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Timegates. Timegates everywhere.

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Dear ANet,


I get it. I really do. Ya spend who knows how long working on a badass new map for us all to explore and interact with to go along with what is arguably the best Living World episode you've released to date, and ya wanna keep folks coming back. Ya wanna encourage them to explore and do stuff in the new map, and most, if not all of it is arguably fairly fun. Ya even made a cool new dragon mount to go along with it (which may or may not just end up turning into a smaller Aurene we can actually ride).


But why in the ever loving flimflabbertyyammerjam did ya feel the need to lock said mount behind a collection with a grand total of eight or nine different timegates? The collections are fine. They're fun. The eggs alone made for a surprisingly memorable journey across Tyria that resulted in some of us doing metas and puzzles we'd never even thought of doing before. But seriously, when there are five phases to a collection (including the one that could be done on launch day) and you can only do one phase per day, having one of the phases take an additional four days is a bit excessive, don't ya think? Either it takes about a week to do everything ya need to do to raise the skyscale, or it takes about a week to feed and grow the darn thing. But please, by the Six, the Celestials, the Whorls of the Eternal Alchemy, the All, the Great Palawa Ignatius Joko, or whatever else folks pray to in this age of absent gods and dead liches and rampant elder dragons, pick one or the other. For all our sakes.


I have the honor to be your obedient servant,

A. Non

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> @"Malthosia.2613" said:

But seriously, when there are five phases to a collection (including the one that could be done on launch day) and you can only do one phase per day, **having one of the phases take an additional four days** is a bit excessive, don't ya think?



IMHO, Anet should remove the 3 foods per day time-gate, **at least**.

These additional days, for me, is being like a slap in the face of a lot of people who were already not necessarily happy with the original waiting times.


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> @"linamaria.1830" said:

> > @"Malthosia.2613" said:

> But seriously, when there are five phases to a collection (including the one that could be done on launch day) and you can only do one phase per day, **having one of the phases take an additional four days** is a bit excessive, don't ya think?

> >


> IMHO, Anet should remove the 3 foods per day time-gate, **at least**.

> These additional days, for me, is being like a slap in the face of a lot of people who were already not necessarily happy with the original waiting times.



There's also no telling if the last two collection tiers require a similar, x number of this per day and 4 or more days to complete. So, best case, it could be … what.. 9 days? 8 days? I can't do math. And that's if you just buy the food and lamp.


The collection is definitely more geared to veteran players though. Because people just coming into the game are going to be so overwhelmed with this they won't even bother.


But yeah, I think people were up in arms about the initial timegate to begin with, but knowing we have an extra 4 days added onto it sent it over the edge. And it's just nonsensical anyway when you have the exact same feeding style collection with the beetle without a timegate.

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