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Cannot enter bloodstone fen- disconnection every attempt.

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The only map am having problem with, none of my characters can enter this map, I ended up using "mudfish" a network booster to enter, I have tried solutions mentioned in https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000174107-Error-Code-5

Tried to google, checked reddit.

Nothing helped, thought I would come here, perhaps someone can assist.

Thank you :anguished:


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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Have you played the story and unlocked the map in order to enter it, or are you trying via Teleport to Friend?


> Edit: If the latter, it won't let you enter the map if you have not unlocked it on your account yet.


I did the story and done most achievements too. :(


> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> If a VPN helped you enter that map, then, for some reason, there's a problem between you and that map's server. You can continue to use a VPN until the problem is remedied. You can contact the Tech CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below for assistance.


> Good luck.


I have tried support before, they blamed it on some background software, to be honest, I doubt it since I have this issue in only with this map and only with GW2. I guess I will just continue with the VPN... :(


Am starting to suspect the culprit to be my ISP... >:/


Thank you both for replying. <3

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> @"Oorjuwa.1682" said:

> I have tried support before, they blamed it on some background software, to be honest, I doubt it since I have this issue in only with this map and only with GW2. I guess I will just continue with the VPN... :(


It could be software, your ISP, or something above them. Not being able to access a single map can be as simple as blocking the IP for that map. If it's a simple IP block, it should be "fixed" tomorrow after the patch, since the IPs will change when the new instances are started (the problem will be somewhere else).

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