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SUGGESTION: Please cheer up the Captain's Airship banker

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Please? The poor norn is sometimes in a good mood ("Always happy to see customers!") but half the time he's in a pretty bad place ("You break it, I break you." "Need something?" "You got gold, right?" all said in a really dark tone of voice.) Can we throw him a party? Cheer him up? Do SOMETHING to lighten his mood? He drags you down.


But in all seriousness, if you spend much time up there and have dialog turned on in your sound options, it gets unpleasant, and why should a deluxe area be unpleasant to hang out in? Anet, please consider making his darker comments less common or remove them altogether. They're not really appropriate coming from a banker -- I mean, why does he care if I break something that's already mine? I've already started spending less time in the airship and more time elsewhere. I doubt that's what the designers intended.

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