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LW4 Episode 6 - Second Skyscale Collection - The Perfect Spot. - Locked.

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After playing Episode 6 and enjoying it, I started to work on the collections for the skyscale mount. I completed the first collection, and received the notification from Gorrik regarding the Perfect Spot in Jahai Bluffs. However, when I arrived there is nothing on the map to inform me of where he is, or where to go.


I have noted that the content *requires all episodes of the Living World Season 4* before the next step in the skyscale mount collection is made available, I do have all 6 episodes, I played them all as they were released and completed the story component of each one on my account with the same character I am currently using to work on the skyscale mount. So what is happening? Where are the map markers for Gorrik? Why can't I progress this?



![](https://i.imgur.com/o2pcTgX.jpg "")


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To all who experience this problem => when you get the mail, first go to Lions Arch before going to 'Sun's Refuge'


-) Completed all 6 chapters of Living world 4

-) Did all the Skyscale stuff up until the egg

-) Got the 2 hour buff: "wait ... for Gorrik"

-) Got a mail: "the perfect spot" but when you travel to "Sun's Refuge" you don't see him where he should be


=> first go with your character to Lions arch, then go back to "Sun's Refuge" ... and that did it for me; now I do have his icon in the instance and I can proceed


Good luck *^

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