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EU/NA Split

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> @"Karasu.9483" said:

> > Fact is, you can play EU or US, but you can't transfer profile data from one to the other.

> > We're not hiding behind outdated answers, we're simply telling you **why** anet didn't give us that freedom.


> But you can. You can transfer whenever you like.



Yes, at a cost and with having your data moved entirely from one data center to another. Not while playing actively and the data is not being stored on both data centers simultaneously.


> @"Karasu.9483" said:

> Am I the only one who cares about this? I'm telling you it's not a technical limitation anymore so why not talk about this?


That's your opinion without inside knowledge of how things over at Arenanet work. It might be based on what technology can provide, but is in no way founded in any official information or founded in any internal working from the company. The last official response to this issues suggests otherwise, or at the very least suggests that the official stance is not congruent with your opinion.


Might this change? Sure, but until then you have the official answer.

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> @"Karasu.9483" said:

> Am I the only one who cares about this?

Of course not. We'd all like to be able to play with (a) more people and (b) friends from across the pond.


> I'm telling you it's not a technical limitation anymore

**As recently as January of 2018** (last year), ANet has told us that it remains a technical limitation.

Has anything changed since then that would make their analysis suspect?


You've said that there are technical solutions, but near as I can tell, you've offered no context for the effort or cost to convert. How much does Amazon WS charge for the sorts of tech that your video mentions compared to the tech that ANet gets from them now? Will ANet save any from consolidating to one data server? What about ISP costs (will those be more or less)? What would ANet need to change in the game's architecture to make it work?



Here's another way to look at it:


* ANet's experts say that they'd like to do it ... and can't. These are the same folks who built an MMO that can be updated without shutting the system down every week. They _seem_ to know what they are talking about.

* Some guy on the internet claims that they can, if only they'd just listen. This claim is backed up by a video.


That doesn't mean the professionals at ANet are right; it doesn't mean "some guy" is wrong. It just means that there's not yet a compelling argument.


> so why not talk about this?

How much difference does it make if _we_ discuss it? In the end, it's a major tech project and no amount of armchair coaching is going to decide the issue. ANet's management would have to make a significant business investment; that's going to take a lot more than even 100% of the forum agreeing.


What's useful for us to post about is whether people would make use of the change (answer: yes, very much), whether ANet has commented (answer: yes, they have, and 'recently'), and whether the forum community thinks it's a priority compared to other changes (answer: unclear; probably depends on what we might get instead of this).

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