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No downed state has shown the true potential of WvW


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> @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> Here's something funny, all the battle royale games, you know the most popular game genre right now, have down state.



Doesn't make it right through.


Either way, downed state isn't going anywhere, so the game mode will continue to bleed players due to the numbers issue. Of all things, the one thing that favors numbers the most is downed state. Yet numbers is the one thing that people get uppity about because it leads to population imbalance and chronic server hopping which inevitably kills some servers.


Take away down state and you take away the numbers problem; because groups who habitually rely on it (sustain groups), will get decimated by less than a handful of players.

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lol gw2 is a casual game, taking away down state isn't going to stop the population from bleeding out, it won't solve population imbalance, it won't even attract new players, it'll just get rid of more of the casuals playing now. The people left here pretending to be fight guilds are only here to run over whatever is left for bags, when those bags start walking off to pve or other games so will they.


People server hop because they want to get easy action, being in dead t4 isn't fun unless you're some roamer enjoying flipping camps for 22 hrs of the day and 2 hrs might get a queue in ebg. And the other dumb group that want to play with their "frands" bandwagoning to one server while destroying the balance of 3-4 others the week after relinks. Ridiculous how many guilds have helped destroy server balance because they're bored and then come in here and blame anet for it.


I don't understand why people want to continue turning the game into a damn fps shooter instead of the mmorpg it was intended to be, this ain't even esports. The game is being destroyed by it's terribad balancing and broken elite specs that take years to correct. We get people in here saying the time before HoT was the best time, how they would rather play the core game again.


The problem with sustain groups is boons, that needs to be controlled, combat turning into bloated boons vs conditions is what ruined it, and then needing skills to hit like mack trucks to get through all the defenses. All no down state will do is push anet to implement even more defensive mechanics, they don't actually fix mechanics, they continue to stack on it.


I roam, I do small groups, I do zergs, I've gotten peeved at rallys, I've gotten peeved how easy it is to get someone up, times when that one down would have changed a fight drastically, but it's part of the game, you tell those people to git gud and stop dying, well it's the same the other way around, it's part of the challenge of taking on bigger groups, get better at managing and securing stomps and finishing players and stop asking for fps easy mode.


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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> > @"XenesisII.1540" said:

> > Here's something funny, all the battle royale games, you know the most popular game genre right now, have down state.

> >


> Doesn't make it right through.


> Either way, downed state isn't going anywhere, so the game mode will continue to bleed players due to the numbers issue. Of all things, the one thing that favors numbers the most is downed state. Yet numbers is the one thing that people get uppity about because it leads to population imbalance and chronic server hopping which inevitably kills some servers.


> Take away down state and you take away the numbers problem; because groups who habitually rely on it (sustain groups), will get decimated by less than a handful of players.


I think more people would leave because 50% of every map would be cheesy hit and run 1shot builds. Objectives would never flip because you could always kill 1 target with 2 people every 10 seconds (not to mention power of portal and zerker/reaper/daredevil burst).


I see numbers "problem" being thrown around in every discussion, but what exactly are you expecting from a game mode designed around large scale fighting in an MMO? If you don't want to fight overstacked servers then control your ppt better. I find it hard to believe that enemy constantly has bigger numbers in every single matchup, 24/7.


Considering that every time I mention transfer people go "but muh server pride", how about you organise as a server and get numbers the enemy is getting?

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