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Elementalist Healing in Dungeons and raids?

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> >Heal tempest has no place in fractals.

> That's weird, I could've swore I cleared T4's and CM's with a tempest healer last week...



thats weird, i'm sure i cleared last night dailies with 4 people. the guild member got a nice carry run



therefor they should balance every fractal and future fractal around 4 guys instead of 5, because i once did it

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> >Heal tempest has no place in fractals.

> That's weird, I could've swore I cleared T4's and CM's with a tempest healer last week...


For new players, gearing up characters to level 80 + ascended gear is actually difficult, and giving OP bad information can really dampen their in game experience. Most groups arn't looking for a heal tempest in fractals. Your anecdotal experience doesn't change the state of fractals on the whole.

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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > >Heal tempest has no place in fractals.

> > That's weird, I could've swore I cleared T4's and CM's with a tempest healer last week...


> For new players, gearing up characters to level 80 + ascended gear is actually difficult, and giving OP bad information can really dampen their in game experience. Most groups arn't looking for a heal tempest in fractals. Your anecdotal experience doesn't change the state of fractals on the whole.


I've never seen a group turn down a heal tempest, nor have I ever seen a LFG that specifically stated special classes for healer. All LFG's I see are "LF healer". Healers are actually in high demand and the most common thing I see every group sitting at 4/5 looking for a healer.


I've gotten renegades, FBs, tempests, and druids as healers and cleared CM's and T4's just perfectly fine with every single healer. Saying Tempest has "no place in fractals" is absurd and actually giving bad advice - it gives might, some fury, and good HPS. Fractals are easy enough you can clear them WITHOUT a healer, bringing some """"inferior""" healer isn't going to suddenly make them impossible. Stop treating this game like it's some extreme hardcore difficult game, because it's not. This "you need to always use the best and everything else is worthless" mindset is unhealthy for the game and actively makes the game worse for everyone. You saying "tempest healer has no place in fractals" when people are sitting 4/5 looking for a healer most of the time could've just stopped a few people from being a healer, thus directly harmed the game by making more people sit there in LFG because there could be people RIGHT NOW with zero interest in any healer besides tempest and they see your comment then go "oh, I guess i'll play DPS then" or something.


Please relax on how optimal you need to be in this easy game.

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > > > @"thrag.9740" said:

> > > >Heal tempest has no place in fractals.

> > > That's weird, I could've swore I cleared T4's and CM's with a tempest healer last week...

> >

> > For new players, gearing up characters to level 80 + ascended gear is actually difficult, and giving OP bad information can really dampen their in game experience. Most groups arn't looking for a heal tempest in fractals. Your anecdotal experience doesn't change the state of fractals on the whole.


> I've never seen a group turn down a heal tempest, nor have I ever seen a LFG that specifically stated special classes for healer. All LFG's I see are "LF healer". Healers are actually in high demand and the most common thing I see every group sitting at 4/5 looking for a healer.


> I've gotten renegades, FBs, tempests, and druids as healers and cleared CM's and T4's just perfectly fine with every single healer. Saying Tempest has "no place in fractals" is absurd and actually giving bad advice - it gives might, some fury, and good HPS. Fractals are easy enough you can clear them WITHOUT a healer, bringing some """"inferior""" healer isn't going to suddenly make them impossible. Stop treating this game like it's some extreme hardcore difficult game, because it's not. This "you need to always use the best and everything else is worthless" mindset is unhealthy for the game and actively makes the game worse for everyone. You saying "tempest healer has no place in fractals" when people are sitting 4/5 looking for a healer most of the time could've just stopped a few people from being a healer, thus directly harmed the game by making more people sit there in LFG because there could be people RIGHT NOW with zero interest in any healer besides tempest and they see your comment then go "oh, I guess i'll play DPS then" or something.


> Please relax on how optimal you need to be in this easy game.


you just said yourself, you don't need a healer.


support is "to good" in this game, and bad people get carried through support so they learn nothing

this was esp noticable after chrono nerf, and there was not a new rotation yet to give perma boons.


pug chronos were underperforming, and you could easy tell the good dps from the bad.




that's why they seek after a healer 24/7, to make up for their mistakes.


a diviner renegade has all the healing needed through heal and elite kalla

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Seriously, stop arguing about having a healer or not. Let people play how they want. Be it the meta comp without dedicated healer or others who want to have it a little bit more relaxed. I've done both strats during my CM runs and I always hated the pressure after coming home from a long and exhausting working day and the need to care for every single little dot Anet was putting in front of me to make it harder to be successful. I want to have fun, sometimes it's ok to have it more challenging but most of the time people (including me) just want to play "content".

A discussion here about being right or wrong is stupid af. The majority of fractal players will play with a healer nowadays - for reasons. But of course there's enough room for dedicated meta speed run groups. Those groups will never dictate over the majority. It's the same thing why pug squads are using double healing in raids --> getting things done. If you want to make or have it challenging, go for it but don't pretend this is the way it has to be. That's utterly bs.

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Heal tempest is the one I bring, and typically my groups are only required to bring druid on bosses like Gorse and MO and SOMETIMES Samarog for the entangle. Otherwise, ele's more than sufficient. Sometimes our group'll even run solo ele in lieu of another supporty off-dps (like a quick-boi burn-brand).


Really, though it changes depending on the group and how comfortable people are with their roles and mechanics. Ele's good. Ranger's good. scourge's good. Just have fun with'em!

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> @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> nor have I ever seen a LFG that specifically stated special classes for healer. All LFG's I see are "LF healer".


If that's really true, if you've literally never seen an LFG that specified which healer it wanted, then your simply not looking or purposefully ignoring the reality of the situation.


Here is the LFG 20 mins before reset 2 days ago:




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> @"thrag.9740" said:

> > @"Shiyo.3578" said:

> > nor have I ever seen a LFG that specifically stated special classes for healer. All LFG's I see are "LF healer".


> If that's really true, if you've literally never seen an LFG that specified which healer it wanted, then your simply not looking or purposefully ignoring the reality of the situation.


> Here is the LFG 20 mins before reset 2 days ago:

> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/575756782992097282/577279827460096019/unknown.png




This is true. I’ve saw “LF Druid” at least as often as “LF Healer” when I was pugging fractals a lot last year. I’m certainly not saying this should be the case. Will most groups who want a healer only take healer Firebrand or Druid? I honestly don’t know, but after retiring my Druid, I’ve finally decided to go with Firebrand healer for fractals, provided I enjoy it, because I want to have an easier time getting into groups and clearing T4s and CMs. Maybe I could just as well put the AR on my Tempest healer or support Scourge (yes, I’m an alt-aholic, lol).


What bothers me more than a group looking for particular classes (rather than roles) is demanding LNHB or X essences. As others have pointed out, someone can easily be carried through to these things and they prove nothing and just seem pointlessly exclusive. Maybe I overreact, but I sold all my essences on principle (and 50 silver each).

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