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I'm At Peace with the Skyscale Time-Gate

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Ok with it? I don't think I will ever be ok with it but I will tolerate it because I have to. What is the alternative? I am already behind two days because of when I can actually play so that somewhat ticks me off. Waiting for reset is frustrating. Two days ago I logged off only needing to find 3 eggs. Logged in the day after that found the three eggs then now I have to wait till the next reset. I literally pushed back from my desk logged off the game and laid down. Typically I would have stayed up playing for 2 more hours. I know it should have made me that upset but it did.


I do not need to feel like I raised the mounts I have. I would like to earn them in a fashion that we are accustomed to. I would like to see all the time restrictions lifted and let us proceed at our own pace. Mine was never going to be fast but it was going to be faster than this and if I hit a roadblock it would be one I made.


I know nothing is going to change for this mount I just hope Anet will learn from this.

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I'm at peace too, I just stopped doing it. No mount in the game is worth this much frustration and effort. EVEN IF they removed the time gate, it'd still be far worse than the griffon in comparison. They need to nerf this process HARD!


But no, seriously, I literally stopped doing it. When you stop doing it and feel like you're "Free" from the grind of it, there in-lies a huge problem.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > There's another problem with taking my time, and that is that the new map isn't going to stay populated forever. Sure, there's a lot of people there now, but what about a month from now? Three months from now? Are all of these events that lock these collections going to still be run by the time I'm well enough to manage them?

> > This argument comes up again and again, but I have to say I don't get it. I next to never do content when it's new in this game, since I don't enjoy the rush people are in to devour the new content, nor do I enjoy that the number of tryhards that don't care for anyone but their own advantage seems to be a lot higher just after release. Once the frenzy of new releases has died down I can enjoy the content, collections, achievements, whatever in peace, and I have yet to find anything that becomes impossible or the fabled "empty maps". I even do most of the stuff again weeks or months later on my second account, and never had any problems with empty maps and impossible events on that account either. Fun fact: a couple of weeks ago I noticed I still had to kill the leyline anomaly for the beetle collection on the second account, content even I would've doubted would still be run, but it was just as easy to find a raid for it in lfg as it had been back when I did it on my main account.

> >

> > I've been playing a couple of hours a night on the new map (with map and say chat turned off to avoid the unpleasentness and thoughtless spoilers new releases tend to bring), enjoying map and events and casually collecting my scales and handing out medicines, and I have yet to hit the first timegate. If you don't have a lot of time to play, no matter the reason, there really seems to be no need to rush this collection. It is involved and I am certain neither I nor you will be the only one taking their time with it and playing all the associated maps and events for a long time.


> Before I wrote this post, I spent the whole day waiting for Death-Branded Shatterer. Every two hours, I would come to Jahai, and see that nobody was doing it. There were no commanders hosting it. There was nobody waiting for it, either. As active as map chat was while debating the skyscale, nobody would do shatterer. Even when I tagged up myself, barely anybody showed up.


> This is one of the many events where people just don't show up anymore.

Weird, I stumbled upon that very event and completed it successfully twice within the two weeks prior to the launch of the latest episode. I didn't however go looking for it but simply was on the map while playing the Jahai episode with a friend. This week most people do in fact seem to be in Dragonfall (at least most people on my guild and friend lists), but the new map hype will settle down again soon and people will spread out again.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

We'd like to avoid spreading out the feedback across multiple forum threads so that the Guild Wars 2 Discussion forum doesn't seem too chaotic. Since this is related to the [[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/76448/merged-about-the-skyscale-timegate) thread, I'm going to close this thread and redirect you to the above one.

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