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A new parametrer :)

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What do you think about adding two new attributes to customize our characters with our weapons and armor? One would be based on increasing the casting speed of the skills and another on the recharging of the skills. At the same time we would have to modify the boos "quickness and alacrity" and conditions "chilled and slow", the modifcations could be that instead of accumulating in time they accumulate in packets such as "might" and the effect of each accumulation was much more slight than the orginal boon or condition.

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I'm not sure I see the need in a game like this. We already have ways to manipulate speeds using the boons/conditions you mentioned. It would risk micro managing something that already has a working solution. Not to mention it would likely cause some serious balancing headaches and greater dps gaps than we already have between the players.


So for me, this is a no. I'm not really seeing the reason why we'd need it (plus the less stats to manage, the better)

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I think it's a good idea, of course, there should be a balance, but changing as he said the boons so they do not have so much potentiation and can be packaged is a solution. Also, when choosing attributes of speed, other harmful ones such as precision, ferocity would be lost. Therefore, it is not a real problem for the balance of the dps.

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This one is tricky.

1. Different weapons and their different skills already all have different cast times and recharge times, and it's been one of important considerations when choosing a weapon (basically, you already customize your "attack speed" at this point).

2. The implementation will require a global cast/recharge time nerf, otherwise it's simply power creep. Players will feel forced into speccing into "attack speed" to remain relevant, and following is either also a straight damage nerf (points from damaging stats getting relocated to "attack speed") or a power creep (you give players more attributes to spend -> they get the ability to relocate points into damage and pull off one-shot bursts like never before).

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Remember, that at this moment, meta dps rotations take into consideration precise timing of skill activations and cooldowns, to make a skill chain where you use your high-damaging skills as often as possible, and try to fit as much as possible of the next tier ones in between. Any change to those times changes the whole equation. It may be okay with classes that have simple rotations and/or use skill priority rather than a strict rota, but can have a really significant negative impact on any classes where that rotation isn't very intuitive.

Basically, you'd have different rotations for each value of "attack speed" and "cooldown reduction", or (more likely) the builds would require you having very specific values and never deviating from them. That leaves far less space for experimentation.


Also, increasing those two values isn't necessarily a good thing, if it ends up changing a clean, short rotation into a complicated, 60-skill long one because skills end up not lining up as well as before

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I'd be against it, simply because the game is balanced around set casting times and cooldowns, this would have a huge impact on all the pvp modes, where timing and having a rough idea of own and enemies CD's is an important aspect.


That, and we really don't need more stats (we probably need less).

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