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> @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > @"James.1065" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > Unblockables are a bad idea any way while guard uses blocks as active defense. I have no idea why active defense need a counter. That’s like make a attack which ignores dodges

> >

> > Just play reaper for a few months to learn how to play with no active defences at all, and you'll play your guard without ever needing a block ever again!


> You mean 2 healthpools?


2 health pools (especaily when 1 of them is only 66% of your actual health and is depleting naturally at 5%per second) can't be compared to skills that mitigate 100% damage for x amount of time.


For example: I am focused on my reaper by 3 enemies that stun lock me. I pop my shroud and get burnt down and killed in less than 3 seconds.


Warrior, gaurd, mesmer, thief, ranger (any other class with an active block or invunerbility) in same situation will pop that skill and take zero damage for x amount of time and have their full health when the skill expires.


How is having "2 health bars" even in the same discussion as active defenses like blocks and invun with the level of power creep we have in the game!?

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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > > @"James.1065" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > Unblockables are a bad idea any way while guard uses blocks as active defense. I have no idea why active defense need a counter. That’s like make a attack which ignores dodges

> > >

> > > Just play reaper for a few months to learn how to play with no active defences at all, and you'll play your guard without ever needing a block ever again!

> >

> > You mean 2 healthpools?


> 2 health pools (especaily when 1 of them is only 66% of your actual health and is depleting naturally at 5%per second) can't be compared to skills that mitigate 100% damage for x amount of time.


> For example: I am focused on my reaper by 3 enemies that stun lock me. I pop my shroud and get burnt down and killed in less than 3 seconds.


> Warrior, gaurd, mesmer, thief, ranger (any other class with an active block or invunerbility) in same situation will pop that skill and take zero damage for x amount of time and have their full health when the skill expires.


> How is having "2 health bars" even in the same discussion as active defenses like blocks and invun!?


Sorry man, basicly you have thrice the health then a guard with those 2 healthpools

The fact the 'just 2/3' is approx the same as guard healthpool (when traited) shows enough...i mean the axeburst, Reaper auto, Reaper five and focus 5 do enough damage to kill a mer guard in less then 4 attacks...it's not vice versa. Reaper build to cleave hard and be risky otherwise you dont cleave


Secondly a 'active' defense is sort of balanced that way...dont you have a shout that makes your attacks unblockable? Dont you have a trait to make your Marks unblockable? Dont you have skills who are unblockable by default?


Guard litterally has no active defense you cant cut through while the guard bursts you. And this counts for every class VS the guard....my experience as a guard


Yes Reaper has strong points and weak points...my experience if i fight reapers in whatever guard build i play ..i need to time immob perfectly and cc at the right time or im dead, since 3 auto's on Reaper form is enough to kill me


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> @"James.1065" said:

> > @"L A T I O N.8923" said:

> > > @"James.1065" said:

> > > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > > Unblockables are a bad idea any way while guard uses blocks as active defense. I have no idea why active defense need a counter. That’s like make a attack which ignores dodges

> > >

> > > Just play reaper for a few months to learn how to play with no active defences at all, and you'll play your guard without ever needing a block ever again!

> >

> > You mean 2 healthpools?


> 2 health pools (especaily when 1 of them is only 66% of your actual health and is depleting naturally at 5%per second) can't be compared to skills that mitigate 100% damage for x amount of time.


> For example: I am focused on my reaper by 3 enemies that stun lock me. I pop my shroud and get burnt down and killed in less than 3 seconds.


> Warrior, gaurd, mesmer, thief, ranger (any other class with an active block or invunerbility) in same situation will pop that skill and take zero damage for x amount of time and have their full health when the skill expires.


> How is having "2 health bars" even in the same discussion as active defenses like blocks and invun with the level of power creep we have in the game!?


Damage done to shroud is reduced by 50% also.

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Its cause they are scared some meme guard is going to run all those projectile block skills and make ranger useless. They don't even realize those skills are trash even without unblockables and that no guard is ever going to run them without a significant meta change.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here's an idea, make unstoppable union a stunbreak only.


No unblockable.


Then start going through all the other PoF and HoT traits that do 2 really strong things and pick 1 of them and remove the other.


Then maybe people would start enjoying the game again.


Maybe add the unblockable onto something else, I wonder if ranger has any skills that are terrible....

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> @"Mordayn.6198" said:

> Ok, it's time anet takes a look at one of the worst balanced abilities in the game. Soulbeast https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unstoppable_Union is a minor trait that gives them a 4s unblockable on a 10s cd if they go into beastmode then drop it. The issue is that unblockable doesn't only work on blocks, it also bypasses projectile destruction. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Unblockable . This ability has no counter play other than dodge but good luck trying to dodge against a 4s 10s cd unblockable proc. Honestly what they should do is tie unblockable to only bypass block mechanics and allow projectile reflect and destruction to be a viable counter to it. This would keep the trait viable as it would still be able to get through blocks but wouldn't be a god tier proc like it is now. They'd still have an extremely low cd proc of it for melee attacks and range if the target doesn't have projectile reflect or destruction. In it's current state though, it bypasses dynamic defensive gameplay of too many skills and is way too powerful. Some classes don't have access to reflect so they are just getting eaten up by Soulbeast unblockable burst and it's not healthy for the game.


This is another example of ANet building power creep on top of core mechanics to make them irrelevant.


Blocks are made irrelevant because of the amount of unblockables they added to the game.

CC is made irrelevant because of the amount of stability they added to the game.

Stealth is made irrelevant because of the amount of reveal they added to the game.


These were once core elements of PvP that made combat interesting. When you take away their effectiveness, combat is reduced to repeatedly spamming your buttons on a rotation with no thought or effort.

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