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Alacrity/Quickness uptimes


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-(20/05/2019) added Inspiration with DT numbers (see link to the spreadsheet)

-(20/05/2019) added Illusion uptimes + Illusion with DT (see link to the spreadsheet)

-(13/09/2019) changed some values for more accurate numbers; removed Firebrand uptimes (I'll add them again shortly)

-(13/09/2019) New UI Interface spreadsheet [here ](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1T6AoihYOZLUkdKXbxN-WVuNZj1aGB0PKqEpwFUkxuXw "here ")(must make a copy in order to use see "data validation function")





I was checking Snow Crows website, and I've seen that there aren't really any further explanation about Chrono regarding how to adapt the best way possible to the situation. By that I mean, the current SC boon chrono only propose a duo Chrono build. So I thought that I'd make a post here.


I made this spreadsheet to explain how you can work out Alacrity/Quickness uptimes in Duo Chrono, Single Chrono (with and without/alacagade). And hopefully you can understand how to work around it, by increasing/decreasing your boon duration. This spread sheet doesn't involve all setup it just gives the basic setup, and for duo Chrono it only offers same boon duration for both Chrono with Inspiration traitline.




Also take in consideration those numbers aren't realistic in a boss fight. The" count" amount of each spell represent the amount of quickness/alacrity the chrono will get on himself.


## Realistic check

Per CS (Continum Split) rotation

* ToT(Tides of Times) 4 --> 3

* WoR (Well of Recall) 5 --> 4

* WoA (Well of Action) 5 --> 4 or 3

* TW(Time Warp) 1

* SoI (Signet of Inspiration) 6 --> 5-4


How did I calculate realistic numbers?


* ToT: Depending on how you aim your first ToT you will most likely miss 1 or 2 person, therefore the first one should be negated always.

* SoI: Since ToT change (outward applies quickness, and inward applies alacrity), because you use SoI directly after ToT your first SoI will only apply quickness (in the best scenario) and won't give any alacrity, therefore you should always -1 SoI from the rotation. Depending on how fast you are in your rotation you may only use SoI 5x instead of 6x before the next continuum split. For Safe scenario you should always -2 SoI if you want realistic boon duration on your team.

* WoR: I always see people stepping out of Wells depending of the encounter, so it's always safe to remove 1 for realistic boon duration

* WoA: depending on how many clones you get at the beginning and wether or not you play with TW. With 1 clone you can't do both WoA + TW so you should -1 if you can't precast 2 clone minimum. And minus another one as people often step out of Wells. Therefore realistic counts per CS is "3".

* TW: Almost impossible to miss even if you try hard to run away from it. So no changes here.


## Quick numbers

Duo Chrono with Inspiration/Duelling traitlines requires 0% boon duration to upkeep 100% alacrity + quickness. However in a realistic scenario, it may not always work. (see below)


Unrealistic 0% Boon Duration: CS 73 or 75 - Alacrity 77 - Quickness 93

Realistic 0% Boon Duration: CS 73 or 75 - Alacrity 59 - Quickness 70 (therefore you should run 20% if you know that people will stack, and really 40% if you're in PUG)


This spreadsheet only includes Inspiration/Duelling traitline, if people are interested I'll make one for other Chrono specialisation; Illusion/Duelling (duo chrono); 1 Chrono running illu/duel 2nd Chrono running insp/duel etc....

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Here is a new spreadsheet which you can use to automatically calculate how much boon duration you need in a 2 chrono setup, it's similar the previous spreadsheet, but it's all compressed into a single tab. It might be easier to use, however you won't get the detail fo what's going on. If you want the detail, check the first spreadsheet (in the main post).

The spreadsheet use "Data validation" (just an excel fancy term to simply say that it uses a drop down menu to give you different selectable prefix), which means that you have to MAKE A COPY in order to use it, otherwise you won't see the drop down menus. I have added a make a copy link inside the spreadsheet, or you can just change the last part of the url /edit to /copy, if you want to do it manually.





-IF "TW" is selected and "1 clone" too, I've added a function to prioritize Time Warp over Well of Action during the continum split, hence it will count 1 less WoA in the rotation


-IF CS (Continum Split) Chrono 1 is < CS Chrono 2; It will automatically deduce 1 ToT + 1 SoI from Chrono 2, and vice-versa. IF CS Chrono 1 > or = CS Chrono 2; chronos will do their given amount of SoI, ToT depending on their spec. (e.g. : Chrono 1 Illusion/Duelling with DT; Chrono 2 Inspiration/Duelling NO DT; CS time are almost the same therefore nothing change. coef is set to 0.9; which should be safe value.


-Each chrono is independant. Meaning that the returning value of quickness and alacrity correspond to what either Chrono 1 or Chrono 2 needs to run as boon duration in order to not drop quickness or alacrity. If you want the lowest boon duration possible to run on both chrono simultaneously for similar builds; check first spreadsheet (main post)


-Overcap is not calculated. Quickness (max: 5 instance) Alacrity (max: 9 instance)




(I'll try to add soon another tab to that spreadsheet for chrono + fb/renegade comp, as it's meta now)






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