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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Aetheldrake.6395" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

> > > > >

> > > > > You kind of went against “No” with that question.

> > > > >

> > > > > Because that is why this timegate is a problem, there is nothing positive with the timegate. Timegates forcing people to play the game achieve nothing [positive] because it’s not people playing because they want to, it’s people now logging in ignoring map chat unless it pertains to collections if we are talking about the people who don’t want to play that is.

> > > > >

> > > > > It also adds annoyances to people who have a lot going on in rl(such as myself). Because it’s artificial progression and life to the game. Nothing really organic about it, and options are limited.

> > > > >

> > > > > People who are saying no, let’s be honest do you even care for timegate? Be honest don’t bull jive me. Do you really like timegated stuff now keep I mind I know you feel like it doesn’t affect you, so the question is why do you legitimately believe they should keep it, if it doesn’t matter to you(maybe it’s one of your desires which would be shocking)?

> > > >

> > > > x-post. If my above reply doesn't answer your questions pls do ask again . . .

> > >

> > > Alright bet...*Reads your reply*

> > >

> > > So I'm going to ask you...again, be honest with me, do you even care about the inclusion of this timegate?

> > Not as much as some other ppl seem to. I'm primarily concerned with trying to understand why ppl are so fussed about it . . .

> > > If you want to piggyback on your response, I'll give you this question does this improve the game or not?

> > Yes . . .

> > > For fun here is a 3rd question if you want to again piggyback on your response, if it wasn't there in the first place, would you have cared?

> > No, but I would have been just as interested in whatever other aspect of the release had ppl up in arms instead . . .

> > > Also let me chime in on what you said to the people you quoted you said you see no negatives. The timegate is what keeps you doing other things as you say, right? That's probably one the reasons it exist, right? Now I tend to ask a lot of questions because I like to learn, so is the timegate making you do that or you're doing that yourself? If it wasn't there would you play that way?

> > Either you misunderstood what I said or I am misunderstanding your response. The time gate *allows* me to do other things. I'm the sort of player who never has time to do all of the things I want to do in the game, despite the fact that I play it like it's a full time job. I do enjoy new content but at the same time new releases annoy me bc it's just one more thing on my list of things to do. So the fact that there is a cap on how much progress I can make each day is nice bc I can go do other things instead . . .

> >

> > I think what you may be asking is what would prevent me from simply choosing on my own to play that way even if there was no time gate. The answer ofc is nothing, but it wouldn't be the best idea. While there is no content that still exists in the game which has become impossible to complete over time, there is a lot of content that was a lot easier to do back when it was initially released. So I have learned over time to try to get the shiny stuff out of the way as quickly as possible before I go back to my regularly scheduled content . . .

> > > To be honest I don't believe that gamers like to be [forced] into doing something if they don't want to do it.

> > Well it's still just a game, nobody is forcing anyone to do anything but yes, it is nice that the time gate removes some of the pressure to finish the content quickly . . .

> > >You said a lot of people would have the mount next week right, which keeps begging the point of there being a 5 day(if lucky) timegate. The negative is that it has no purpose other than to have people wait. It lacks sense, so people who like to play how they play can't, for me I wasn't expecting the mount at all on day one, funny enough I expected depending on the collection it'd take a few days(now longer because of daily reset). The difference is I'd have control over it, I wouldn't be so focused on making sure I get the achievement done before reset. If at this points you don't see a negative, then well ha ah that's fine by me. Oh almost forgot it's not the fact it's hindering you, it's the fact that it hinders others. "So why should you care?" Well *Shrugs*

> > The fact that there are ppl who don't like it isn't really an argument bc you will always be able to find ppl who don't like something. But the rest of this section doesn't make sense to me. You're saying you feel 'forced' by the time gate to complete today's tasks, but if there was no time gate you wouldn't feel 'forced' to complete all of the tasks as quickly as possible? What's the difference . . ?

> > > Last thing, if still dead set on saying "No" it's cool, there is nothing I or anybody else can do to show why a Timegate like this is pointless, that comes down to you at this point. I type this to provide insight and learn, but I know this is the forums, this is the internet, not much can be done, if it helps, I'm wrong and you're right. So cheers!

> > If you feel we have exhausted all of the arguments against the time gate, then yes, it is refreshing to know it is causing no harm :)


> ...You are right and I am wrong. :)


Sweet ! ! !


But I suppose I don't really get all the credit for that, huh? Reading through the other posts the 'yes' votes all seem a little one note while the 'no' votes are much more thoughtful and varied. It's also nice that this one poll thread didn't get merged with the time gate mega thread so I didn't have to wade through all that mess to get other ppl's perspectives . . .


I appreciate your taking the time to explain your position :)

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I don't mind long, difficult collections, but THIS is absolutely ridiculous! Make us wait 4 days? Fine, it's annoying but alright. This however is a goddamn mess! This is a feature, not a cosmetic! It should not take this much for something that is not advertised as a prestige item like the gryphon. And the lack of transparency about how long this really actually takes is shady, and just really badly implemented.

Anet needed a win here after the whole layoff situation, and this is not how to do it. I don't get why they would put themselves in a position where people are obviously going to be angry. Right now they need the support of their playerbase, and this ain't it.


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I agree. It's a lot. Being a massive boring collection with loads of time gates honeslty makes me feel less motivated to play the game. If it were just a collection with fun lore tid bits, I would probably be playing right now.


I don't mind a challenge. I dont mind taking my time with content as long as its enjoyable. This however, is far from that.


I can't believe it can take up to 22 days to get the mount if you don't have your charge quartz...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> Why does that matter? A mount that is time gated is no different than any other time gated content. Other time gated items also have specific functions too. These attempts to differentiate mounts as 'special' do not change the fact that time gated things are not new to GW2.


Except it is different. Most other things that are time gated in this game are what? Weapons? Trinkets? Most of which are just for a skin? Or something that you can technically also obtain another way? That's extremely different from a mount with unique movement abilities that would greatly assist in navigating the new map. And no, the borrowed Skyscales don't fix this. Dwayna forbid I want to harvest some node while on a rented Skyscale and oh, now it's gone. Also, in case you haven't noticed, the time gate is also gating people from getting exp on PoF and LWS4 maps if you don't have the Skyscale. Feels really bad to be spending all this time in a new map doing events and getting exp from the story only for it to vanish into the ether.

If people want to spend their time working toward the Skyscale, they should be able to do so without having to sit around for X amount of hours just waiting for daily reset.

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Yes, this is not fun and many angry people in the forum and on reddit are bad for the game's damaged reputation. I have friends and guildies who went on a hiatus after the layoff drama, they just saw the unhappy posts about the new mount and decided to stay away from the game despite me desperately trying to convince them to come back... :astonished: This situation is not helping GW2 at all.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > Arenanet, you might as well just start putting any new mounts here on out in the cash shop the way ESO does so you can at least get some revenue for your work if people want something as special as this to be instant gratification.

> > The community is getting a new, shiny mount for **FREE** because all we have to do is log in to get the episode and all we have to do is actually play the game to get it. At least show some respect to the devs and actually play the game? I mean this isn't the griffon, you can actually stay in the air with this mount. Anyone notice that the endurance bar fills when you descend and you can fly back up (I think a lot of you _didn't_ notice that judging from the yes votes)? I spent at least 45 minutes in the air messing around with that alone and never touched the ground in Dragonfall! Getting this mount means that I can easily avoid nearly everything in Tyria/HoT/PoF because there are few to no aerial threats to speak of in game. It makes sense that a mount like this can and should be time-gated, to make it worth the effort of getting it. So no, there is nothing wrong with this being time-gated as I can easily see this becoming a WvW/PvP nightmare and hearing the complaints on that end the moment it does start appearing.



> There are some plenty of aerial threats in pof and hot. And the mount doesn’t go that high up or travel that far before you have to descend. Have you even tried the mount or are you just being blindly argumentative and condescending?



I actually have and toyed with it the moment I got access to it when Aurene finds them and you have to win them over with the volatile magic. Climbed to the high point I could find and, as I said, noticed that you barely start to descend and saw that the endurance bar filled up. So I toyed with it going to the high point and, again, tested things out. Does the bar fill slowly if the descent is small, did it fill quicker if you fell faster, did it fill while hovering, did it drain clinging to the wall, how is skill 1, how to aim skill 1, what is the difference between using skill 1 in the air and on land, wait there are updrafts here, does it effect the skyscale, can I descend to fill the bar, grab cliff and bounce back up efficiently and tinker, tinker, tinker to the point my longest time was 45 minutes before I hit the ground taking my time to figure it out as I didn't want a repeat of the griffon dive bomb/ascend in case they made one of those adventure things out of it and I need to fly through rings or something later on (Jahai Bluffs Griffon Master adventure, I'm looking at you). I think I spent more time experimenting with the mount then I did doing anything on the map.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Yes, this is not fun and many angry people in the forum and on reddit are bad for the game's damaged reputation. I have friends and guildies who went on a hiatus after the layoff drama, they just saw the unhappy posts about the new mount and decided to stay away from the game despite me desperately trying to convince them to come back... :astonished: This situation is not helping GW2 at all.


Exactly and then timegates within the timegates...


Makes no sense...Heck earlier I did one of the steeps for the second day and didn’t even get the achievement for that(Teaching the kids at the Academy in Vabbi) let alone it being broke or not starting on certain instances of the map.

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> > @"BrotherBelial.3094" said:

> > > @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > > I'm glad these people never attempted to get legendary armors. That's some real timegate for you.

> > > This... is nothing. I'm sorry.

> > >

> > > Not everything has to be readily available.

> >

> > You are comparing apples and oranges there. One is end game best in slot stuff, the other is a mount that was the "selling point" of the patch. One is supposed to be worked for over weeks/months/years, the other should take a few hours. The only reason the time gate has been added to keep the people who play the story, then stop playing till the next one comes out, playing the game.

> >

> > Personally I like to play games at my pace, not one artificially set to keep me playing longer than I want to or expected to.


> I answered that earlier. You're supposed to get the best end game content by demonstrating your skills. That's the only difference.

> To make the comparison more straightforward. If this mount was first described as "legendary", would it have changed -anything- about the complains here? Cause if you think it would have, we definitely have quite a different experience with these forums.


Yes, I agree it would. I would expect it to take days, over under a day(hours wise)



> Back to the current content, it's not content we pay for, it's content that is given to us. We had no idea when we bought PoF that we would ever see additional mounts. This was not a selling point (unlike raids and legendary armors for HoT). What I fail to understand is where was it ever said that this content should be readily available, that it "should only take a few hours". Why?


LW is content we paid for, we have to have PoF to be able to play it, so there is money attached to it. Also by "selling point" I was referring to the Skyscale being the reason to play this episode.



> Now as I said before again timegate is just one of the ways, and one I don't like either, but there -has- to be some sort of "effort" associated to it. The beetle was forgotten pretty quickly specifically because it was easy and quick to get. Gold sink brings negativity from a lot of people as well (and can become a pay2win situation), and let's not even talk about challenging content that is just no longer allowed in story mode.


The "effort" is easy to do with out a time gate, add more things to the collection, tie it to events/items/npc's on the map, or around the world.



> I'm genuinely asking, what is the correct way of rewarding content?


Anything other than a time gate on something that is aimed at being content for everyone. ANet has said many times raids are not for everyone, and that's fine. We know, sure some people didn't like it, but they managed expectations.


People have mentioned that people forgot the Beatle, I personally dislike the mount, I find the raptor superior, out of all the mounts we have I only really use 3. Raptor, Griffin and Springer. The Jackle gets used when there is a portal, and skimmer if there is a large body of water, the Beatle has no real advantages and is just a waste of time and pointless imho,


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It's bait-and-switch. You put 3 big collections on the first day, trying to make it looks like we will have the mount after 3 collections. Never acknowleding the player about the time-gated 8 extra days collection until the first day is over (and it was thought to be 5 days after day 1, another bait-and-switch.) And who knows? Maybe more time-gated content afterward.


The collections are already super exhausting on its own (foreseeable 500+ items scavenger hunt. A 300 items scavenger hunt is probably already too much.) How r-ed you have to be to exhaust and trigger your loyal players and make them holding grudge against you? Use your brain to design, not your a-s.

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On the day we feed the hatchling the last 3 times we click on an icon 3 times and then have to wait for reset to progress..fun!


But I have to say it is very sad that the presentation of the hatchling and the way we grow it is overshadowed by the timegates...

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Time gating is BS, I had enough with my legendary armor, I like to play at my own phase otherwise I would just stick to some stupid free korean rpg.


I know some "passive" people would say crap like "YOU SHOULDN'T BURN THE CONENT IN 10 MINS HURR DURR" f*** them, If I want to burn the content fast is my choise, my own freaking problem, I have no time for BS, I'm not the kind of people that have time every week sometimes not even months and when I come back I'm totally f**ked trying to catch up with my guildmates trying to do events or visiting maps no body goes anymore is a pain in my rear I need to do things while they are hot or lose.



Pfff... time gating a stupid mount, what's next shooting your own foot by making an unlimited friend teleport ? oh...

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > @"slasc.3260" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I think it's funny someone complains about the time gate ... I guess spending 250G is more to your liking?

> >

> >

> > Do we have any reason to think it WON'T cost 250g? The Griffon had collections, too...


> Yes, that would be an added insult. Actually, I'm OK with the time gate for the Skyscale although not crazy about it. BUT, if at the end of however many days it takes, we're hit with a requirement that costs 100s of gold, I will be miffed. To put it mildly.


I heard we're not out of the woods yet.. and there is gonna be a feeding part that some one said will require grow lamps or something that's time gated.


I can't wait to find out what it is..

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> @"Shade.8971" said:

> So we need 22 charged quartz for the 3rd day collection? 1 charged quartz a day means..... And to get around this you can buy the items off TP for almost half of the cost of griffon? The prices of these items will no doubt go up.


70g for the grow lamp. Yeesh. Do you know how many Skyscale food you need in total? Wanna grab it before the price goes even higher.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think it's funny someone complains about the time gate ... I guess spending 250G is more to your liking?


Why should it be either? Why is it necessary to put either of these progression walls in place? What do they add to the player experience?

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"Shade.8971" said:

> > So we need 22 charged quartz for the 3rd day collection? 1 charged quartz a day means..... And to get around this you can buy the items off TP for almost half of the cost of griffon? The prices of these items will no doubt go up.


> 70g for the grow lamp. Yeesh. Do you know how many Skyscale food you need in total? Wanna it before the price goes even higher.


You need 12. Going for 8g a pop right now. You can feed the skyscale three times a day so 4 more days added for skyscale mount. Timegate within a timegate.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"Shade.8971" said:

> > So we need 22 charged quartz for the 3rd day collection? 1 charged quartz a day means..... And to get around this you can buy the items off TP for almost half of the cost of griffon? The prices of these items will no doubt go up.


> 70g for the grow lamp. Yeesh. Do you know how many Skyscale food you need in total? Wanna it before the price goes even higher.


100g for the lamp and 12 pieces of food

here is the recipe for the food https://i.imgur.com/MpK72jW.png


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I just found this out? im sorry its stupid to make things like this almost impossible for alot of people, it will take me months to do this. i work to much and dont have the time for this! it would be nice to have my own dragon mount to play with, hmmm, before I die! I thought it was one collection then i found out it was SIX collections! then i find out we cant just do it at our own pace, dumb! if i didnt watch a video on the subject it would have taken me a year to do just the first collection, that took like all day. like seriously! im not a carrier player im a casual player and I have real life going on, i like taking it slow, but it would be nice to play it the way we want. I dont mind the amount of work, i get it. To me this game is living art and i appreciate what you have done with it. but grinding my brains out then being locked out of something so we cant finish! that just sucks. sorry im so disappointed. ive played sense launch of gw1. This is the first time i have tried really hard to get something special. this is the first time i feel let down by the product that i pump money into. i was so looking forward to getting this. I truly thought the dragon was being released as part of the story that it wasn't going to be crazy to get, The other mounts made sense even the griffon..

.._(that I dont have, cuz its to much work, no time)_ but its special! I thought the new one was going to be a more attainable goal for players who couldn't go crazy to get the griffon, nope! now we have two special things. I guess ill enjoy it some time next year

ahh im just sad whatever i give up :(

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