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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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> @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> All I did in GW2 today, was log in, press a hotkey 3 times, then log out. Feeding the Skyscale is such riveting gameplay. I look forward to the following 2 days of the same exact experience, then another 24h where I can't do anything thanks to another daily reset wall. Can't wait to see how fast I can log off GW2 during the next stage(s).


The fact that you don't find anything else in the game interesting to do except press that hotkey three times and then come back to post about it is not indicative of a bad game or a bad feature. Sorry, but that's just you not being interested in doing anything else. I logged in, pressed my hotkey three times, fed it some treats, played the flute for the heck of it, and then went to other parts of the game to work on achievement completion and map completion since I have several I'm still working on. If that isn't your thing, that's fine, but I'm sorry that you're missing out on most of the game experience. But don't behave like the skyscale collection is the **only** thing to do with the game, please.

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> @"Starfall Leyline.2481" said:

> > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > All I did in GW2 today, was log in, press a hotkey 3 times, then log out. Feeding the Skyscale is such riveting gameplay. I look forward to the following 2 days of the same exact experience, then another 24h where I can't do anything thanks to another daily reset wall. Can't wait to see how fast I can log off GW2 during the next stage(s).


> The fact that you don't find anything else in the game interesting to do except press that hotkey three times and then come back to post about it is not indicative of a bad game or a bad feature.


Cool, you still have things you want to work on. What about those who have finished what they care to do for now and simply want to proceed with something they are obviously engaged in?


A lot of people have decided to not proceed with this until something is changed because they can get more done with what little time they have doing something else as well.


There are multiple sides to this coin.

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The collections aren't anything terrible. The tedious part was running around getting the 10 events done for the medicine. The hatchling is cute as a button and loves to eat. Be sure to bathe it afterwards so hes not stinky. I got most every snack drop from the 1st-5th kill. There are plenty of places where multiple enemies you need exist.

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> The collections aren't anything terrible. The tedious part was running around getting the 10 events done for the medicine. The hatchling is cute as a button and loves to eat. Be sure to bathe it afterwards so hes not stinky. I got most every snack drop from the 1st-5th kill. There are plenty of places where multiple enemies you need exist.


it's a she

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > @"PervMonk.4891" said:

> > > @"Drecien.4508" said:

> > > The collections aren't anything terrible. The tedious part was running around getting the 10 events done for the medicine. The hatchling is cute as a button and loves to eat. Be sure to bathe it afterwards so hes not stinky. I got most every snack drop from the 1st-5th kill. There are plenty of places where multiple enemies you need exist.

> >

> > it's a she


> Did you just assume my skyscales gender? ?


My Skyscale is a boy, just cuz I say so and I like to think there's an equal chance of it being a boy or a girl lol. With all the effort Anet put into it, pity they didn't go the extra few bits to make the gender variable in the quest text, but hey. Can't have everything. So I'll headcanon it.

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> @"Starfall Leyline.2481" said:

> > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > All I did in GW2 today, was log in, press a hotkey 3 times, then log out. Feeding the Skyscale is such riveting gameplay. I look forward to the following 2 days of the same exact experience, then another 24h where I can't do anything thanks to another daily reset wall. Can't wait to see how fast I can log off GW2 during the next stage(s).


> But don't behave like the skyscale collection is the **only** thing to do with the game, please.


I agree that there certainly _is_ more to the game for all of us than just the skyscale collection, but frankly for some there's just _not_ that much more left. Other than raiding (which I just don't want to do), the new mount is pretty much the only new content I was looking forward to. I also believe I'm not alone in considering _using_ the mount to be the new content, rather than the extremely drawn-out collection process. And yes, you can always just retort that those with so little to do in Tyria should just find some other game, which I'm sure plenty of folks have already done.


I find it problematic that the new legendary greatsword will be far, far easier for me to obtain than the skyscale, and I'm not even a master TP trader or mats hoarder.


What I find more problematic is the very real possibility that just because we'll all just soldier through the process and the initial indignation will dull, Anet will walk away patting itself on the back from this decision. No. This is definitely a departure from what makes GW2 distinct from technically/graphically superior alternatives, and I think Anet would do well to address this.



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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"Starfall Leyline.2481" said:

> > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > > All I did in GW2 today, was log in, press a hotkey 3 times, then log out. Feeding the Skyscale is such riveting gameplay. I look forward to the following 2 days of the same exact experience, then another 24h where I can't do anything thanks to another daily reset wall. Can't wait to see how fast I can log off GW2 during the next stage(s).

> >

> > The fact that you don't find anything else in the game interesting to do except press that hotkey three times and then come back to post about it is not indicative of a bad game or a bad feature.


> Cool, you still have things you want to work on. What about those who have finished what they care to do for now and simply want to proceed with something they are obviously engaged in?


> A lot of people have decided to not proceed with this until something is changed because they can get more done with what little time they have doing something else as well.


> There are multiple sides to this coin.


Then those people are welcome to wait if they want to. I'm going to keep going with mine, and by the time they're done waiting, I'll have my dragon mount that everyone else says is such a bad mount. :bleep_bloop: Even I said it needs to be stronger for the effort involved, but all things considered, it doesn't require that much effort. This isn't something to be forming a picket-line over. If other people don't have stuff to do, like I said, that's on them. But it's also not right to insinuate the experience is bad just because you personally don't have anything else to do. If that's the point you're at with Gw2, then it sounds like you're burned out on the game in general.


But let's examine that point. If you rushed through the collections with no time gate, and you had the mount, you'd be right back where you started: nothing to do. You didn't have a dragon to raise, achievements done, so why would you even log in? It sounds like there's nothing else in the game drawing you at all. That's not a sin - I've taken breaks from Gw2 for weeks at a time to play other games I enjoyed more - but it's also just facing facts.

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> @"Deihnyx.6318" said:

> > @"Squirrel.6318" said:

> > what's the harm in making the mount as easy to get as the PoF mounts. seriously. we play games to have fun not to do mindless fetch quests.


> Well for once, because people have fun differently.

> Making everything easy and insta-rewarding is mindless. Quests are mindless because they are purposely made easy.

> They could have less quests, and make them harder, but then again, can't do that with a community that calls out for nerf if they can't press 1 to win.


They don't have to make it super easy, but have it be interesting. The fetch quest is literally just go to point A, point B, point C... It's the stick without the carrot. They could put some effort into make it interesting, like for example, every scale you pick up, your character says something, that would make some players want to do the fetch quest to find out what their character will say. It's interesting.


For me, I was ready to do some quests to get the skyscale, but the second I saw this pick up 22 scattered items across the map thing, I closed the game, and that's it for me. I can't support this. I'll wait until the next living story.


It's like why am I doing this? my guy is the commander... surely the durmand priory could do this simple task of retrieving broken scales for what reason i'm not even sure, while I work on more important matters.

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So I actually am really enjoying the collection part of this, it’s cool going back to all the previous content we have visited before. I’m also a bit of a sucker for raising your own mount so I like that part of it too.


I can understand why some people are not a fan of the timegating though. Personally it doesn’t bother me that much but I wouldn’t complain if it was changed due to feedback.

I’m not sure if WoW killed me on timegates or what but compared to this WoWs timegating is waay worse lol.

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My issue isn't that there is a timegate. It's how it's being handled.


Day 1: do 3 collections that mostly involve going to the same 20 places over and over on the new map. Boring and representative, makes people bored with the new map inside a day.

Day 2: This is really good. Makes you go to all these places you wouldn't normally. I never did the dwarven ruins before and now I am happy I did.

Day 3-7: It takes 4 days to finish this part. 2 out of 3 can be done in a day (with an awkward system; it doesn't tell you when you get the item, but when you deliver it). The last one is literally 4 days of hitting 2 three times and then not being able to do anything. Just so artificial a delay and you aren't even doing anything for 3 out of 4 days.

Day 8-?: no one knows yet because it takes a week to do the previous steps but probably at least another 2 days...


So the whole thing has only 1 really good chain so far. Oh I forgot, better hope you have plenty of charged quartz, since you need 22 of them to do day 3-7 and they are still themselves timegated to 1/day. So if you have none you will be waiting no less than 22 days, assuming nothing else with it's own timegate comes up in the unknown steps...


To fix: make the 3 first day collections into one (requires slight story mod) or otherwise change them so you go to places once, not 3 times. But regardless, lower the number of steps, it's ridiculous to have 80 collection steps in a single day. Leave day 2 alone, it's fine. Day 3 needs to be cut down to one day, and change the notifications, so we get progress when we collect. Also, either untimgate, un-acount bind, or outright change the recipe to remove Charged Quartz. No one should be punished because they haven't spent years charging quartz every day.


Compare to the beetle, which had, TOTAL, only 28 items to collect. Some were annoying to get due to event linking, but it was a reasonable number. It sent you around the newest map a good amount without making you sick of it, and around Tyria to do stuff a good amount that was only slightly annoying due to bugs.

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> @"Zalani.9827" said:

> So I actually am really enjoying the collection part of this, it’s cool going back to all the previous content we have visited before. I’m also a bit of a sucker for raising your own mount so I like that part of it too.


> I can understand why some people are not a fan of the timegating though. Personally it doesn’t bother me that much but I wouldn’t complain if it was changed due to feedback.

> I’m not sure if WoW killed me on timegates or what but compared to this WoWs timegating is waay worse lol.


Yeah, WoW's timegating was alot worse. Fact is, noone actually likes time gating. People can either tolerate it or absolutely hate it.

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> @"Starfall Leyline.2481" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > @"Starfall Leyline.2481" said:

> > > > @"Absconditus.6804" said:

> > > > All I did in GW2 today, was log in, press a hotkey 3 times, then log out. Feeding the Skyscale is such riveting gameplay. I look forward to the following 2 days of the same exact experience, then another 24h where I can't do anything thanks to another daily reset wall. Can't wait to see how fast I can log off GW2 during the next stage(s).

> > >

> > > The fact that you don't find anything else in the game interesting to do except press that hotkey three times and then come back to post about it is not indicative of a bad game or a bad feature.

> >

> > Cool, you still have things you want to work on. What about those who have finished what they care to do for now and simply want to proceed with something they are obviously engaged in?

> >

> > A lot of people have decided to not proceed with this until something is changed because they can get more done with what little time they have doing something else as well.

> >

> > There are multiple sides to this coin.


> Then those people are welcome to wait if they want to. I'm going to keep going with mine, and by the time they're done waiting, I'll have my dragon mount that everyone else says is such a bad mount. :bleep_bloop: Even I said it needs to be stronger for the effort involved, but all things considered, it doesn't require that much effort. This isn't something to be forming a picket-line over. If other people don't have stuff to do, like I said, that's on them. But it's also not right to insinuate the experience is bad just because you personally don't have anything else to do. If that's the point you're at with Gw2, then it sounds like you're burned out on the game in general.



It's cool that you're able to deal with the time constraints without any issue on your end, but that doesn't really help anyone. There are people who do not have problems with it, that's granted, there will always be those people. There will also be those who have a problem with them because of things they have going on in their life in addition to simply wanting to enjoy the new content they have been waiting for--as well as having expectations after Anet's original statements.


The collections do not require that much effort in my opinion, that is why I never have stated or asked that the collections be changed in any degree. Sure, Collection #1 is boring but it's still doable, the others are fine so far. The problem is simply being walled off from progressing "just because," and that's what people are bothered about.


Are there people that want the collections changed? Yes, but most of the people who have disregarded this mount as a waste of time have done so due to the amount of days that it requires their direct attention instead of finishing the actual content (that is available which would only take a 3 days at most; that is, if you spend all of your time on it at once. ) Before the phrase "They just want instant gratification / want the mount now, without the work" is thrown around here again by someone, no, that is a minority of people who hate collections and do not want to do anything to earn a reward; I'm not defending them and I'm against it.


The picket-line you're describing is because we do not appreciate time constraints that are locked to daily resets when it comes to content that is not related to Legendary Equipment and/or Crafting purposes -- in those cases, time-gating it makes sense both because of economy in addition to keeping something rare and meaningful to the populace. If everyone had a Legendary or could craft the materials and flood the Trading Post, a lot of these items would lose their meaning. This is not the same as a mount, something that everyone should have access to, even if it requires more effort. Artificial time constraints require no effort, they only serve as an annoyance--and they hurt people with the least amount of time to play the game in any capacity.


Forcing people to abandon ship (the ability to continue on content they appreciate and wish to continue) is what makes the experience feel bad. If it weren't for that, I'd say overall the collection is worthy of "requires effort," however the mount itself does need a little work for it to be deemed worth that same effort; though not much. It just needs tweaked to be a more viable option to match the Griffon itself.


> But let's examine that point. If you rushed through the collections with no time gate, and you had the mount, you'd be right back where you started: nothing to do. You didn't have a dragon to raise, achievements done, so why would you even log in? It sounds like there's nothing else in the game drawing you at all. That's not a sin - I've taken breaks from Gw2 for weeks at a time to play other games I enjoyed more - but it's also just facing facts.


I have plenty I would like to do after I obtain the mount. I have 4 alts that need World Completion starting from 0%. This would keep me busy for quite some time. Needless to say I have some other collections I would like to do, but I decided I wanted to put those off until the mount released. I'm not hyped to do those collections at all, but I feel as if I need to do them; the mount was my personal inspiration to start on them--but only after. It does not make sense to say that just because someone obtained the new mount that they will have nothing else to do afterwards -- however if they have set personal goals and have a mindset where they want to do something first to make the rest of everything else more enjoyable for them, then there is nothing wrong with that, is there?


People didn't have the dragon to raise? Are you saying that the work required for the collection isn't enough to inhibit the feeling of "I raised this, and it feels nice" ? If that's the case then the Collection has failed to have any impact on the community and the only thing that did the job was constraining our gameplay time to fit the required schedule of the Collection itself. If a person needs that extra time in-between everything to feel satisfied with what they have done, then they can set those requirements themselves without someone else doing it for everyone indiscriminately and without any warning.


I have plenty to log in for. I have things I'm saving up gold for. I'm sure other people are trying to work on things as well, or at least are enjoying the game in their own way, otherwise they would not be playing the game or be captivated by the new content thereof. Being unable to do what you wish to put your time into does not help, it just serves to upset people when it has no precedence or previous expectation of it happening.


A lot of us are upset because we do not want this to seem okay to do, we do not want it to become the new normal. Is it wrong to want to defend what this game has stood for since it was first laid out for us? Even if that is stretching it, if this becomes the new normal that will be exactly what becomes of Guild Wars 2--against the original intentions of the developers and their standard they wanted to set for the game--forcing players to not play the way they want to play.


Note: For anyone who took the time to read this, thanks. I know it was stupidly large.

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I am actually incredibly soured by this.


I am not a whale but I am a regular spender, and frankly if this is the direction the game is going I refuse to support it with my money. I have no problems voting with my wallet, and I've only spent money because up till now I've been invested in the experience and I believed in GW2 and what it was pushing.


I historically am also the type who will go so far as to "justify buying gems" even if I don't want anything in particular, depending on if I agree with balance changes, and the metas that develop out of them. Or deter myself no matter how much I may like a skin if it gets really bad. (guess how much I spent during "4 cele ele" and "petting zoo", Flat 0 until that shit was nerfed.) Though, on the regular I usually evaluate content on a whole instead of just one specific area.


But this leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. I have way to much invested to quit, so that likely wont happen. But I refuse to reward this in any finical way. This is not the vision of the game I signed up for, and although this may be someone's now, this content poisons any merit the release may have had, and if it's deserving of my money.


**I continue to pay when I am a satisfied customer.**

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> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> The Jackal in no way replaced the Raptor. The Raptor is faster and covers far bigger spans. But the jackal is more defensive, able to evade and can take no fall damage with well timed warps. Ergo the raptor still have its niche.


Personally, I haven't used the Raptor in ages. (shrugs) Gaps are overcome with the Griffon, or you blink across with the Jackal (if the height is right). There really is no use of the Raptor other than its practical swipe+pull+damage attack skill.

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FWIW, after a few days of running all over Dragonfall and Tyria doing collections, I'm kind of glad for a few days to be able to spend 5-10 minutes feeding, bathing and playing with my little hatchling and then get on with my usual dailies and map explorations.


This makes me actually wish we had had some sort of raising/training/bonding process with the previous mounts, rather than just 'Do this heart quest to prove you are worthy, then this critter is yours.' Think how much more the mounts would have meant if we had to herd and defend Skimmer tadpoles, choose and catch one favorite springer out of a wild herd and train it, engage in a battle of wills with our jackal before it would accept us. Even the griffon was instantly yours once you finished the collection. The roller beetle was the first mount to be personal and an actual character, and Anet has run with that. In fact, in some ways it's like they are trying to recreate our raising of Aurene, which was a very important and popular part of our story.


BTW, I think it's wrong for Anet and Gorrik to 'choose' the gender of our mount. I'm fine with a she, but there's no reason everyone has to have a female Skyscale. This ain't Jurassic Park. It is up to the player to decide that.

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The map is great didnt have any trouble getting around it with the mounts I had and only had to borrow the skyscale mount a couple of times. I think it was a wonderful idea how u did the collection as well having to fed it and get toys etc. It gives the long term players something different to do as well. I don't like things handed to me on a platter and like to work towards things. Well done The only people that complain are the ones that want everything NOW and probably complained about HOT as well which are wonderful maps and I think most people would agree.

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The whole “I’m raising my skyscale.” Is a bit odd, I’m depending on a daily reset to raise it.(That’s how it feels to me at the moment)


If it was the in game day/night cycle that was a factor into its behavior it’d make more sense to me


Like I don’t know I’ve been fine with timegates in the past, however looking back at them they been tied into in game time as oppose to RL and daily resets. Also usually the time still goes even when I’m offline working on my rl priorities.


Looking a bit more into it maybe it’s because with the collections of you trying to get these list of things done before a reset otherwise you got to wait till the next one it’s just...like okay if Gorrik Needs to find a place and it’s suppose to take a long time. I finish day 1 a few minutes before day 2 daily reset, that would mean he immediately finds a location right?


I’m asking to learn but it’s really not computing with me logically when I see people saying the timegate is there to give a sense of raising the skyscale if...that’s not really the case it just seems to revolve around daily reset not really what is going on in game again I could be missing something so I don’t mind to be enlightened.

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> @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> The whole “I’m raising my skyscale.” Is a bit odd, I’m depending on a daily reset to raise it.(That’s how it feels to me at the moment)


> If it was the in game day/night cycle that was a factor into its behavior it’d make more sense to me


> Like I don’t know I’ve been fine with timegates in the past, however looking back at them they been tied into in game time as oppose to RL and daily resets. Also usually the time still goes even when I’m offline working on my rl priorities.


> Looking a bit more into it maybe it’s because with the collections of you trying to get this these list of things done before a reset otherwise you got to wait till the next one it’s just...like okay if Gorrik Needs to find a place and it’s suppose to take a long time. I finish day 2 a few minutes before day 3 daily reset, that would mean he immediately finds a location right?


> I’m asking to learn but it’s really not computing with me logically when I see people saying the timegate is there to give a sense of raising the skyscale if...that’s not really the case it just seems to revolve around daily reset not really what is going on in game again I could be missing something so I don’t mind to be enlightened.


The debate on this idea is very very shallow due to problems like what you describe, however people are going to go with that anyway I guess.


I don't know what Anet was thinking with the Server Reset process other than maybe a few things -


1) Allow the majority of players to all progress at the same pace and to keep a balanced and fair playing field.


* This failed because there are people who completed Collection 1 before the first Server Reset, most people did not.

* Additionally, everyone rushing the Trading Post for materials caused everyone to have a different experience.

* The Charged Quartz is limited to 1 per day as well, so if players could not afford the Trading Post prices, this hit them.

* It did at least allow the first two waves of players complete the required events, but now the stragglers are having problems currently.

* Those stragglers are mainly players who cannot play every day and lead active daily lives, in the end they suffer more than anyone.


2) They wanted your accumulated anticipation to turn into admiration and charm of raising your Skyscale.


* Though the sentiment is nice, they did not provide a warning for the players that this would lead to waiting for many hours at a time.

* There are many loopholes in the cycle of time required for completion steps that inevitably only make you more aware you are waiting for no reason.

* The same desired effect can be achieved simply by spacing out the Collections with meaningful and engaging content rather than artificial wait-times.


3) Obtain server metric data for mass log-ins and measure how active the playerbase actually is, even if they do not log in every day or as frequently as others.


* This is useful from a business perspective but in the end it's end result on the players so far does not seem to be worth the risk, that is just my opinion.


4) See how the playerbase reacts to time constraints on new content in the future and gauge how much they should do this or if they should at all in the future.


* Unfortunately this will inevitably go against the original basis of the game when it was created, in addition to pushing away many players permanently.


5) Extend the value of the current LWS content in a way that would engage some people long enough to reduce the lack of new content coming up.


* Myself and others would have rather dealt with no new content for awhile and some simple community events.

* The time extension is at most 8 days so far (for devoted players) and two or three weeks for those who take their time.

* It hits those harder whom cannot play much at all, it could take them months under the right circumstances; I find this absolutely horrible.

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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > The whole “I’m raising my skyscale.” Is a bit odd, I’m depending on a daily reset to raise it.(That’s how it feels to me at the moment)

> >

> > If it was the in game day/night cycle that was a factor into its behavior it’d make more sense to me

> >

> > Like I don’t know I’ve been fine with timegates in the past, however looking back at them they been tied into in game time as oppose to RL and daily resets. Also usually the time still goes even when I’m offline working on my rl priorities.

> >

> > Looking a bit more into it maybe it’s because with the collections of you trying to get this these list of things done before a reset otherwise you got to wait till the next one it’s just...like okay if Gorrik Needs to find a place and it’s suppose to take a long time. I finish day 2 a few minutes before day 3 daily reset, that would mean he immediately finds a location right?

> >

> > I’m asking to learn but it’s really not computing with me logically when I see people saying the timegate is there to give a sense of raising the skyscale if...that’s not really the case it just seems to revolve around daily reset not really what is going on in game again I could be missing something so I don’t mind to be enlightened.


> The debate on this idea is very very shallow due to problems like what you describe, however people are going to go with that anyway I guess.


> I don't know what Anet was thinking with the Server Reset process other than maybe a few things -


> 1) Allow the majority of players to all progress at the same pace and to keep a balanced and fair playing field.


> * This failed because there are people who completed Collection 1 before the first Server Reset, most people did not.

> * Additionally, everyone rushing the Trading Post for materials caused everyone to have a different experience.

> * The Charged Quartz is limited to 1 per day as well, so if players could not afford the Trading Post prices, this hit them.

> * It did at least allow the first two waves of players complete the required events, but now the stragglers are having problems currently.

> * Those stragglers are mainly players who cannot play every day and lead active daily lives, in the end they suffer more than anyone.


> 2) They wanted your accumulated anticipation to turn into admiration and charm of raising your Skyscale.


> * Though the sentiment is nice, they did not provide a warning for the players that this would lead to waiting for many hours at a time.

> * There are many loopholes in the cycle of time required for completion steps that inevitably only make you more aware you are waiting for no reason.

> * The same desired effect can be achieved simply by spacing out the Collections with meaningful and engaging content rather than artificial wait-times.


> 3) Obtain server metric data for mass log-ins and measure how active the playerbase actually is, even if they do not log in every day or as frequently as others.


> * This is useful from a business perspective but in the end it's end result on the players so far does not seem to be worth the risk, that is just my opinion.


> 4) See how the playerbase reacts to time constraints on new content in the future and gauge how much they should do this or if they should at all in the future.


> * Unfortunately this will inevitably go against the original basis of the game when it was created, in addition to pushing away many players permanently.


> 5) Extend the value of the current LWS content in a way that would engage some people long enough to reduce the lack of new content coming up.


> * Myself and others would have rather dealt with no new content for awhile and some simple community events.

> * The time extension is at most 5 days for devoted players and a week or two for those who take their time.

> * It hits those harder whom cannot play much at all, it could take them months under the right circumstances; I find this absolutely horrible.


Right and that’s what I’ve been looking at since the start of all this.


I try to be aware and check myself to make sure I’m not just trying to refuse anything that does make sense due to the fact I don’t like timegates in general. Yet this one in particular really is like...I can’t find words for it.


I just hope that future GW2 players don’t have to go through this current timegate(would like to think they’ll do something Monday/Tuesday)


While that’s the expected time to get the mount(if day 4 & 5 are 1 day collections of course), just for the experience of people who only get to play every so often or never liked timegates.



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> @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > @"Rukario.1695" said:

> > > @"RizelStar.3724" said:

> > > The whole “I’m raising my skyscale.” Is a bit odd, I’m depending on a daily reset to raise it.(That’s how it feels to me at the moment)

> > >

> > > If it was the in game day/night cycle that was a factor into its behavior it’d make more sense to me

> > >

> > > Like I don’t know I’ve been fine with timegates in the past, however looking back at them they been tied into in game time as oppose to RL and daily resets. Also usually the time still goes even when I’m offline working on my rl priorities.

> > >

> > > Looking a bit more into it maybe it’s because with the collections of you trying to get this these list of things done before a reset otherwise you got to wait till the next one it’s just...like okay if Gorrik Needs to find a place and it’s suppose to take a long time. I finish day 2 a few minutes before day 3 daily reset, that would mean he immediately finds a location right?

> > >

> > > I’m asking to learn but it’s really not computing with me logically when I see people saying the timegate is there to give a sense of raising the skyscale if...that’s not really the case it just seems to revolve around daily reset not really what is going on in game again I could be missing something so I don’t mind to be enlightened.

> >

> > The debate on this idea is very very shallow due to problems like what you describe, however people are going to go with that anyway I guess.

> >

> > I don't know what Anet was thinking with the Server Reset process other than maybe a few things -

> >

> > 1) Allow the majority of players to all progress at the same pace and to keep a balanced and fair playing field.

> >

> > * This failed because there are people who completed Collection 1 before the first Server Reset, most people did not.

> > * Additionally, everyone rushing the Trading Post for materials caused everyone to have a different experience.

> > * The Charged Quartz is limited to 1 per day as well, so if players could not afford the Trading Post prices, this hit them.

> > * It did at least allow the first two waves of players complete the required events, but now the stragglers are having problems currently.

> > * Those stragglers are mainly players who cannot play every day and lead active daily lives, in the end they suffer more than anyone.

> >

> > 2) They wanted your accumulated anticipation to turn into admiration and charm of raising your Skyscale.

> >

> > * Though the sentiment is nice, they did not provide a warning for the players that this would lead to waiting for many hours at a time.

> > * There are many loopholes in the cycle of time required for completion steps that inevitably only make you more aware you are waiting for no reason.

> > * The same desired effect can be achieved simply by spacing out the Collections with meaningful and engaging content rather than artificial wait-times.

> >

> > 3) Obtain server metric data for mass log-ins and measure how active the playerbase actually is, even if they do not log in every day or as frequently as others.

> >

> > * This is useful from a business perspective but in the end it's end result on the players so far does not seem to be worth the risk, that is just my opinion.

> >

> > 4) See how the playerbase reacts to time constraints on new content in the future and gauge how much they should do this or if they should at all in the future.

> >

> > * Unfortunately this will inevitably go against the original basis of the game when it was created, in addition to pushing away many players permanently.

> >

> > 5) Extend the value of the current LWS content in a way that would engage some people long enough to reduce the lack of new content coming up.

> >

> > * Myself and others would have rather dealt with no new content for awhile and some simple community events.

> > * The time extension is at most 5 days for devoted players and a week or two for those who take their time.

> > * It hits those harder whom cannot play much at all, it could take them months under the right circumstances; I find this absolutely horrible.


> Right and that’s what I’ve been looking at since the start of all this.


> I try to be aware and check myself to make sure I’m just trying to refuse anything that does make sense due to the fact I don’t like timegates in general. Yet this one in particular really is like...I can’t find words for it.


> I just hope that future GW2 players don’t have to go through this current timegate(would like to think they’ll do something Monday/Tuesday)


> While that’s the expected time to get the mount(if day 4 & 5 are 1 day collections of course), just for the experience of people who only get to play every so often or never liked timegates.




Unfortunately I cannot come up with a valid reason myself that would make me accept the current circumstances. With Legendaries and gated Crafting Materials thereof, at least this provides those Weapons / Armor / Trinkets & the crafting materials themselves more scarcity to avoid over-saturating the market place. This would in turn cause those items to permanently devalue and thus "Legendary" is no longer a Prestige / Milestone / Effort-is-shown type of thing that causes players to create goals to get them.


This mount, however, does not fit that criteria.


The one last thing I can think of is that they wanted to provide enough of a barrier to prevent too many people from getting the mount in order to allow those players to feel accomplished. Contrary to that, this is a temporary investment and I don't even believe that's worth it. Look at the Griffons.


Anyway, that's about all I have to say on the matter.

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The treat collection you can complete just from pof zones. Everything has a pretty high drop rate. Elon Riverlands has over half of them. Karka from Sandswept, and bats in Thunderhead. I don’t think there is a single one that you have to get from core maps.

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