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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> Knowing what they did with LS3, I was expecting having to "work" quite a bit for it. I was definitely not expecting (or hoping) for it to be given like the beetle was. This is meant to keep us busy till LS5. It's in many ways, a legendary mount. It requires effort. If that wasn't known better, it is well known now. I don't think it's a bad thing to require that one mount out of all of them requires more effort.

> Now, they could have done a better job at advertising it yes.


> I understand the disappointment to an extend. People were expecting a second beetle and they got an Aurora instead. -But- You can play with the mount on that map. As long as you want. It's there, readily available, just like the gryphon was.


> However, I do NOT understand the pettiness of enraging because some players will get it in 8 days while others will need a bit more time. It's in the essence of an MMO to give you tasks that can't be completed by everyone at once. It's always been like that, but none of that is mandatory and you are certainly not forced to do it on time everyday. If a MMO has that effect on you, you should absolutely stop right there and take a break, it is not healthy.


> I remember forcing myself to play SAB trials and tribulation every day for 16 days just to get the whole set before the event was over. -THAT- ended up being particularly unhealthy. And the fun part ? Once I got the set, I realized I was really over-stressing over nothing, I could have gotten the same result the day after, or even the year after, and not ruin my days on a game that had become a job.


> -THIS- is what people here need to understand. If it becomes stressful, just stop.


1) Good for you, you knew what to expect. However this point has already been covered. First of all, this has never been described as a Legendary Mount except by those whom are defending the time-gating process--therefore it isn't factual, it is not a rebuttal. The previous LWS collections required a majority of items that are obtained in that season, this one does not. A mount has never been locked behind this much of a wall, Anet advertised it would be available to players on the 14th with the new episode, this gave everyone high expectations. No one was told it was time-gated until it was already too late to start rushing, except the very few who realized it and then the information did not spread fast enough. Those who did not ever hear about the time-gate were smacked in the face right after they finished the first collection, thinking that was the very end of it - already longer than the Griffon collection and much more boring; honestly I did not care for it but it wasn't horrible, however the time constraint is what we are upset about.


2) Yes, we got an Aurora, something that most people do not have and did not attempt to obtain. Nothing new here. The mount is borderline-useless without its Masteries available and quite frankly the rent-a-griffon was fine without any Masteries associated with it. The rent-a-scale being available doesn't mean anything except giving you practice at this point since most of it's utility is behind the Mastery wall.


3) Pettiness? Because I work from 2pm to 10pm and the server resets at 7pm? Because I often get called in early or have to stay later? Because when I or others finish a collection 30 minutes into my meager free-time, I'm told to stop and I can't devote my last hour to getting a slight gain on my next day's hour or so of playtime? Yeah, that seriously pisses me and other people off. If you have all day to play the game, cool. If you don't want to wait just because, cool. The fact of the matter is we do not want to be told when or when we cannot progress on something that was advertised to be ready and available **days ago,** as something many people took time off of work for due to Anet's lack of transparency on the mount obtaining process.


4) Cool, you played 16 days and worked towards something. I wonder what that felt like to everyone else who couldn't but wanted to. "A game that had become a job," is exactly the thing we are trying to avoid here. If we can progress at our leisure then we do not have to confine ourselves to time-circumventing mechanics that honestly do not belong in this particular collection. A mount with a time constraint has never happened, was not explained it would happen, and to this point everyone is pissed off about it. There is no reason why you should defend it when in the end it isn't doing you any bit of justice nor is it helping you with anything.


By the sound of you speaking about previous collections, it seems you only want the time constraints applied here because if it's removed, **you will personally feel cheated on what you did in the past.**

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > Again, fine with 8 days. Even 27 or 45. I have the wvw legendary armor, I don't care about spending months in this game. But it has to be worth it (and mostly enjoyable).

> >

> > I mean, look at this:

> >

> > Compare it with Skyscale. Come on.

> > I would be fine with swapping the 2 mounts and the relative collections lol.

> >

> > 8 days of farming, half of them by clicking once on a skill, for what? An afk hovermount?


> I find the hover function great.

> But let me ask you, if it sucks, why bother? It's optional.


> > @"Ototo.3214" said:

> > > @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> > > 5 days is nothing. Equivalent content like Gryphon dont have timegate but get u easily burned out if u try in one day, even worse if are out of gold and will had to farm it for days. even for those did aurora, its just a cup of tea. for early rushers, 5 days is almost 1 week after realease, not one month.

> >

> > Look it up, it's more than 5 days if you don't have Charged Quartz. If you happen to already have all the Charged Quartz, currently it's a minimum of 8 days iirc. If you don't have Charged Quartz and you don't have the money or time to farm gold to buy it off other players, it will take an extra 22 days to get all the quartz needed for the 3rd collection. What is that? 26 days? And we still have no clue what the next 2 collections entail. So yeah. could potentially be about a month.


> Any valuable item should require some money or currency. The gryphon was about what? 300G? Oh I know people were complaining back then. But that's kinda my point too, timegate or not, some people here want it for minimal investment and that does not represent what this mount is supposed to be.


> It is 8 days, the gold sink is not a problem for any player who played this game and absolutely want the mount. For newcomers, they are not entitled to access end content immediately anyway.


> > @"Thundabolt.8541" said:

> > With a legendary, you know what you're getting yourself into. If you choose to craft it, you have already been through the process in your mind before you make the decision. You are aware of the limitations, and have decided to engage regardless. It's a known fact that legendaries take time and effort.

> >

> > With the Skyscale, it was advertised in the trailer for the episode, in its very own trailer, and during a twitch stream. All of this was done to gain as much attention for War Eternal as possible. During the twitch stream, the matter of how you would obtain the skyscale was purposefully avoided, which already raised some red flags, but if it was anything like griffon and beetle, we had already mentally prepared ourselves for the tasks at hand.

> >

> > As Episode 6 was released, we had 2 things on our mind; The story, and the new mount. We were excited for both. None of us knew what we were getting ourselves into, but we were still excited.

> >

> > Regardless of the level of appeal the skyscale has on you, as a person, whether it doesn't compare to the excitement of other players or not, it can't be that difficult to understand why we were so disappointed to discover that, not only would we not be able to obtain the new mount _on that day_, we wouldn't be able to do it for **at least five days**, which only brought more disappointment as time went on, when we discovered it wouldn't be available for even longer than that.

> >

> > **That said, I am not entirely against the timegate.** I only wish for it to be toned down to match the in-game day/night cycles.

> >

> > You may be used to timegates, and they may exist on other collections, but this one took us by surprise, and it wasn't a pleasant surprise. There was no warning. It was something we had to figure out for ourselves. And all I see in argument of that is, "tough luck. Wait like a patient person."

> >

> > I would've liked to have missed a few days to do other things, but I want my skyscale as soon as I can get it, which means I have no choice but to log in every single day. If I fail to complete something before reset, I am punished with an extra timewall.

> >

> > Timegates have always been a matter of choice that you make the decision to engage with _before_ you actually begin. I knew that I would be getting this mount no matter what, but I definitely would've preferred to have had an extra stream dedicated to the process so that I could have time to mentally prepare myself, and start deciding when I should dedicate daily time towards it.


> Knowing what they did with LS3, I was expecting having to "work" quite a bit for it. I was definitely not expecting (or hoping) for it to be given like the beetle was. This is meant to keep us busy till LS5. It's in many ways, a legendary mount. It requires effort. If that wasn't known better, it is well known now. I don't think it's a bad thing to require that one mount out of all of them requires more effort.

> Now, they could have done a better job at advertising it yes.


> I understand the disappointment to an extend. People were expecting a second beetle and they got an Aurora instead. -But- You can play with the mount on that map. As long as you want. It's there, readily available, just like the gryphon was.

> However, I do NOT understand the pettiness of enraging because some players will get it in 8 days while others will need a bit more time. It's in the essence of an MMO to give you tasks that can't be completed by everyone at once. It's always been like that, but none of that is mandatory and you are certainly not forced to do it on time everyday. If a MMO has that effect on you, you should absolutely stop right there and take a break, it is not healthy.


> I remember forcing myself to play SAB trials and tribulation every day for 16 days just to get the whole set before the event was over. -THAT- ended up being particularly unhealthy. And the fun part ? Once I got the set, I realized I was really over-stressing over nothing, I could have gotten the same result the day after, or even the year after, and not ruin my days on a game that had become a job.

> -THIS- is what people here need to understand. If it becomes stressful, just stop.


I was more just correcting the false assertion he made that it was just 5 days cause it's flat out wrong. I don't have to buy my way out of anything currently cause I still have charged quartz. Though I'm still not on board with time gating just being all fine and dandy. If you're going to call it a legendary mount it should be like a legendary then, not time gated arbitrarily.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> I understand the disappointment to an extend. People were expecting a second beetle and they got an Aurora instead. -But- You can play with the mount on that map. As long as you want. It's there, readily available, just like the gryphon was.

> However, I do NOT understand the pettiness of enraging because some players will get it in 8 days while others will need a bit more time. It's in the essence of an MMO to give you tasks that can't be completed by everyone at once. It's always been like that, but none of that is mandatory and you are certainly not forced to do it on time everyday. If a MMO has that effect on you, you should absolutely stop right there and take a break, it is not healthy.


> I remember forcing myself to play SAB trials and tribulation every day for 16 days just to get the whole set before the event was over. -THAT- ended up being particularly unhealthy. And the fun part ? Once I got the set, I realized I was really over-stressing over nothing, I could have gotten the same result the day after, or even the year after, and not ruin my days on a game that had become a job.

> -THIS- is what people here need to understand. If it becomes stressful, just stop.


The big problem isn't that it can't be completed at once, it's pacing. Yes there will always be those that engage in unhealthy play habits to get things as fast as possible but that's ultimately their choice to make. Even in this wasn't time gated, it will likely take quite a bit of time especially for those who only allocate a limited amount of time to playing each day.

A lot of people are upset cause they want the mount in good time and are forcing themselves to rush the collection so they can complete it before rest. This isn't a particularly healthy behaviour either. Regardless of whether this content is time gated are not, there will always be those that engage in unhealthy amounts of playing, but just because there are those that make that decision doesn't mean that there should be these gates put in place that ultimately will effect those who don't play as much more so than those who do rush content. That's the big thing that people keep saying, it's not about those who will rush through the content regardless, it's about those who don't have the time or do want to limit themselves to a more healthy degree of play time that are being affected in unintended negative ways.



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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> 1) Good for you, you knew what to expect. However this point has already been covered. The previous LWS collections required a majority of items that are obtained in that season, this one does not. A mount has never been locked behind this much of a wall, Anet advertised it would be available to players on the 14th with the new season, everyone had high expectations. No one was told it was timegated until it was already too late to start rushing, except the very few who realized it and then the information did not spread fast enough. Those who did not ever hear about the timegate were smacked in the face right after they finished the first collection, thinking that was the very end of it - already longer than the Griffon collection and much more boring; honestly I did not care for it but it wasn't horrible, however the time constraint is what we are upset about.


> 2) Yes, we got an Aurora, something that most people do not have and did not attempt to obtain. Nothing new here. The mount is borderline-useless without its Masteries available and quite frankly the rent-a-griffon was fine without any Masteries associated with it. The rent-a-scale being available doesn't mean anything except giving you practice at this point since most of it's utility is behind the Mastery wall.


> 3) Pettiness? Because I work from 2pm to 10pm and the server resets at 7pm? Because I often get called in early or have to stay later? Because when I or others finish a collection 30 minutes into my meager free-time, I'm told to stop and I can't devote my last hour to getting a slight gain on my next day's hour or so of playtime? Yeah, that seriously pisses me and other people off. If you have all day to play the game, cool. If you don't want to wait just because, cool. The fact of the matter is we do not want to be told when or when we cannot progress on something that was advertised to be ready and available **days ago,** as something many people took time off of work for due to Anet's lack of transparency on the mount obtaining process.


> 4) Cool, you played 16 days and worked towards something. I wonder what that felt like to everyone else who couldn't but wanted to. "A game that had become a job," is exactly the thing we are trying to avoid here. If we can progress at our leisure then we do not have to confine ourselves to time-circumventing mechanics that honestly do not belong in this particular collection. A mount with a time constraint has never happened, was not explained it would happen, and to this point everyone is pissed off about it. There is no reason why you should defend it when in the end it isn't doing you any bit of justice nor is it helping you with anything; as it sounds by you speaking about previous collections, it seems you only want the gating here because if it's removed **you will personally feel cheated on what you did in the past.**


1) A mount being a mount does not mean it can't have prestige "requirements". Because it hasn't been done before doesn't automatically mean it won't. As I said, I do agree the marketing didn't properly prepare to it, but I also -know- that with this community it would have changed nothing. People wanting a mount cause it's cool would have had the same complains, minus this one. Look at the gryphon gold sink in old threads.


2) We played 6 years of a game without it, and we were happy. The prospect of working towards improving the experience and "convenience" is a normal design in MMOs. You "work" hard for little added convenience. If you don't want that convenience, or if it's not worth it, you have the option not to do it at all. It's not a job.


3) If you wanna go that way... I work often way more than 40 hours a week. Normal weekdays, and I love raids. Raids reset at 1 am or 2 am, where it's the most fun to raid. Highly annoying for me, but that doesn't mean it should be changed to match my expectation, because then someone else wouldn't be unable to do reset. They cannot make everyone happy.

But anyway, this argument changes nothing when it comes to timegates

Let's assume no timegate: It takes you 15 days to do it at your own pace. It will take a "no life" an entire day and they'll have it 15 days before you.

Let's assume timegate: Let's say it takes you 3 days for each collection. 15 days + 8 days of timegate = 23 days. For a "no life", they'll get it in 8 days. Still 15 days before you.

Working or not working affects everyone the same way. Actually, it is better for people who don't have a whole day, as it can get a little easier to catch up on the no life people.

So really, I know this argument is being thrown around here, but it just doesn't work. If you work and have a busy life, you will always be behind. There is nothing you can do and it's not the MMOs fault.


4) Not everything in a MMO is meant for everyone. It just isn't. Seasonal events are temporary. "timegated", and there's a pretty good reason for that. So if they wanted to but couldn't? Well again, too bad. But they can also realize it doesn't matter, that they'll be able to get it in just a little bit longer, just like the mount here.


> @"FuguZombie.2938" said:

> The big problem isn't that it can't be completed at once, it's pacing. Yes there will always be those that engage in unhealthy play habits to get things as fast as possible but that's ultimately their choice to make. Even in this wasn't time gated, it will likely take quite a bit of time especially for those who only allocate a limited amount of time to playing each day.

> A lot of people are upset cause they want the mount in good time and are forcing themselves to rush the collection so they can complete it before rest. This isn't a particularly healthy behaviour either. Regardless of whether this content is time gated are not, there will always be those that engage in unhealthy amounts of playing, but just because there are those that make that decision doesn't mean that there should be these gates put in place that ultimately will effect those who don't play as much more so than those who do rush content. That's the big thing that people keep saying, it's not about those who will rush through the content regardless, it's about those who don't have the time or do want to limit themselves to a more healthy degree of play time that are being affected in unintended negative ways.

Answered that point in previous comment. It does not impact people who work as much as you think. Would still have taken them longer.

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timegating is not much of a problem, but collection, collection, collection in collections in collections going to horrible places, doing content I really do not want to THAT is a problem.


Seriously, the bug was soul destroying. And with every moment this one is getting even WORSE. All that for a mount that is more or less useless.


Not good. And a really demotivating element after the fun of the story and the gorgeous new map.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:


> 1) A mount being a mount does not mean it can't have prestige "requirements". Because it hasn't been done before doesn't automatically mean it won't. As I said, I do agree the marketing didn't properly prepare to it, but I also -know- that with this community it would have changed nothing. People wanting a mount cause it's cool would have had the same complains, minus this one. Look at the gryphon gold sink in old threads.


> 2) We played 6 years of a game without it, and we were happy. The prospect of working towards improving the experience and "convenience" is a normal design in MMOs. You "work" hard for little added convenience. If you don't want that convenience, or if it's not worth it, you have the option not to do it at all. It's not a job.


> 3) If you wanna go that way... I work often way more than 40 hours a week. Normal weekdays, and I love raids. Raids reset at 1 am or 2 am, where it's the most fun to raid. Highly annoying for me, but that doesn't mean it should be changed to match my expectation, because then someone else wouldn't be unable to do reset. They cannot make everyone happy.

> But anyway, this argument changes nothing when it comes to timegates

> Let's assume no timegate: It takes you 15 days to do it at your own pace. It will take a "no life" an entire day and they'll have it 15 days before you.

> Let's assume timegate: Let's say it takes you 3 days for each collection. 15 days + 8 days of timegate = 23 days. For a "no life", they'll get it in 8 days. Still 15 days before you.

> Working or not working affects everyone the same way. Actually, it is better for people who don't have a whole day, as it can get a little easier to catch up on the no life people.

> So really, I know this argument is being thrown around here, but it just doesn't work. If you work and have a busy life, you will always be behind. There is nothing you can do and it's not the MMOs fault.


> 4) Not everything in a MMO is meant for everyone. It just isn't. Seasonal events are temporary. "timegated", and there's a pretty good reason for that. So if they wanted to but couldn't? Well again, too bad. But they can also realize it doesn't matter, that they'll be able to get it in just a little bit longer, just like the mount here.


1) Artificially blocking people on purpose from participating in content they wish to engage in is not what I would call _Prestige Requirements_ -- If that's the case, make the collection LONGER or HARDER. I will do it, I do not care.


2) Playing the game without mounts for 6 years? I don't know if it the time gap between Core and PoF was 6 years, however I already am well aware of the pain of running everywhere on foot. I finished Map Completion 4 weeks after Core released, it took 250 hours. You do not see me upset that mounts were added just because I dedicated 250 hours to traversing difficult slopes and odd geometry within various maps.


3) I'm glad you have a compatible schedule that lets you play the game the way you are comfortable playing. I, however, do not. No one's personal experience is the same as another and that was my point. None of us give a damn about who gets the mount first. Why are you insinuating that? Where have I even said that?


4) You're now comparing apples and oranges. I'm finished discussing this.

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SO here is the thing.. In talking in chat and with my guild about 75% of them are not even going to try for it since apparently someone has done some data mining and it looks (not confirmed) looks like there is going to be a total of 12 collections all over the world map.


No, .. we draw the line here . this is not acceptable ANET. This along with timegate. I am not going to have to set my alarm so I can ensure that I am feeding, collecting whatever on time. THIS IS NOT EVE ONLINE.. I should not have to dedicate the little time I have to play these days to JUST this for a so-so mount. Had it done more, it might of been worth it to work for 3 months to get it.


The ending was what it was and it was beautiful.. to roll it up with a final stupid timegated grind is abit unfair for the filthy casuals

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> @"Min Gorad.8109" said:

> Well after reading most of the comments you can see how childish this portion of community is... the time gating stuff sure is annoying and not the best but most tend to say that the mount is not even worth it... so don't do it... i don't find it appealing so I'm doing it just for completion sake. We didn't have that mount before and everyone could live with than, now everyone reacts like the game is unplayable without it and some are just uninstalling the game... because of a kitten mount that won't turn the gameplay upside down...


Where you see complains I see feedback.

Saying "so don't do it" doesn't help anyone. Not you, me, the playerbase or Anet.

Saying "i don't find it appealing so I'm doing it just for completion sake" further confirms that there is something wrong with the mount itself.


Make the collection long and hard, fine, but give us a mount that is worth it.


The last Guild Chat episode showcased this mount as a cool lesser Springer. I actually imagined that the Skyscale would have been free, gained from the story. Not because I wanted it to be, but because it's such a toy.

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> @"Tora.7214" said:

> i honestly cant understand whats the hurry, we are used to farming for months for the good stuff (ascended/legendaries, etc) so whats a few days for a mount?. me personally im gonna wait for someone to release a guide (because aparently Dulfy isnt doing guides anymore) before starting to farm it because im not fan of treasure hunting


She saw the crapstorm of the timegates & collections & decided to work on her career.

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> @"Min Gorad.8109" said:

> Well after reading most of the comments you can see how childish this portion of community is... the time gating stuff sure is annoying and not the best but most tend to say that the mount is not even worth it... so don't do it... i don't find it appealing so I'm doing it just for completion sake. We didn't have that mount before and everyone could live with than, now everyone reacts like the game is unplayable without it and some are just uninstalling the game... because of a kitten mount that won't turn the gameplay upside down...


There is constructive feedback here, and forum admins already asked us to keep things civil. Please do not storm in calling us childish for having something to say about a game mechanic we feel could be improved upon.

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> @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > @"Min Gorad.8109" said:

> > Well after reading most of the comments you can see how childish this portion of community is... the time gating stuff sure is annoying and not the best but most tend to say that the mount is not even worth it... so don't do it... i don't find it appealing so I'm doing it just for completion sake. We didn't have that mount before and everyone could live with than, now everyone reacts like the game is unplayable without it and some are just uninstalling the game... because of a kitten mount that won't turn the gameplay upside down...


> Where you see complains I see feedback.

> Saying "so don't do it" doesn't help anyone. Not you, me, the playerbase or Anet.

> Saying "i don't find it appealing so I'm doing it just for completion sake" further confirms that there is something wrong with the mount itself.


> Make the collection long and hard, fine, but give us a mount that is worth it.


> The last Guild Chat episode showcased this mount as a cool lesser Springer. I actually imagined that the Skyscale would have been free, gained from the story. Not because I wanted it to be, but because it's such a toy.


You hit the nail on the head. I feel most people are doing the Skyscale just to have a dragon mount, actually thinking it would be better than the griffon but it's not. With all of the work that goes into getting skyscale, it needs to be on par with the griffon. I can deal with timegates, collections because they're not hard, it's just anets leash to force people in maps longer than they want to be, That's what bothers me. The new events should be fun, feel like you're actually making progress & engaging in a way that repeating isn't bad. Anet dropped the ball on the skyscale mechanics because it's underwhelming. It can grab onto ledges, which imo is the only upside to getting it. It can't dive, it can't actually fly unless it eats magic or you land. It's like a less-fun spyro. This entire release reminds me of the latest WoW expansion which forced players to grind out for an item that barely even made a difference & it completely destroyed the purpose of the previous expansion & made your progress obsolete- but there was timegating & pointless missions so people left. It was a half finished expansion. The Skyscale is like the elementalist- lots of potential but due to it possibly overshadowing something else, it's potential is limited.

It needs a dive or a quick descend & actual flight time. This is just me giving my insight on whats wrong.

Point being, the Griffon is actually better and was easier to get (if you had the gold, you could obtain it within a few hours)

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On the bright side, this is hardly the first time Anet has weathered player uproar.


**I think the mount needs to be stronger** - If it has more stamina, it'll feel more worth it. Or maybe if Anet gives some indication they intend to let you 'improve' or strengthen the mount more down the road, that will help this feel like a worthy endeavor.


**"Useless/Bad Mount"** - Honestly? Yes, I think it needs to be stronger (as stated) but the more I read that, the more I feel like people are overblowing it, and maybe downplaying the mount just to justify the lack of desire to go after it. It's not that bad a mount, imo. It does let you do things that none of the other mounts can do (hello wall-cling/climb), and while I don't think it's strong enough, I find it more enjoyable to fly than the griffon, which is constantly frustrating me with how unwieldy it can be. Maybe I'm just unwieldy at flying the griffon. If the Skyscale it tweaked, it'd become my go-to mount. But don't say it's a bad mount just because you don't want to go through the effort of getting it. It may not be the greatest mount, and maybe it could be better, but it isn't useless nor bad.


**Collections** - A ton of people saying they aren't even going to attempt because it's too much. Okay, opinion heard. I don't like time gates, but as long as I have the ability to solo the collection or do it with friends, I will do it. So far it's been like a mini adventure, and it gives me something to do. If it isn't worth it to you, then that's fine. It's oddly worth it to me. Thankfully, from what many people are saying, they're just as happy with their griffons and rabbits - okay, so problem solved, right? Yes, Anet may have blundered in how they advertised the update, but boil it down to the basics and there isn't a lot to be mad about because it's optional.


**Timegates** - I'm over it, and I'm resigned to doing it. The collection is big enough that ultimately it's not going to make much of a difference anyway. I'm going to go all in with the "How to Train Your Dragon" journey. Yeah, yeah, I know, "Good for you! I think you're stupid!" Well maybe I am stupid, or easy to please, but I'm going to make the best of the situation. If Anet decides to make me a happy camper and improve the mount, it will be my favorite mount ever and I will end up throwing money at them for skins. But one way or another I'm going to get my Skyscale.


**"I like X mount better"** - Totally fine. A lot of people like X mount. Personally, I'm happy as heck to have a flying option that isn't the griffon, because I personally don't like griffons. You like oranges, I like tomatoes.


**No One Will Ever Be Happy** - I like collections that are soloable. Other people like collections that require raids (exclusivity, and they get mad if it's not). Some people don't have a lot of time. Others have too much. Some people don't have money, others have too much. Some people like dragons, some people like griffons. Some people like time gates, some people couldn't care less about story or immersion. Some players want things on a silver platter, and other players think if they don't go through some sort of masochistic blood ritual then it isn't worth having. **So who in this situation should Anet Cater to?** Answer: Some players think they speak for the majority of the playerbase, and some players think they speak for the majority of the playerbase, and then other players think they speak for the majority of the playerbase. And then there's a smaller faction that thinks they speak for the majority of the playerbase. ...I think you see my point.


Anet tried to do something special with this mount. Is it "legendary" or "Aescended"? Mounts don't have quality levels, so no. But clearly they wanted it to be set apart and different. They didn't release a gemstore unlock because (as you can imagine) they wouldn't want to be blamed for trying to force people into buying the mount straight up, and you KNOW they would have been if they had. The Skyscale may have been badly advertised, it may need to be improved to make it equal to the effort, but I kind of want to see what's planned. The Skyscale doesn't deserve the amount of hate getting thrown at it, and frankly neither does Anet. In the grand scheme of things, considering we already have mounts that can do these things, it's a minor thing.


But I suppose we're all very invested in this game, and so the importance is relative to our personal investment. I don't want Anet to completely redo the Skyscale movement mechanics. I like the mechanics it has. I just want it to be stronger, and maybe a bit lighter on its feet. I do wonder how Anet manages to keep up with all the posts though, and what poor person gets paid to trawl through all of it to glean info to send back to the devs.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Players not being able to understand ANet's motives is NOT a compelling reason for ANet to repeal time gated content.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How, pray tell, are we supposed to "understand ANet's motives" when they haven't even told us what their motives are? We got no information on launch, can't even figure out information until the time-gates are passed, and have gotten zero response from ANet as to why this is the way it is.

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > You're not, but you don't need to. That doesn't mean those motives don't exist and they didn't have a reason to use time-gating.

> > > >

> > > > Thanks for skipping over the first half of the post where I literally explained why people are thinking they shouldn't be using time-gating on this content just so you could say the same thing you said before I replied.

> > >

> > > I didn't skip it ... I just didn't think it was relevant. Any argument where the premise is that there isn't a reason for time gating is not worth discussing to begin with. That doesn't make sense with the reality of the game. If you can't acknowledge there is a reason for it, your argument is dead in the water because it clearly opposes the reason Anet used it, whatever that reason is.

> > >

> > > Like I told the other guy ... this isn't about who's right or wrong on time gating. It's about coming to some understanding that there is a reason for Anet to use it. If you want to make a case for why time gating is bad in this case, you can't assume off the start there isn't a reason to use it.

> > >

> >

> > I think you are not far enough in this collection to judge. I was fine with the first 3 steps being time gated. Took me long and with work and stuff I didn't care much (except for those poor souls that completed the first collection 1 minute after midnight).

> >

> > However at the point where you have to make/buy a 22 charged quartz (timegated) to feed the skyscale 12 times with a limit of 3 times per day (timegated), that's just trolling


> you can buy the finished items on tp


For how much gold? This mount is becoming almost as much of a headache as aurora, a freaking legendary.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"Kidel.2057" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Players not being able to understand ANet's motives is NOT a compelling reason for ANet to repeal time gated content.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > How, pray tell, are we supposed to "understand ANet's motives" when they haven't even told us what their motives are? We got no information on launch, can't even figure out information until the time-gates are passed, and have gotten zero response from ANet as to why this is the way it is.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > You're not, but you don't need to. That doesn't mean those motives don't exist and they didn't have a reason to use time-gating.

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks for skipping over the first half of the post where I literally explained why people are thinking they shouldn't be using time-gating on this content just so you could say the same thing you said before I replied.

> > > >

> > > > I didn't skip it ... I just didn't think it was relevant. Any argument where the premise is that there isn't a reason for time gating is not worth discussing to begin with. That doesn't make sense with the reality of the game. If you can't acknowledge there is a reason for it, your argument is dead in the water because it clearly opposes the reason Anet used it, whatever that reason is.

> > > >

> > > > Like I told the other guy ... this isn't about who's right or wrong on time gating. It's about coming to some understanding that there is a reason for Anet to use it. If you want to make a case for why time gating is bad in this case, you can't assume off the start there isn't a reason to use it.

> > > >

> > >

> > > I think you are not far enough in this collection to judge. I was fine with the first 3 steps being time gated. Took me long and with work and stuff I didn't care much (except for those poor souls that completed the first collection 1 minute after midnight).

> > >

> > > However at the point where you have to make/buy a 22 charged quartz (timegated) to feed the skyscale 12 times with a limit of 3 times per day (timegated), that's just trolling

> >

> > you can buy the finished items on tp


> For how much gold? This mount is becoming almost as much of a headache as aurora, a freaking legendary.


Last i saw 40g for the grow lamp (I see it fluctuating between 40g and 60g over the last days more than once so changes really quickly sometimes) The food is currently 4g per piece but i have seen it swing up as high as 9g when some people go and buy up all the cheaper stuff.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> >

> > 1) A mount being a mount does not mean it can't have prestige "requirements". Because it hasn't been done before doesn't automatically mean it won't. As I said, I do agree the marketing didn't properly prepare to it, but I also -know- that with this community it would have changed nothing. People wanting a mount cause it's cool would have had the same complains, minus this one. Look at the gryphon gold sink in old threads.

> >

> > 2) We played 6 years of a game without it, and we were happy. The prospect of working towards improving the experience and "convenience" is a normal design in MMOs. You "work" hard for little added convenience. If you don't want that convenience, or if it's not worth it, you have the option not to do it at all. It's not a job.

> >

> > 3) If you wanna go that way... I work often way more than 40 hours a week. Normal weekdays, and I love raids. Raids reset at 1 am or 2 am, where it's the most fun to raid. Highly annoying for me, but that doesn't mean it should be changed to match my expectation, because then someone else wouldn't be unable to do reset. They cannot make everyone happy.

> > But anyway, this argument changes nothing when it comes to timegates

> > Let's assume no timegate: It takes you 15 days to do it at your own pace. It will take a "no life" an entire day and they'll have it 15 days before you.

> > Let's assume timegate: Let's say it takes you 3 days for each collection. 15 days + 8 days of timegate = 23 days. For a "no life", they'll get it in 8 days. Still 15 days before you.

> > Working or not working affects everyone the same way. Actually, it is better for people who don't have a whole day, as it can get a little easier to catch up on the no life people.

> > So really, I know this argument is being thrown around here, but it just doesn't work. If you work and have a busy life, you will always be behind. There is nothing you can do and it's not the MMOs fault.

> >

> > 4) Not everything in a MMO is meant for everyone. It just isn't. Seasonal events are temporary. "timegated", and there's a pretty good reason for that. So if they wanted to but couldn't? Well again, too bad. But they can also realize it doesn't matter, that they'll be able to get it in just a little bit longer, just like the mount here.


> 1) Artificially blocking people on purpose from participating in content they wish to engage in is not what I would call _Prestige Requirements_ -- If that's the case, make the collection LONGER or HARDER. I will do it, I do not care.


> 2) Playing the game without mounts for 6 years? I don't know if it the time gap between Core and PoF was 6 years, however I already am well aware of the pain of running everywhere on foot. I finished Map Completion 4 weeks after Core released, it took 250 hours. You do not see me upset that mounts were added just because I dedicated 250 hours to traversing difficult slopes and odd geometry within various maps.


> 3) I'm glad you have a compatible schedule that lets you play the game the way you are comfortable playing. I, however, do not. No one's personal experience is the same as another and that was my point. None of us give a kitten about who gets the mount first. Why are you insinuating that? Where have I even said that?


> 4) You're now comparing apples and oranges. I'm finished discussing this.


1) It's not. It's hollow. But instead of blaming Anet, blame the "NERF EVERYTHING" crowd that doesn't understand that oh no builds are there to be experimented with and you're supposed to actually get good in a video game to get prestige rewards. Maybe -then- we could get more meaningful content.

So instead two solutions always: gold sink (= time sink or credit card sink) or timegate + collectaton. Pick your poison.


2) My point is that it's all entirely optional. Useless mount or not, It doesn't matter. You want it, here are the requirement, you don't want it? There's better anyway. The "optional" nature of the mount makes all of that ok.


3) I just said I wasn't comfortable with how reset was handled for raids. However, I do understand that it is literally impossible to please everyone's own schedule and life balance, so I will never blame Anet for that. I always have the option to not do it.

In this case though, the requirements are not out of reach even for someone who works a lot. There are people who work full time and still are getting all their raids done every week, people who get all their WvW chests done or PVP done every week. The mount is not going anywhere, it's gonna be there in one month or two, it's 100% compatible with a busy life.


4) Timegates are timegates, and the one I was discussing before about SAB is a seasonal timegate event that does bring a lot of "stress" and "rush" for people who absolutely want it now immediately otherwise everything is lost forever. Same situation here.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > >

> > > 1) A mount being a mount does not mean it can't have prestige "requirements". Because it hasn't been done before doesn't automatically mean it won't. As I said, I do agree the marketing didn't properly prepare to it, but I also -know- that with this community it would have changed nothing. People wanting a mount cause it's cool would have had the same complains, minus this one. Look at the gryphon gold sink in old threads.

> > >

> > > 2) We played 6 years of a game without it, and we were happy. The prospect of working towards improving the experience and "convenience" is a normal design in MMOs. You "work" hard for little added convenience. If you don't want that convenience, or if it's not worth it, you have the option not to do it at all. It's not a job.

> > >

> > > 3) If you wanna go that way... I work often way more than 40 hours a week. Normal weekdays, and I love raids. Raids reset at 1 am or 2 am, where it's the most fun to raid. Highly annoying for me, but that doesn't mean it should be changed to match my expectation, because then someone else wouldn't be unable to do reset. They cannot make everyone happy.

> > > But anyway, this argument changes nothing when it comes to timegates

> > > Let's assume no timegate: It takes you 15 days to do it at your own pace. It will take a "no life" an entire day and they'll have it 15 days before you.

> > > Let's assume timegate: Let's say it takes you 3 days for each collection. 15 days + 8 days of timegate = 23 days. For a "no life", they'll get it in 8 days. Still 15 days before you.

> > > Working or not working affects everyone the same way. Actually, it is better for people who don't have a whole day, as it can get a little easier to catch up on the no life people.

> > > So really, I know this argument is being thrown around here, but it just doesn't work. If you work and have a busy life, you will always be behind. There is nothing you can do and it's not the MMOs fault.

> > >

> > > 4) Not everything in a MMO is meant for everyone. It just isn't. Seasonal events are temporary. "timegated", and there's a pretty good reason for that. So if they wanted to but couldn't? Well again, too bad. But they can also realize it doesn't matter, that they'll be able to get it in just a little bit longer, just like the mount here.

> >

> > 1) Artificially blocking people on purpose from participating in content they wish to engage in is not what I would call _Prestige Requirements_ -- If that's the case, make the collection LONGER or HARDER. I will do it, I do not care.

> >

> > 2) Playing the game without mounts for 6 years? I don't know if it the time gap between Core and PoF was 6 years, however I already am well aware of the pain of running everywhere on foot. I finished Map Completion 4 weeks after Core released, it took 250 hours. You do not see me upset that mounts were added just because I dedicated 250 hours to traversing difficult slopes and odd geometry within various maps.

> >

> > 3) I'm glad you have a compatible schedule that lets you play the game the way you are comfortable playing. I, however, do not. No one's personal experience is the same as another and that was my point. None of us give a kitten about who gets the mount first. Why are you insinuating that? Where have I even said that?

> >

> > 4) You're now comparing apples and oranges. I'm finished discussing this.


> 1) It's not. It's hollow. But instead of blaming Anet, blame the "NERF EVERYTHING" crowd that doesn't understand that oh no builds are there to be experimented with and you're supposed to actually get good in a video game to get prestige rewards. Maybe -then- we could get more meaningful content.

> So instead two solutions always: gold sink (= time sink or credit card sink) or timegate + collectaton. Pick your poison.


> 2) My point is that it's all entirely optional. Useless mount or not, It doesn't matter. You want it, here are the requirement, you don't want it? There's better anyway. The "optional" nature of the mount makes it comparable to Aurora to me.


> 3) I just said I wasn't comfortable with how reset was handled for raids. However, I do understand that it is literally impossible to please everyone own schedule and life balance, so I will never blame Anet for that. I always have the option to not do it.

> In this case though, the requirements are not out of reach even for someone who works a lot. There are people who work full time and still are getting all their raids done every week, people who get all their WvW chests done or PVP done every week. The mount is not going anywhere, it's gonna be there in one month or two, it's 100% compatible with a busy life.


> 4) Timegates are timegates, and the one I was discussing before about SAB is a seasonal timegate event that does bring a lot of "stress" and "rush" for people who absolutely want it now immediately otherwise everything is lost forever. Same situation here.


It should not be comparable to Aurora. No mount is a legendary.

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> @"Daniel Handler.4816" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > >

> > > > 1) A mount being a mount does not mean it can't have prestige "requirements". Because it hasn't been done before doesn't automatically mean it won't. As I said, I do agree the marketing didn't properly prepare to it, but I also -know- that with this community it would have changed nothing. People wanting a mount cause it's cool would have had the same complains, minus this one. Look at the gryphon gold sink in old threads.

> > > >

> > > > 2) We played 6 years of a game without it, and we were happy. The prospect of working towards improving the experience and "convenience" is a normal design in MMOs. You "work" hard for little added convenience. If you don't want that convenience, or if it's not worth it, you have the option not to do it at all. It's not a job.

> > > >

> > > > 3) If you wanna go that way... I work often way more than 40 hours a week. Normal weekdays, and I love raids. Raids reset at 1 am or 2 am, where it's the most fun to raid. Highly annoying for me, but that doesn't mean it should be changed to match my expectation, because then someone else wouldn't be unable to do reset. They cannot make everyone happy.

> > > > But anyway, this argument changes nothing when it comes to timegates

> > > > Let's assume no timegate: It takes you 15 days to do it at your own pace. It will take a "no life" an entire day and they'll have it 15 days before you.

> > > > Let's assume timegate: Let's say it takes you 3 days for each collection. 15 days + 8 days of timegate = 23 days. For a "no life", they'll get it in 8 days. Still 15 days before you.

> > > > Working or not working affects everyone the same way. Actually, it is better for people who don't have a whole day, as it can get a little easier to catch up on the no life people.

> > > > So really, I know this argument is being thrown around here, but it just doesn't work. If you work and have a busy life, you will always be behind. There is nothing you can do and it's not the MMOs fault.

> > > >

> > > > 4) Not everything in a MMO is meant for everyone. It just isn't. Seasonal events are temporary. "timegated", and there's a pretty good reason for that. So if they wanted to but couldn't? Well again, too bad. But they can also realize it doesn't matter, that they'll be able to get it in just a little bit longer, just like the mount here.

> > >

> > > 1) Artificially blocking people on purpose from participating in content they wish to engage in is not what I would call _Prestige Requirements_ -- If that's the case, make the collection LONGER or HARDER. I will do it, I do not care.

> > >

> > > 2) Playing the game without mounts for 6 years? I don't know if it the time gap between Core and PoF was 6 years, however I already am well aware of the pain of running everywhere on foot. I finished Map Completion 4 weeks after Core released, it took 250 hours. You do not see me upset that mounts were added just because I dedicated 250 hours to traversing difficult slopes and odd geometry within various maps.

> > >

> > > 3) I'm glad you have a compatible schedule that lets you play the game the way you are comfortable playing. I, however, do not. No one's personal experience is the same as another and that was my point. None of us give a kitten about who gets the mount first. Why are you insinuating that? Where have I even said that?

> > >

> > > 4) You're now comparing apples and oranges. I'm finished discussing this.

> >

> > 1) It's not. It's hollow. But instead of blaming Anet, blame the "NERF EVERYTHING" crowd that doesn't understand that oh no builds are there to be experimented with and you're supposed to actually get good in a video game to get prestige rewards. Maybe -then- we could get more meaningful content.

> > So instead two solutions always: gold sink (= time sink or credit card sink) or timegate + collectaton. Pick your poison.

> >

> > 2) My point is that it's all entirely optional. Useless mount or not, It doesn't matter. You want it, here are the requirement, you don't want it? There's better anyway. The "optional" nature of the mount makes it comparable to Aurora to me.

> >

> > 3) I just said I wasn't comfortable with how reset was handled for raids. However, I do understand that it is literally impossible to please everyone own schedule and life balance, so I will never blame Anet for that. I always have the option to not do it.

> > In this case though, the requirements are not out of reach even for someone who works a lot. There are people who work full time and still are getting all their raids done every week, people who get all their WvW chests done or PVP done every week. The mount is not going anywhere, it's gonna be there in one month or two, it's 100% compatible with a busy life.

> >

> > 4) Timegates are timegates, and the one I was discussing before about SAB is a seasonal timegate event that does bring a lot of "stress" and "rush" for people who absolutely want it now immediately otherwise everything is lost forever. Same situation here.


> It should not be comparable to Aurora. No mount is a legendary.


I fixed that cause I was expecting this answer and didn't want to start that discussion again but:

It has everything legendary but the name. Absolutely everything. It has the time associated to it, lots of collections, and potentially cost.


Literally the only issue was that it was badly marketed. But it was free content also, nobody "lost" money over this so it doesn't deserve all the outrage anyway.

(yes yes yes you paid for PoF expecting a living season but nobody knew the living season would come with mounts, argument void)

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > get good in a video game to get prestige rewards.


> Did you just really pull a "get gud" in 2019??? wow...


Absolutely. It's a video game. It has mechanics that you need to learn. It's fine if you don't want to, but you don't get to experience all the content of the game. This game already offers an insane amount of content that doesn't require basic knowledge of a build.


Typically, just like we had a hard mode version of Mordremoth, this mount could have been unlocked (partly) with a hard mode version of Krack fight. There, you got your meaningful content :D

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> @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> > > @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > > Anyone defending this failed system atm is just trolling. Ignore them. Anet already acknowledge they have made a mistake and are working on a fix. If they want to stand for mistakes and bad systems that's on them.

> >

> > And what mistakes are they fixing? where did you see it?


> If you bother to read the comments, you will see that Anet already said they would fix the mastery problem and that they are looking on how to fix the mess they made in a permanent manner. I will copy paste here so you there isn't any chance you will pretend to not have seen it if you reply:


> "Hi everyone,


> I wanted to provide a brief update after talking to various developers. We’re aware of the concerns expressed in this thread. The team is currently regrouping and we’re aiming to communicate more about this topic as soon as we possibly can.


> In the meantime, we're pushing a hotfix that will include hiding the skyscale Mastery line for players who have not acquired the skyscale so that they will continue to gain Mastery experience toward acquiring Spirit Shards.


> We're also working on another hotfix coming later that will alleviate issues with finishing the Skyscale of Ice achievement in Frostgorge Sound by making the Corrupted Ice Elementals near the Claw of Jormag event respawn regularly. These creatures can encase you in ice and progress the Skyscale of Ice achievement. This is a temporary fix until we can get something more permanent.


> Thank you for your understanding and patience."


> So yes anyone arguing for something that Anet admits is a mistake and is trying to fix at this point is just a concern troll and should just be ignored.



For the Skyscale of Ice achievement, you can just go to Bitterfrost and get frozen by the little tornado or aggro any of the ice elementals by the berry farm. They will all freeze you and count toward this. No need to go to Frostgorge for that part.

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> Youve never crafted a legendary if you think this collection comes close to the sheer expense of it.


Well, we don't know the full extend of the collection yet.


I have all legendary armors, they're not particularly expensive especially with today's loot of T6. They have a pretty large timegate though.

Aurora wasn't that expensive either.


Old school legendaries weapons are more expensive, yes.

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