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What to do on a losing streak over multiple days?


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I have a 7 game losing streak over 3 days, ive been playing the sic em sniper build and ive also used condi mes, im a pretty decent player, i was in plat now im all the way to gold 2. I'm confused it's been a mixture of disconnects and generally bad gameplay from my team. Is this normal, because I feel as though there's nothing that can be done. In my last ten games I've had only one victory.

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Maybe try to change the time of the day you play pvp.



> @"Zenix.6198" said:

> bait has been placed

> now we w8 for the "rigged matchmaking"-conspiracy theorists

> *gets his tinfoil hat*


Not sure.

Sniper Soulbeast and condi Mirage make it look suspicious.


Meme builds^2

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > it happens all the time noting new with rank. Win 25 games straight then lose like 15 in a row. Perfectly balance .......with anet logic


> You forgot the part where you get +7s and +9s for Wins and -22 for losses.


ah I get about 3 maybe 5 points per win and -21 per lose lol. However you were really close.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > > it happens all the time noting new with rank. Win 25 games straight then lose like 15 in a row. Perfectly balance .......with anet logic

> >

> > You forgot the part where you get +7s and +9s for Wins and -22 for losses.


> ah I get about 3 maybe 5 points per win and -21 per lose lol. However you were really close.


Lucky me I guess, I see it could have been even worse.

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Only 7? My biggest lose streak this season was 16 and I''m no newb, basically all you need to do its shift your mind from a negative prospective to a positive. The way this can be done is, think of the gold you will make by continuously playing and that you're not the only one with these lose streaks.


Oh and by the way, the 16 lose streak was in one day not over multiple days. ;)

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I am plat. Been consistently plat for past 2 seasons. I play warrior and I am not the best duelist either. I would lose to p3 and legendary players but if I would be put into gold games I would destroy most players. Even with several best stats and nearly half of all offense these games would be a loss.


The key I found... Is I look around the map before I q. See if there are other plat badges before I play. If there's non on the map I just do uranked.


I win more when both teams are plat than if I am plat n every one else is gold. Doesn't matter if u can win 1v2. If ur team isnt capping or are dying too fast. There's not a huge lot you can do. Just learn to accept and play around it. I don't think anet can do anything about it either.


The other option is to duo q. I find that I only need 1 partner that's reliable. If the rest are gold. 2 play players can carry a game of gold and below.


I also hate that when I lose I lose 20 points when I win I win 10. But that's life.

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Nothing you can do, but wait or play it out. That being said, this has been the worst season for matchmaking barr none. I've consistently had a positive win ratio through all the season. But my games have tanked hard with un-carriable matches. Having back to back 10+ losing streaks with a trickle of 2-3 wins in a row in between.

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Yes the same happened to me last week-end. I lost almost all my matches on Saturday. Was gold 3 down to Silver 3. Until this season, I have slowly increased my rank for the past 4 seasons I have been playing PVP. I was aiming at plat this season..

I played maybe 15 ranked matches on Saturday, I won 2 or 3. And since then, as I don't have time to play much, I play 1 or 2 matches in the evening with a 50% win rate... Indeed you better have a positive mind when the game decides that you are not any better than the average newcomer when you have over 2k matches behind you.

P.S.: I am not too serious about my rank, I prefer to play a good match, fair & balanced with good 1v1 fights rather than looking for winning matches only and dodging bad games.

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Thanks for the info, I've fortunately recovered my streak. I queue mostly late at nights because of my connection so I can't help who I play with. In addition to what you guys have said I think what also helped me to even reach plat with bad queues in the first place, was playing a roamer.

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heh. Aint no thang but a chicken wang tho. You focusing on the wront parts of tEh game bro. You get obsessed with win streaks and loss streaks that means u aint focused on the game mechanics and improving your strategy. Mindset goes a long way, and yours sir, is in the wrong spot. Grab a bag of weed and a bottle of wine and go hit that ruthless legend title bro and then you can join the club. GO

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