >

> > What exactly is less than a week to you? How many hours is that?

> >

> > Because people have different commitments.

> >

> > There's plenty of challenge without making HP challenging.

> >

> > The problem here. ..is again...people don't just want challenge. .they want challenge to pay off. Can't ye make your own challenge by solo-ing some champs? Etc

> >

> > Why do you want the level of difficulty to increase for everyone?


> Exactly, people seem to forget that what they find easy might be hard for others, or in more common cases, what they find a "lack of content" is just them 24/7 rushing through everything.


The forums are full of this, sadly.


After a while though it all starts to blur. Eventually, you just learn to ignore the people who lack any sort of empathy for other people and claim the expansion has a "lack of content" because they went on a gaming bender to rush through everything.

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> @TheOrlyFactor.8341 said:

> > @CharterforGw.3149 said:

> > > @Taygus.4571 said:

> > > > @TexZero.7910 said:

> > > > I don't mind the exp being less of an issue...

> > > >

> > > > The mastery points however, it took me less than a week to collect all the available PoF mastery points. That's.....underwhelming.

> > >

> > > What exactly is less than a week to you? How many hours is that?

> > >

> > > Because people have different commitments.

> > >

> > > There's plenty of challenge without making HP challenging.

> > >

> > > The problem here. ..is again...people don't just want challenge. .they want challenge to pay off. Can't ye make your own challenge by solo-ing some champs? Etc

> > >

> > > Why do you want the level of difficulty to increase for everyone?

> >

> > Exactly, people seem to forget that what they find easy might be hard for others, or in more common cases, what they find a "lack of content" is just them 24/7 rushing through everything.


> The forums are full of this, sadly.


> After a while though it all starts to blur. Eventually, you just learn to ignore the people who lack any sort of empathy for other people and claim the expansion has a "lack of content" because they went on a gaming bender to rush through everything.


Again I would not consider 1 week to finish the story & acquiring all the masteries as rushing. If you've read any of my comments you'll see I'm just asking for more depth which will naturally bring more playtime. Although as someone mentioned if Anet can keep up with their 2-3 months release schedule (as they have already shown they can) then maybe this might be the level of depth they'll be adding to every release, with the exception of extra things for expansions of course.

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> @Lyger.5429 said:

> I understand that this is a game often called casual wars 2 but perhaps PoF made it a little too easy to max everything out, especially for veteran players. The two main culprits are mount masteries and elite specializations.


> **Elite Specializations**

> I know that there was a massive outcry when the amount of hero points required to fully unlock the elite specs were almost double what they are now, during the HoT era. This reaction was perhaps justified as people wanted to use their elite specs while they played through the story and the new maps. So Anet responded by decreasing the required hero points. Fast forward to PoF, the required amount of hero points remained the same. The main issue with this is that elite specs have been reduced to just clicking the UI and fully mastering the spec upon seconds of logging in. With the new elite spec lore and npcs they added with Path of Fire they should have gone one step further by making a quest chain or something of that sort, perhaps involving the npcs to make the player actually feel like they are learning new techniques and mastering new weapon sets.


> **Masteries**

> While my main concerns are with the elite specializations I felt that I should mention masteries as well. I was done with all the masteries in more or less a week. Compared to HoT which took me months to max everything out and my playtime has not changed very much. Perhaps requiring more experience to max out the masteries might be the best route forward in order to add more longevity to the PoF maps. This might be an unpopular opinion but feel free to share your thoughts on this.


> PoF has done a lot of things right so did HoT, here's hoping that Anet will take the best of both expansions and use it to make even better content in the future.




Nope, i really liked that i didn't need to run all over for hours to get my elite spec, i could get it, then dive into content.

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I am a bit oldschool and liked the way HoT handled it (even before they made it easier). I want to progress and feel the way of progression when I go through new content. Just unlocking it was a bit disappointing and there is no feel of achievement. I understand why they did that since the backlash in HoT. But I was fine with it. I even liked it. That said: most of my 'mains' could unlock it by not even going to PoF, but there are some chars left which need unlocking.


The general problem with PoF is that there is nothing else to do: the masteries are so easy to get and you don't have the feel of progression. Then again: most people want that somehow and on the other hand they say there's nothing to do on the new maps.

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> @Druitt.7629 said:

> What, in particular, stretched things out in HoT? My experience is that many of the mastery points were extremely difficult to even figure out where they were. (But that's a general complaint I have with HoT maps. So much vertical that it can be hard to figure out where something is, then it can be hard to get to it... Frustrating, not challenging.)

I completed the HoT hero points once or twice, then skipped them with other alts by using proofs from WvW..


But since the PoF hero points are soloable, I'm going to go get them with all of my alts, without resorting to WvW. So at least in my case, I'm getting far more out of those than I did in HoT.


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> @"Sylv.5324" said:

> I never mastered most of them in HoT because I was going through chemo when the xpac dropped, and when I came back, was behind everyone and thus stuck soloing.


> I'm usually an exploration and story fiend, but never completed either because of the gating. With PoF, I was able to do it all at my pace. It was really nice! And not therefore a waste of my money like HoT was.



It's not always a matter of preference that slows people down, and not everybody who can't get to gated content is a lazy newb.

Profession specs are CORE content, even if they are so called elite, people already paid for an expansion to gain access to it.

HoT is like a demented Mario Brothers Raid Instance especially at night.

I am not an elite player by any stretch of the imagination, but I am competent.

Getting access to parts of my profession should not make me consider doubling my blood pressure medication.

I love this game, and the community is top notch.

Don't try to turn it into WOW.


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I kind of agree with the OP - I mean, the first thing I should do when I log into PoF is enter the desert... instead, I character hopped in LA mastering the new elite specs my characters had just learned existed via excess HoT hero points built up over 2 years. It just lacks pizazz, y’know?

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> @"Lyger.5429" said:

> **Elite Specializations**

>The main issue with this is that elite specs have been reduced to just clicking the UI and fully mastering the spec upon seconds of logging in.


Or, the gameplay and farming one did prior to PoF retains value. Reducing the value of this gameplay with the expansion seems like an odd thing to suggest. Especially since the thing you're identifying as an issue is easily solved by each individual that feels this way by simply not using your saved HPs and unlocking them in the new content if that's what you want. Just choose to do that. Don't take choices away from people simply because you chose to do it the easy way, too.


> **Masteries**

> While my main concerns are with the elite specializations I felt that I should mention masteries as well. I was done with all the masteries in more or less a week. Compared to HoT which took me months to max everything out and my playtime has not changed very much. Perhaps requiring more experience to max out the masteries might be the best route forward in order to add more longevity to the PoF maps. This might be an unpopular opinion but feel free to share your thoughts on this.


You have unlocked 100% of PoF mastery points?? All the achievement ones, in 'more or less' a week? o.O I can understand doing the 40 map ones, but even the achieve ones??



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