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Are the crystal bloom...?

White Kitsunee.4620

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The brotherhood of the dragon part 3?

Or are they branded in the same way caithe is, just without new models?


Out of all of the things that have come out of the recent story this still has me confused. The crystal bloom faction kinda came outta nowhere and seem to be comprised of random thunderhead keep survivers, but several things seem to confuse this for me.


Like how the modernt crescent have flowers on their backs, perhaps suggesting a brand, but then no one else does? Ect ect.

Thanks in advance!

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> @"White Kitsunee.4620" said:

> The brotherhood of the dragon part 3?

> Or are they branded in the same way caithe is, just without new models?


> Out of all of the things that have come out of the recent story this still has me confused. The crystal bloom faction kinda came outta nowhere and seem to be comprised of random thunderhead keep survivers, but several things seem to confuse this for me.


> Like how the modernt crescent have flowers on their backs, perhaps suggesting a brand, but then no one else does? Ect ect.

> Thanks in advance!


They're basically the united elonian factions after Joko's death. They've united with Aurene as their ... god?

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Actually, no, 'random Thunderhead Keep survivors' pretty much sums it up. They're individuals from the factions that were in the last episode- Sunspears, Pact, Awakened, norn, and so on- who credited Aurene with saving their lives, and were inspired by her revival to pledge themselves to her cause. They don't worship her, but they do seem set to become to Aurene what the Forgotten were to Glint.


EDIT: Got the dialogue for ya. According to Zaeim, "When we lost Aurene, there were a lot of scared people out there. People who lost hope. And when she returned, I think they found that hope again... Now they want to fight to keep that hope alive- to help Aurene fulfill her destiny and save Tyria." Other than that, a lot of them talk about their reasons around the camp... an Awakened Zaishen who found Zafirah and was won over by her view of Aurene as Balthazar's successor, another Awakened who is picking his own fight for the first time and wanted to make sure it was a worthy cause, sylvari doing the typical over-earnest sylvari thing... it doesn't seem like they have just one story, beyond that they've all found some degree of inspiration in Aurene.

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Caithe is the only individual branded by Aurene. The Order of the Crystal Bloom is a brand new, well, cult that reveres Aurene. Not exactly a "Brotherhood of the Dragon 3.0" but close to. Unlike the Zephyrites, the Order of the Crystal Bloom are not taking the mantle to any past group, though several followers of Balthazar have joined it.


Its members primarily consist of either those who follow Balthazar's original teachings and see them in Aurene as Zafirah does, or those who were saved by Aurene and want to repay her, and the last are filled with those who heard about Aurene and were inspired by her death and rebirth.


It's basically the cult of the Crystal Dragon Jesus in Tyria. Let's hope they don't go bringing in the crusades too.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Caithe is the only individual branded by Aurene. The Order of the Crystal Bloom is a brand new, well, cult that reveres Aurene. Not exactly a "Brotherhood of the Dragon 3.0" but close to. Unlike the Zephyrites, the Order of the Crystal Bloom are not taking the mantle to any past group, though several followers of Balthazar have joined it.


> Its members primarily consist of either those who follow Balthazar's original teachings and see them in Aurene as Zafirah does, or those who were saved by Aurene and want to repay her, and the last are filled with those who heard about Aurene and were inspired by her death and rebirth.


> It's basically the cult of the Crystal Dragon Jesus in Tyria. Let's hope they don't go bringing in the crusades too.


Crusader next Elite Spec for Guardian confirmed!

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