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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> I understand you completely but it will take you a little longer time, yet not even close to the time gating of raiding, wvw, pvp legendary gear. You have to understand that time gating is a thing and it is not a bad thing. You won't get the mount after 30 hours straight gameplay but 6 days for 5 hours - what is the problem about this? I have read several amusing possible answers to this, including: "I have taken 2 days off and now I can't finish the collection for these 2 days", (someone in the merged thread) "[i am working in RL, why should I work for the mount in the game](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76605/to-those-seriously-doing-the-skyscale-collection-i-have-a-question#latest "I am working in RL, why should I work for the mount in the game")". So ANET should develop based on your job/day off schedule. This is amusing, really. In fact ANET did great job with the time gating because players that play 10 hours a day and players that play 2-3 hours a day will get the mount in similar time.


I don't think you understand me at all considering you disregard everything I say and respond in a condescending way. And I see where you're coming from but you need to understand that this is not a legendary item, this is not a prestige item, and also this isn't something that has the level of content that wvw, pvp, and legendary gear provide. With those there is time gating but it's different than collections. You always have content to play that goes towards rewards, but with this collection you do the limited content and then are STOPPED. You don't get that constant stream of content that you get from raids, wvw, and pvp. You are bared from continuing the content until time is up.

Also stop using these strawman arguments, none of use are saying that anet should cater to specific schedules. What we're saying is that there are better ways of extending the amount of time it takes to get something, and time gating COLLECTIONS like this in which there is very limited content is just going to push people away. This isn't wvw, pvp, or raiding, nor is this a legendary item.




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> @"miraude.2107" said:

> > @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > > @"miraude.2107" said:

> > > Arenanet, you might as well just start putting any new mounts here on out in the cash shop the way ESO does so you can at least get some revenue for your work if people want something as special as this to be instant gratification.

> > > The community is getting a new, shiny mount for **FREE** because all we have to do is log in to get the episode and all we have to do is actually play the game to get it. At least show some respect to the devs and actually play the game? I mean this isn't the griffon, you can actually stay in the air with this mount. Anyone notice that the endurance bar fills when you descend and you can fly back up (I think a lot of you _didn't_ notice that judging from the yes votes)? I spent at least 45 minutes in the air messing around with that alone and never touched the ground in Dragonfall! Getting this mount means that I can easily avoid nearly everything in Tyria/HoT/PoF because there are few to no aerial threats to speak of in game. It makes sense that a mount like this can and should be time-gated, to make it worth the effort of getting it. So no, there is nothing wrong with this being time-gated as I can easily see this becoming a WvW/PvP nightmare and hearing the complaints on that end the moment it does start appearing.

> >

> >

> > There are some plenty of aerial threats in pof and hot. And the mount doesn’t go that high up or travel that far before you have to descend. Have you even tried the mount or are you just being blindly argumentative and condescending?

> >


> I actually have and toyed with it the moment I got access to it when Aurene finds them and you have to win them over with the volatile magic. Climbed to the high point I could find and, as I said, noticed that you barely start to descend and saw that the endurance bar filled up. So I toyed with it going to the high point and, again, tested things out. Does the bar fill slowly if the descent is small, did it fill quicker if you fell faster, did it fill while hovering, did it drain clinging to the wall, how is skill 1, how to aim skill 1, what is the difference between using skill 1 in the air and on land, wait there are updrafts here, does it effect the skyscale, can I descend to fill the bar, grab cliff and bounce back up efficiently and tinker, tinker, tinker to the point my longest time was 45 minutes before I hit the ground taking my time to figure it out as I didn't want a repeat of the griffon dive bomb/ascend in case they made one of those adventure things out of it and I need to fly through rings or something later on (Jahai Bluffs Griffon Master adventure, I'm looking at you). I think I spent more time experimenting with the mount then I did doing anything on the map.


Before you hurt yourself trying to explain, just watch.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> Deadline means "the latest time or date by which something should be completed." There is no deadline, don't confuse rushing with deadline. You can do 1 part of the collection 3 days and your progress will not reset after each day. If it was resetting you could call it deadline.

> And you will wait if you have to. I am finishing the platinum chest in WvW Sunday (Friday is the reset) and 5 days after I don't get tickets. I have news for you - I am waiting 5 days to get the chance of obtaining some more tickets. And oh, you know what, this is every week. Do I make a thread about it? Should I?


Mmkay, for starters, we're not doing the same thing here. You're talking about WvW, and I'm talking about PvE collections for a mount. The "If I have to wait so do you" thing would only apply if we were talking about the same thing. Stuff like that is based on a completely different progression model than PvE, so of course stuff like time-gating is natural there.


Secondly, you knew what was entailed when you started doing WvW progression, I literally stated earlier that:


> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> Literally no one knew what this mount was going to entail until _launch day_, after thousands of people had already taken days off from work to have fun with the new content just like they had done all those months ago for the beetle.


We had no idea about anything for this mount, barring its name and abilities. Naturally, we figured it would work exactly like the beetle did. Why wouldn't it? They were both mounts released alongside a Living World story, why shouldn't they have the same model? Then the episode dropped, and everyone got blindsided because ANet told us nothing until that moment. Hell, we _still_ don't even know everything about it, because Collection 4 won't even be accessible to even the most-progressed people until _Sunday_. Don't know why you're getting angry at people for being mad about not being told what they were getting into, until they were already 12+ hours deep.


So by all means, if you want to make a thread, I wholeheartedly think you should.



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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> Deadline means "the latest time or date by which something should be completed."


Buddy, we mean the point at which we have to finish the previous collection by if we want to start the next one without being punished by waiting another 24 hours. Finish the collection 5 minutes after reset? Can't continue.

Stop twisting arguments and ignoring when we mean.


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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> I really wish everyone would stop complaining about this and move on and enjoy the game.


I'd like to enjoy the game but, it's TIME GATED! I frantically (not fun) tried to finish the eggs before reset and was a mere 3 minutes late, 3 minutes! I logged right out afterwards because it's not possible for me to proceed. How can anyone not see how infuriating time gating can be?

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btw, you can actually purchase Wintersday Gifts for 18 gold per stack on the TP. There's a chance that you get Charged Quartz from them, so if gold doesn't matter, you can get 12 on a single day. Maybe you get an infusion and your gold back ^^


I just bought 1000 gifts and got 7 charged quartz.

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TBH, most of the damage is already done.


People who rushed the collection on the first day before reset and got to see the requirements for Day 3+, some of which are tradeable, are massively jacking up the prices on the TP and earning literally tens of thousands of gold from them (certain items have undergone price increases of 25000%).


Those who dared to enjoy the Story and Map first and then turned towards the collection and hit the timegate break to late and have to wait and see for people to slip up and "leak" some of the required components of future collections either have to hope we happen to have enough of those previously worthless items in the bank, or pay exorbitant prices, which could end up rivaling the Griffon cost by the time the masses get to the collections.


So not even considering my stance on timegates to pad out content, this was a terrible idea.


In addition, keep in mind that if you don't have enough Charged Quartz Crystals stacked up, you will hit a timegate of nearly a month to get the mount, or rather just to complete step 3.


People who are completely fine with the timegating are so only until it affects them negatively and breaks the pace they play at themselves.

I don't think anyone can argue it's fun or engaging in an objective manner at least. Beyond that, it's just a matter of how badly it impacted you personally, if it's bad or terrible.

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The problem is that the mount is too much time gated. To be fair, the mount would need some time gated content just like Aurora had some.


At the very least, it would be better if you didn’t need to wait daily reset to start one major part of a collection, since you need to complete 5 major collections.

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> @"CJtheBigBear.9610" said:

> > @"bOTEB.1573" said:


> > Deadline means "the latest time or date by which something should be completed." There is no deadline, don't confuse rushing with deadline. You can do 1 part of the collection 3 days and your progress will not reset after each day. If it was resetting you could call it deadline.

> > And you will wait if you have to. I am finishing the platinum chest in WvW Sunday (Friday is the reset) and 5 days after I don't get tickets. I have news for you - I am waiting 5 days to get the chance of obtaining some more tickets. And oh, you know what, this is every week. Do I make a thread about it? Should I?


> Mmkay, for starters, we're not doing the same thing here. You're talking about WvW, and I'm talking about PvE collections for a mount. The "If I have to wait so do you" thing would only apply if we were talking about the same thing. Stuff like that is based on a completely different progression model than PvE, so of course stuff like time-gating is natural there.


> Secondly, you knew what was entailed when you started doing WvW progression, I literally stated earlier that:



No, we are talking about time gating and the principle, not about modes but because you see you can't follow my logical comprasion I will say, "Fair enough" and will give you some PVE examples ;)


There is time gating for the HOT metas, there is time gate in the raid, there is time gate in AURORA trinket, there is time gate in crafting... I can really continue with the PVE things but I believe you know that..?


Let me explain few things, please...


Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.

Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.

It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.

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> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> btw, you can actually purchase Wintersday Gifts for 18 gold per stack on the TP. There's a chance that you get Charged Quartz from them, so if gold doesn't matter, you can get 12 on a single day. Maybe you get an infusion and your gold back ^^


> I just bought 1000 gifts and got 7 charged quartz.


Sounds like a good method for those who already have a few crystals and the other materials required to craft the Lamp and Food, but at 18g per stack, 1000 is already 72g, and that only gets you 7 out of 22. Assuming you have equal RNG to what you got, you'd need at minimum of 216g to get that 22 quartz, and then have to spend more on other crafting mats if you don't already have them. If gold really isn't the issue, than it'd be easier to just buy the 12 Skyscale Food and Grow Lamp for around 160 - 200g.


That is, unless the price spikes like crazy tomorrow and ends up somewhere in the in high hundreds... in which case, yeah, this method would be cheaper lol

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> @"Zushada.6108" said:

> Do you go to work for free? Do you go to a restaurant and demand free food? No. The game is giving you the OPTION of obtaining a FREE mount under their terms. With Griffon it was 250 Gold and Collections. This one is free and you have to put in a bit more work at a predetermined pace. These collections are not arduous; they are really easy and they encourage you go to different maps, complete events and work towards something fun yet OPTIONAL.


> I really wish everyone would stop complaining about this and move on and enjoy the game. In LW3 we got Aurene and it required full story achieves to complete plus a bunch of wasted Xunlei Ingots. I literally just finished that collection bc I could not get the 2 achieves from the story in Bitterfrost (stay unfrosty and under 5 mins) so I put it aside for a while and did something else until I had everything I needed to craft it and the achieves done. Those who did not bother with LW3 map and story achievements had to do a lot more work on maps with low population at times; plus they had to complete the second collection and get the required T6 mats.


> Understanding that LW3 was a Leg Trinket, this is really no different in principle. For those who use the argument "I only play an hour a night" the good news is that we do not need to get it all done in one night so the argument is irrelevant in this case. Right now, we have 7 mounts in this game and we really did not need another one and if ppl think they cannot get on in this game without the Skyscale, then they really need to reconsider if this is the right game for them. Everyone please, stop complaining about the timegate and realise that you are upset over a couple of collections that apply to an optional part of the game -- and it is just a game.


Mounts aren't free, you have to buy the expansion first and if you don't meet the criteria for "free" lws4 episodes you gotta buy that too. So technically its behind two pay walls. (Which is acceptable) Nobody is complaining about long boring collections or running around different maps, time gate is the issue here. Next time think before you type.

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So for everyone saying "its not a big deal just wait the 5 days, its more playtime" etc. Its going to be far more then just 5 days, especially if you are a player that does not horde things such as the quartz crystals that can only be made once a day. That means it could be up to an extra 22 more days before you can even get to the next part of the collection and who knows whats in it after that. I'm a vet player who loves gw2, and when I saw the new mount coming I got caught up in the hype. I assumed it would be like the beetle and it would be a fun achievement to do in my own time or at the very least short collections that you could complete daily. After getting through the first part I have to say I'm quite burnt out, its essentially doing the same scavenger hunt over and over and if you don't finish in time well, you're screwed and have to wait another day. Its not engaging, if anything its frustrating and a chore to get through, and this is coming from someone who enjoys grinding :/

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My post was removed because someone had their comments taken down, so I'll repost it.


If you have any reasons with backbone that can legitimatize the reason for a time-gate, I would love to hear them.


Just make sure it's not -


* 1) It makes the content last longer.


(It does not, it lasts the same for various reasons already listed. People will play or not play regardless. Less-so when time-gates are involved, not good.)


* 2) It makes it realistic for raising a skyscale.


(In reality it does not. Dragons do not grow in 5+ days from hatching.)


* 3) We already have time-gated content elsewhere, this is no different.


(Laughable. Time-gating a mount that already has collections has no precedence. Do you want all new content to be time-gated?)


* 4) Entitlement / Instant Gratification / Complaining to complain.


(We want to play and work for it when we are able to play. Gating does not allow this and hurts both casual and "hardcore" players.)


* 5) It lets everyone get it at the same pace.


(This failed on day one, as the reset happened before everyone could complete the first collection; in addition to people having a life.)


* 6) Just play other content while you wait, this isn't anything to complain about.


(Being able to play the way you want, when you want, still blankets over this excuse. Not only has PoF content become less desirable to people who have maxed previous Masteries, (because experience & soul shards cannot be obtained due to non-hidden masteries,) but in addition to that the people who rarely get to play and still want to work towards the mount are heavily affected by both the time-gates and massive collections; let's not forget about the more-than-likely Gold that is now required as Collections progress; though in all honesty I don't care about the gold.)


Those are all of the main reasons I have seen for why the time-gate should be allowed, in contrast, nothing has been brought up that gives the time-gate a legitimate reason to exist in the first place.


To add insult to injury there's now extra timegated collections coming up, but I'm sure you've all heard about that by now.


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Personally, I'm OK with the time gating (if a little annoyed that the xp bar is stuck for now) and I'm absolutely in favour of scavenger hunt collections. I like these kind of quests and wish there were v more of them in game. All in all I'm really enjoying this episode.


I also completely understand why others are frustrated.


I just wish that those in this thread who don't "see the problem" would just leave those who do the hell alone. You don't have to see the problem, just accept that it is an issue for some people and move on with your lives. You sure don't have to spend your time trying to stamp down other people's opinions or feelings of frustration.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> My post was removed because someone had their comments taken down, so I'll repost it.


> If you have any reasons with backbone that can legitimatize the reason for a time-gate, I would love to hear them.


> Just make sure it's not -


> * 1) It makes the content last longer.


> (It does not, it lasts the same for various reasons already listed. People will play or not play regardless. Less-so with time-gates.)


> * 2) It makes it realistic for raising a skyscale.


> (In reality it does not. Dragons do not grow in 5+ days from hatching.)


> * 3) We already have time-gated content elsewhere, this is no different.


> (Laughable. Time-gating a mount that already has collections has no precedence. Do you want all new content to be time-gated?)


> * 4) Entitlement / Instant Gratification / Complaining to complain.


> (We want to play and work for it when we are able to play. Gating does not allow this and hurts both casual and "hardcore" players.)


> * 5) It lets everyone get it at the same pace.


> (This failed on day one, as the reset happened before everyone could complete the first collection; in addition to people having a life.)


> * 6) Just play other content while you wait, this isn't anything to complain about.


> (Being able to play the way you want, when you want, still blankets over this excuse. Not only has PoF content become less desirable to people who have maxed previous Masteries, (because experience & soul shards cannot be obtained due to non-hidden masteries,) but in addition to that the people who rarely get to play and still want to work towards the mount are heavily affected by both the time-gates and massive collections; let's not forget about the more-than-likely Gold that is now required as Collections progress; though in all honesty I don't care about the gold.)


> Those are all of the main reasons I have seen for why the time-gate should be allowed, in contrast, nothing has been brought up that gives the time-gate a legitimate reason to exist in the first place.


> To add insult to injury there's now extra timegated collections coming up, but I'm sure you've all heard about that by now.



Sure, it's non-essential and you don't need it. Since it's non-essential and not needed, but instead you want it so you'll abide by the parameters set to get it. Or you won't get it at all.


But, as with everything I'm sure Anet will cave in a few days and alter the collections to be less miserable.

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It's one thing thing to use timegating again, AGAIN (trademark Rytlock)

**But** to also punish us by locking our PoF exp. gains ?


~~Shitty game design is shitty and should be pointed out.~~

Guess it's just another instance of play when we tell you to.


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Hi [player_name]!


Your dragon is hungry, please feed him!


Thank you!


Feed your dragon 9 more times get a special prize!


Oh, your dragon is full, please come back tomorrow to feed him again!


This is every mobile game I've ever played.


The only thing missing is..


Oh! Your dragon is full, pay 50 gems to feed him now? Ok!


This type of achievement is setting a terrible precedent for future events.


Do this task 12 times but only 3 times per day..


When you say it out loud.. it just seems absurd.. and incredibly obvious where it has come from.

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> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> No, we are talking about time gating and the principle, not about modes but because you see you can't follow my logical comprasion I will say, "Fair enough" and will give you some PVE examples ;)


I find it odd that you're trying to be cheeky with that ;) and act like I'm not understanding what you're trying to say while you're also skipping over and ignoring the ways I've answered these questions in previous comments, but okay.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> There is time gating for the HOT metas, there is time gate in the raid, there is time gate in AURORA trinket, there is time gate in crafting... I can really continue with the PVE things but I believe you know that..?


Yes. Which is why people don't do those that often. And when they _do_, they know exactly what they're getting into. Saying "if they don't want to wait then they just don't do it," is true, but not really relevant when I've stated before that people didn't even know until they were 12+ hours into this that there would be a 22+ day time-gate on a single part of the collections. And you're right, some people _did_ stop when they learned about this, so yes, this point is true, but not relevant to the complaints being posted in the thread.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Let me explain few things, please...


> Time-gated parts are sometimes in place to safeguard players. To prevent players binge- playing for an unhealthy amount of hours, there is a limit on what can be acquired in 24 hours or 1 week etc.


Hardly anyone that's complaining about the time gate is a binge-player, because _those_ players know that they have the time to do this. This is about the people who don't have the time in their day due to work/school/etc, and the time gates turn effort that they need to already spread out into a week or more, into possibly months, depending on how Collections 4 and 5 turn out.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> Also some time-gated content is created to encourage players to return more often keeping the population more-or-less stable.


Guild Wars 2 has never suffered from returning players as long as I've been playing.. There are already dozens of daily quests, map metas, and other content that people are constantly working on. I personally spent over 2 months solo-farming Flax every day just to craft 200 Empty Kegs my guild's hall needed for Tavern Restoration 2. I'm no stranger to time-gating by a long shot. But when I did that, and when I did ascended crafting, or when I did S3 map farming for ascended backpieces, I went into those knowing exactly what I would be doing, and knowing that I could do it all on _my_ time.


> @"bOTEB.1573" said:

> It may be worth nothing that developers commonly make certain features because that's how they want people to play their game.


ArenaNet has never made a mount time-gated until now. When it comes to mounts, they've always been consistent with "how they want people to play their game" until now. So the fact that they've not only completely changed how they've done bonus mounts up 'til now, while also not even telling us what to expect, I'd hope you can see why that would make people a bit ticked off.


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> @"Pifil.5193" said:


> I just wish that those in this thread who don't "see the problem" would just leave those who do the hell alone. You don't have to see the problem, just accept that it is an issue for some people and move on with your lives. You sure don't have to spend your time trying to stamp down other people's opinions or feelings of frustration.


I want to personally thank you for being the first person I've seen in this thread to not take issue with the time-gating and _not_ immediately follow it up by calling everyone who does have an issue "impatient and wants instant gratification."


Cheers, mate.



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Totally against it. It's an arbitrary way for the devs to stretch a too short episode. Don't get me wrong. I love GW2 and especially the rest of season 4. But this last episode I was done in less than 3 hours, even while doing map events as I went along. And the time gating actually *hurts* the casuals like me who have a life outside the game. I can play part of 4 days a week if I'm lucky. I have horses to exercise and train,so i don't just sit here 7 days a week. When I finish a section but it's just after reset, now I can't go on for another day. I usually go slower, by preference, but now I actually feel rushed because if I don't finish before reset, I will be held back further. It will already take me plenty of time to get this done; most others will be long done before I am. I am not complaining about the achievements and collections themselves, but the time gating.


The map is great and hopefully will continue to be active. The events and the meta are fun.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"Marmorix.9654" said:

> > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > > @"Zahme.7802" said:

> > > > > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > > > Holy dude, just go through with the 5 days and you're done. People really overexaggerate this - as if you had to climb the K2 without an oxygen flask.

> > > > >

> > > > > Its not 5 days if you can only play on weekends, then its 21 days ;-)

> > > >

> > > > Okay granted, but then you'll be 'slow' generally. They simply can't consider every playstyle.

> > >

> > > For which playstyle is the time gate a benefit?

> > > I only see people who doesn't care about it and people who don't like it. But I have never see a response like 'Yeahhhh time gated stufff, cheeerrs'

> >

> > Well, maybe I am a different kind, but somehow I liked the working towards something-appeal. I made a lot of legendaries though. Maybe I just like it. The feel of reward is bigger when you had to work for it a bit and sorry a 5 days isn't really a long time. For my first legendary in 2012 I grinded for about 3-4 months daily.

> As far as this statement goes

> I have doubts that your progress is 100% stopped at any point during that 3-4 month grind. Legendaries often require so many complexed items that there is almost always something you can work on until you get down to the last few bits at which point your progress might become locked for a few 24 hour resets. Usually its gemstones, mystic coins, or clovers that do it from my understanding. (maybe a few other items as well depending on what route you took) but nothing stops you from going for general masteries and gifts or saving mats and gold you are still making progress for the majority of that time.


> Keep in mind this mount is not marketed as a legendary mount (As far as I could tell feel free to correct me if im wrong) nor is it a secret easter egg mount like the griff was. Even if we want to talk legendaries there were people running around with the new legendary gs within the first hour after the patch dropped because they "worked hard toward it" getting the things needed before the patch hit.


> So why cant players who want to "work hard toward" the new mount to get it quickly do that if they want it as one of the main features. So while you may not mind the gating because you make legendaries not everyone is like you and makes or has mad 10 legendaries. Even sooooooooo as noted before there was nothing stopping players from "working hard" to make sure they could obtain the gs on day one of its release. If players had saved everything needed to make the gs only to find out its going to take another 10 or 20 days or more because of some "new unforeseen item for no real reason" I doubt players who were looking forward to getting the new gs would be happy about it while it wouldnt bother everyone it would no doubt bother some because no previous legendary was done that way right?


> I obtained the griffon in a day once i saw another player with it just by asking for help with finding eggs in the map chats players were willing to help one another as no guide was up at the time to do it. Saving gold was on me but that was not hard simply sold some things i had been holding onto for ages and ez pz gold gain "I worked hard" saving those things to sell for gold for what ever i wanted in the future and could sell them to obtain a mount quickly.


> But no amount of hard work in this particularly instance of gating will allow a player to obtain the new mount more quickly.


Okay, I must admit your argumentation is logical and traceable. Still in _my_ opinion I don't think it is a big thing. But I can support the emotion towards the fact that even people who want it fast, can't do it be cause there is a time gate.

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> @"tekhiun.8653" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:


> > People who complain about grind are the first ones who complain about that there is nothing to do.

> So that excuses terrible design like this ? Really what is your point ? If they have to do this to keep people playing there is already not much to do in the map, and everyone that would be done with the collection if it werent time gated , will definetly be done with the new map, when they get the mount, so GG in making artificially lengthy and boring content that won't solve what you are trying to avoid anyway.


> Also we all know legendary gear take time, it has been established before, no one would expect the new greatsword to be fast or easy to get. Mounts are completely different and again, most of the upsetting experience could have been avoided if Anet had been honest about it and just told us from the start. Then you guys could have had weeks to say that this is fine and people that don't have much time anyway could organize they schedules to play as efficient as possible.


I second negative emotions towards time gating, though it was common use back in the days of MMOs. On the other hand, I also have a grudge towards the ideology of getting everything as fast as possible (yes mobile gaming generation...).

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I too want(ed) to have the skyscale as fast as possible and I would have burned through the content as fast as possible for getting it.


But the collections that your have to do, are quite a lot. Especially for players that have to do parts of the content for this collections, that they have not yet done before.


So it is possible that (a lot of) players could burn out themselve as a result of burning through the content, which would not be healthy.


Maybe Anet is just doing this to stretch the content, maybe there a other (better) reasons.


But as a result I see this time gating now as a friendly reminder to not play too much at one day and to do other stuff (in-game and in RL).


Wasn't in GW1 a message / warning or something like that, which informs the player at days when he/she is playing for too long?



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