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Invisible mount bug is severely game-breaking

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The invisible mount bug where the camera doesn't move until your mount loads in is severely affecting my game experience. I get it every time I use teleport a certain distance or when I use a waypoint. It can easily take 5-10 or up to 30 seconds to show up and when I dismount I will be placed back where my camera is (at the waypoint). I've missed out on events or died countless of times as a result of this bug.


A lot of people claim this bug is fixed when using a mount skin so there has to be a fix for this for people who don't buy skins.

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It is a very annoying bug, made even more annoying when you see another player whizzing past on a mount whilst you rotate into the ground and move forward on your invisible mount.


Clearly the game is reporting the other players position correctly and that they are on a mount, but not you.


Not a programmer, so not sure if this is technically possible, but shouldn't priority on the game client each player is running on their computer be to load their character on a mount before anyone else and then gradually render and display the other players as time permits?

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> @"whoeverxwins.1279" said:

> I have this issue constantly. It's annoying enough when playing alone, but when I'm in a train or meta event and get left behind because my mount apparently spawns underground, it is beyond frustrating.


Yes, that happens a lot to me too. I would like to hear if there is a fix being worked on and when we'll get it.

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> @"Karasu.9483" said:

> The invisible mount bug where the camera doesn't move until your mount loads in is severely affecting my game experience. I get it every time I use teleport a certain distance or when I use a waypoint. It can easily take 5-10 or up to 30 seconds to show up and when I dismount I will be placed back where my camera is (at the waypoint). I've missed out on events or died countless of times as a result of this bug.


> A lot of people claim this bug is fixed when using a mount skin so there has to be a fix for this for people who don't buy skins.


I haven't seen that bug since I moved my system (notably, for this purpose, the GW2 game files) to an SSD. A classic HDD is significantly slower, and slower still if there are things going on in the background that are using the disk(1). The main (potential) culprits are antivirus background scans and an infernal piece of (...) called Windows Modules Installer Worker which is part of Windows Update on Win10.


My antivirus will suspend its background scans while a game is in the foreground, but WMIW seems to be more enthusiastic under those conditions rather than less so.


Anyway, all that stuff will, on an HDD, mean that any game's loading processes take longer than on an SSD, and longer still when the background stuff is running, and that makes the bug visible.


(1) There are mechanical components that have to be moved here for this thing and there for that thing and back here for this thing and ... and all that movement takes time.

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Wish Anet could either fix the "locked on ground" client glitch when mounts haven't loaded yet, or figure out a way to have your own mount take top priority (same as loading your character model) in the model loading queue whenever one mounts.


I'd think the former might be easier to implement, while the latter gives the better gaming experience.

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Hi~~ I made a post about it few months ago ( https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/66904/about-the-mount-bug-not-loading-and-character-stuck-sitting-in-the-ground-a-band-aid-solution#latest ).

Gaile gray answered :

> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said: > Update from QA: There is a bug report and tracking info in the system regarding the fact that players can appear in the ground for a moment after mounting up in heavily populated maps. This means it's a reported issue, and they'll replicate it (if they can do so) and address it when they are able. > > Out of curiosity, how long do you appear to be on the ground before you properly see yourself on a mount?


But since she's not here anymore I don't know if it got forgotten or what...

I'm waiting for a Skyscale Skin.. ><

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I get this most of the time when using mount even if i use it mid map and not just after teleports and been reporting it ever since the patch that said would prevent it.

When this bug happens in wvw alpine borderlands ruins and some spots in ebg you can even get stuck under the map (that magic giant sea under everything) or inside structures like stairs, walls and bridges.

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> @"Drecien.4508" said:

> It used to be more of a bug then they sorta fixed it, but I see alot on skyscale now. New mount, same bug.


It's never been "fixed" for me. All bosses. Regardless of number of other players around. It's simply each time you move far away from your current position so that assets have to be loaded. It appears to always prioritize the surroundings before loading your own mount. Even other players and their mount load in first.

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I also experienced this bug for a very long time now, mostly in crowded or highly detailed areas. I can confirm that using a non-default skin mitigates the issue for some reason, as I can always use my jackal without issues (only mount with a akin), but all others are stuck. Even happens with the griffon if you mount it mid-air. Here is a short video I recorded which shows the issue:



At this spot I couldn't reproduce the stuck-under-the-floor issue, but that also happens from time to time.

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This problem occurs for me when using default skins.


_When I use custom skins, I mount successfully, **every time**._ Even in high-population settings like WvW or meta-rush events (apart from the overall lag, of course.)


Btw, I’m defining success functionally, as being able to see my character both mounted and moving accurately in the game space, independent of how long it takes the visual graphic of any particular custom skin to load.


I don’t know the underlying cause, but I’m fairly convinced that default skins indicate the problem, and somehow the way that custom skins are applied to the mount transformations in the code fixes the problem. It should at least be taken seriously, because if devs try to replicate this bug using mounts with custom skins only, they’ll likely not see a problem that needs fixing.


I bought skins shortly after the first mounts were introduced, and thus never noticed a problem until the roller beetle. I solved my beetle issue with a custom skin. Same with the warclaw (which was almost unusable in WvW.) Eventually, I’ll get scyscale skins as soon as they come out, rather than perhaps wait for something I’d rather have more, because I know it will fix the problem for me.


Actually, I’d challenge everyone to revert all your mounts to their defaults for a day and see how it goes.

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I've never had it with the Roller Beetle, and I only have the default skin there.

I've not had the issue with the Skyscale until the most recent 24 hours. But, it only last a second or two.

Of course, until recently, I've never had any connection issues; now, I disconnect 2 to 4 times a play session (2 to 3 hours).


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I got the same bug but I only use skins. The branded skins. I only experienced it on my raptor so far and sometimes after looking at the map my skimmer turns invisible for a few seconds (~5 seconds). Got this bug since I got PoF if I remember correct and I got PoF not long after release so I don't really think this bug/bugs will ever be completly fixed

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  • 1 year later...

Came back to the game in November 2020; playing all through Nov and Dec and never had this issue. Then today, I get this odd behavior on my skyscale only. It spawns invisibly and/or in the ground. I do not move, but I can't dismount until I hold "C" long enough to "land" (even though I'm ½ in the ground). I tried on multiple characters, after using a waypoint, etc. and still get it.


So I exited to desktop (client didn't close after a long while, so I had to kill it via Task Manager); ran my repair shortcut (executable with -repair appended) and it seemed to fix it... we'll see if it "holds" and I get my skyscale to load in properly.

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