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Charged Archdiviner's Mallet - Ad infinitum t4 collections

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Hi guys,

im in the process of making Ad infinitum, and i am about to start the collection 4. One of the collections in ad infinitum 4 requires me to take Archdiviner's mallet and charge it by jumping into the middle of the exploded Thaumanova Reactor. However, when i was doing the cliffside fractal i noticed that after Archdiviner was defeated, his remains and the mallet disappeared. So what do i need to do to complete this collection. Any ideas???


BTW wiki says:

"Take the Archdiviner's Mallet from his remains at the top of the Cliffside Fractal. Jump into the middle of the exploded Thaumanova Reactor in Metrica Province to charge it. This item only has value as part of a collection."


Thank you a lot for your help :)


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