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The Skyscale Saddle

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> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> > 7,257 hours and after all these years you never considered to keep a minimum stock of materials on hand? Especially after Aurora and Season 3? I kind of get new players being affected but veterans?



> I have way over twice his playtime and I did not make Aurora, and have also found myself in the position of having not saved stacks of some map currency as they seemed worthless to me since I did not want the stat combinations the vendors offered. I'm not here to complain about it, it is my fault for not holding onto it, since I have learned long ago to never get rid of anything in this game, but I took a risk and consumed many currencies to gain volatile magic to buy the karmic retribution for the new map. Mistakes like this are easy to make, just have to learn from them.


Fair enough, and maybe some communication from Arenanet that this collection would be more expansive might have been beneficial. I believe most people who saved these materials (myself included) were hoping for a new legendary trinket and were/are now able to re-purpose those materials.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> It's pretty silly to expect players to have full stacks of every currency just sitting in their bank.


> (1): You can liquidate these materials for volatile magic, which turns into gold. This is incentive to consume the mats, whereas there is very little visible reason to keep them otherwise.


Not every resource needs to be converted into gold immediately. Unless you plan to stock up on cheap items during a new episode release, in which case you draw benefit from liquidating your stock early. People who spent the map resources got something in return at that point in time.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> (2): Keeping a full bank of these mats means you'd have to micromanage these resources every time you set foot in home instance or one of these maps.


The 500 material storage upgrade counts as one of THE top 3-5 picks of upgrades to get asap. If you haven't invested in this upgrade, you are far from efficiently micromanaging in the first place.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> (3): The only example people bring up is a 1200 gold legendary amulet that most people didn't bother going for. Just because Anet did it once doesn't mean they'll do it again.


New legendaries are available day 1 because people draw from past experience and stock up, often with success.

Map collections, especially from Season 4 (Requiem, Dragonsblood weapons) were all map material heavy.

The beetle mount was locked behind a expansive collection chain, and that was only mid season with barely any use beside some speedster and cosmetics.


The Requiem Armor requiring a random Sigil, that is unexpected. Something tied to the final Season 4 Episode Finale requiring materials from all previous maps not as much.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> (4):These maps do not have an equal appeal to all players, let alone an equal amount of income. There's no reason to expect somebody to be in all of them.


So content is now to be designed around players who do not play the game? You basically gave an answer to why it makes sense to add a collection which encourages play on all the Season 4 maps from a design standpoint.


> (5): The primary reason to gather these resources is for the trinkets with particular stats, and for the minis. Once obtained, it is fair to never expect a player to set foot in these maps again.


There is almost no trinkets available in the Living World Season 4 maps. On the contrary, that's more a reason to expect people not to farm the maps since for Season 3 maps people might stock up on materials for future trinkets.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> Really, what we're hearing are the pack rats and paranoid taking a condescending victory lap.


Not really, I'd say given how many people expected a new trinket, and given precedent in other areas, this was not out of the blue.


I'd even go as far, if people hadn't freaked out about some minor time gates, hardcore grinder and players would have figured out the collection and every other player would have been more than capable to complete it with time gates in place within 2 weeks of casual play. Everything would have fit perfectly with all Season 4 maps seeing more play. Things didn't pan out that way though did they now?

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TBH don't dangle a treat in front of us without telling everyone what will be required to get it.

It's all about player choice. If they want to put the effort in, and some heads up about how much it will take.


Fast or slow. If grinding is your thing, or playing other content


perhaps a happy middle ground that would satisfy both some work for the reward equal to the mount. that's really all that needs to be said about this whole ordeal.


As for the time thing. I'd welcome gating, if it were like.. playing with the hatching/ interacting with it over a period of time. you know.. the fun stuff like seeing it get excited and follow you? the good feeling stuff that makes it worth it?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Not every resource needs to be converted into gold immediately. Unless you plan to stock up on cheap items during a new episode release, in which case you draw benefit from liquidating your stock early. People who spent the map resources got something in return at that point in time.


Doesn't matter. They can be liquidated, and more likely than not they will be. Whether they "got something in return" doesn't matter. This is the reason why people don't have the material.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The 500 material storage upgrade counts as one of THE top 3-5 picks of upgrades to get asap. If you haven't invested in this upgrade, you are far from efficiently micromanaging in the first place.


No it isn't. It's a waste of money. You're invoking a cash shop item to try and justify why people would loiter around with these mats. It doesn't work like that.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> New legendaries are available day 1 because people draw from past experience and stock up, often with success.

> Map collections, especially from Season 4 (Requiem, Dragonsblood weapons) were all map material heavy.

> The beetle mount was locked behind a expansive collection chain, and that was only mid season with barely any use beside some speedster and cosmetics.


> The Requiem Armor requiring a random Sigil, that is unexpected. Something tied to the final Season 4 Episode Finale requiring materials from all previous maps not as much.


Those are all trivial details that are wholly irrelevant because one thing (legendaries) does not translate to another (mounts). If anything, the beetle mount would've proved to people that you don't need all of those map mats, which is one of the reasons why people keep referencing the beetle mount in their complaints about the skyscale.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> So content is now to be designed around players who do not play the game?


That's not what I said and you know it. You're dodging the point.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

>You basically gave an answer to why it makes sense to add a collection which encourages play on all the Season 4 maps from a design standpoint.


You're dodging the point again.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> There is almost no trinkets available in the Living World Season 4 maps. On the contrary, that's more a reason to expect people not to farm the maps since for Season 3 maps people might stock up on materials for future trinkets.


I listed two things. You're omitting one, and are nitpicking the other. This isn't how incentives work. Unless a player is planning to make a new toon, there's no reason to stock up on materials in case a new toon suddenly happens somehow.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Not really, I'd say given how many people expected a new trinket, and given precedent in other areas, this was not out of the blue.


I'd say given how many people didn't see this coming and are up in arms about it, it is out of the blue. Legendary trinket != new mount.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I'd even go as far, if people hadn't freaked out about some minor time gates, hardcore grinder and players would have figured out the collection and every other player would have been more than capable to complete it with time gates in place within 2 weeks of casual play. Everything would have fit perfectly with all Season 4 maps seeing more play. Things didn't pan out that way though did they now?


Freaking out about time gates = magical lack of knowledge?

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Not every resource needs to be converted into gold immediately. Unless you plan to stock up on cheap items during a new episode release, in which case you draw benefit from liquidating your stock early. People who spent the map resources got something in return at that point in time.


> Doesn't matter. They can be liquidated, and more likely than not they will be. Whether they "got something in return" doesn't matter. This is the reason why people don't have the material.



It does matter, you simply do not like the fact that it matters. The reason why people don't have the material is because they consumed in the past and did not save or plan ahead. There is good reasons to have used the materials in the past, and most of them meant that players who did had an advantage in the past over those who did not. Simple economics.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > The 500 material storage upgrade counts as one of THE top 3-5 picks of upgrades to get asap. If you haven't invested in this upgrade, you are far from efficiently micromanaging in the first place.


> No it isn't. It's a waste of money. You're invoking a cash shop item to try and justify why people would loiter around with these mats. It doesn't work like that.



It's a Quality of Life upgrade, just like the Copper-Fed-Salvage-O-Matic. You brought up the argument of efficiency and micromanagement. This is one of the few upgrades which directly benefit this in a huge way. Not having such a basic upgrade means you are already not any way close to optimizing or micromanaging your game play.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > New legendaries are available day 1 because people draw from past experience and stock up, often with success.

> > Map collections, especially from Season 4 (Requiem, Dragonsblood weapons) were all map material heavy.

> > The beetle mount was locked behind a expansive collection chain, and that was only mid season with barely any use beside some speedster and cosmetics.

> >

> > The Requiem Armor requiring a random Sigil, that is unexpected. Something tied to the final Season 4 Episode Finale requiring materials from all previous maps not as much.


> Those are all trivial details that are wholly irrelevant because one thing (legendaries) does not translate to another (mounts). If anything, the beetle mount would've proved to people that you don't need all of those map mats, which is one of the reasons why people keep referencing the beetle mount in their complaints about the skyscale.


People are referencing the beetle mount because they willingly omit everything else which does not serve their argument.


The Beetle Mount was comprised mostly of gathering and collection events, with some map resource requirement.

The Griffon Mount was comprised of a heavy 250 gold gate, events and story.

This is the final episode of Season 4, it was easily expected that similar to Season 3, something would get added to encourage play across the entire Season.


Connect the dots.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > So content is now to be designed around players who do not play the game?


> That's not what I said and you know it. You're dodging the point.


Fine, let me rephrase that: You want future content to get designed around only things you play?


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >You basically gave an answer to why it makes sense to add a collection which encourages play on all the Season 4 maps from a design standpoint.


> You're dodging the point again.


I gave a very logical reasoning as to why and how engagement in other maps can be increased. I should not have to explain how this is beneficial overall to the game.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > There is almost no trinkets available in the Living World Season 4 maps. On the contrary, that's more a reason to expect people not to farm the maps since for Season 3 maps people might stock up on materials for future trinkets.


> I listed two things. You're omitting one, and are nitpicking the other. This isn't how incentives work. Unless a player is planning to make a new toon, there's no reason to stock up on materials in case a new toon suddenly happens somehow.


There is tons of reasons for an active player to stock up and save materials. Balance patches for example are a primary one with the often required changes to builds and trinkets and gear which come every 3 months.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Not really, I'd say given how many people expected a new trinket, and given precedent in other areas, this was not out of the blue.


> I'd say given how many people didn't see this coming and are up in arms about it, it is out of the blue. Legendary trinket != new mount.



Yes, take a look at the spvp boards, wvw boards, pve boards. Players are whining about everything all the time.


I'd say, given how poor a vast majority of players are at anticipating, reflecting or even just managing their in game assets (evident every single day with how the TP fluctuates), it is no surprise that many were caught off guard. Unfortunately most rather come complain, instead of learn for the future and imporve.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > I'd even go as far, if people hadn't freaked out about some minor time gates, hardcore grinder and players would have figured out the collection and every other player would have been more than capable to complete it with time gates in place within 2 weeks of casual play. Everything would have fit perfectly with all Season 4 maps seeing more play. Things didn't pan out that way though did they now?


> Freaking out about time gates = magical lack of knowledge?


What was that again? That is not what I said? Let me: that is not what I said, and you know it.


Looking at the entire collection and the overall plan, it is very evident why and how it was designed. The developers even added ways to circumvent jumping puzzle content, something some players do not enjoy or are not good at. Other content can be circumvented with purchases from the trading post.


The only thing not anticipated is the entitlement and desire to have things immediately.

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250 is very abused, I didn't count how many I spent since the beginning, if I remember well 50 gold for my lamp, 6gold for the toys, 23g for shiny meat, now 25 for the ls4 map items plus I need 250 of each map ressource, it's beyond comprehension, it's not a legendary, it's a mount , I'm very scared by the price of the next one... I mean the collections are fun with a little story, but time gate, time gate within time gate, gold sink and now that stack of currency.. I have enough!!! Hopefully I can have 30 currency per character by character (if the limit isn't account bound)... hearts will be usefull, hah bad no hearts in dragonfall.

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> @"DutchRiders.2871" said:

> You riding a dragon that allows you to fly, ofcourse it's going to cost you. It's way better then a legendary.


> Having said that it will take a long time to farm that many mats.


In most situations Griffon is better. Even the meta designed around the mount, simply going back to a shrine and using Griffon is better, especially as you can use shrines while in combat. Other parts of the map (such as the bonus) other mounts+oak hearts are faster for getting around.

There's nothing legendary about the mount, it's a re-skinned Griffon with different abilities. This means, it would've just been better if this "new" mount was simply a skin for Griffon earned through a collection.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Kreejaffa.3682" said:

> > Am I the only one that has like 1000+ of each map currency just burning a hole in my bank?

> >

> > Don't you dare tell me I am the only one that gets a free ride on this one. I refuse to believe it.


> You're not. I had more than enough of each currency as well, because I'm not the kind of person to spend everything I've got. I save up 1 or 2 stacks of most materials just in case I need them for future content. I also craft timegated items on a daily basis for the same reason, so I'm using my 2 stacks of charged quartz crystals now to earn some easy money by selling grow lamps and skyscale treats.


> We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.


The thing is Anet hyped the mount or rather the mount looked so awesome that the community hyped the mount so much that they couldn't wait to get it and you know what happens to things that gets hyped up too much...

People where hoping it would be as easy to get as the Rollerbeetle, because it is a awesome looking mount and the mix of time gates and hype and the amount of work required to get the mount kinda made that hype blow up....


Also who didn't wanted to ride and explore all the maps using the skyscale as soon as they saw it was coming?


People still wanna do this but it's starting to feel more like a chore the longer you have to work for it

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Did any of you play the first game? I'm guessing you did right and didn't get GWAMM?

You see in the first game there was a lot of grind.

10 million Fraction to farm for a max title

Dunkard/sweet tooth only really doable during yearly events and needing 10k points to max

Having to kill every mob in hardmode on ALL maps

Having to spent hours and hours looking for that one 0.01% on a map completion and having to do it on ALL maps.

Then there was doing missions and getting masters on them.

50k points to get sunspear /lightbringer

The list goes on.

And for that reason alone I have zero sympathy for anyone moaning about this mount.



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Players are steadily moving to instant gratification request. This thread is the step before you want to buy the mount with gold (and there is a thread about that BTW). And after that is the instant gratification, because players won't stop here - they didn't stop after ANET said they will reduce the time gates :)


I remember the furious defense that "We don't mind farming the mount - we mind the time gates. We want to work for the mount but the time gates are stopping us". Now is "We don't want to work for the mount, we wan't to buy it with gold" and next will be "We don't want to buy it with gold, we want it as a gift". And lastly will be "We don't have anything to do, bye ANET!"

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> It does matter, you simply do not like the fact that it matters. The reason why people don't have the material is because they consumed in the past and did not save or plan ahead. There is good reasons to have used the materials in the past, and most of them meant that players who did had a advantage in the past over those who did not. Simple economics.


I AM EXPLAINING WHY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THE MATERIAL! What do you think I've been saying this whole time?


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> It's a Quality of Life upgrade, just like the Copper-Fed-Salvage-O-Matic. You brought up the argument of efficiency and micromanagement. This is one of the few upgrades which directly benefit this in a huge way. Not having such a basic upgrade means you are already not any way close to optimizing or micromanaging your game play.


It doesn't benefit in a huge way. Instead you just sell when you get to 250, or when you need an influx of gold, or when you think the market is going to shift. Even if you have 500 per stack in the bank, you still have to spend an equal amount of time selling the two 250 stacks that you withdraw.


Regardless, you're trying to argue that people are going to keep over a stack of these mats in the bank because they have the cash upgrade to mitigate all the hassle of fiddling with a full bank of mats. No, they don't.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> People are referencing the beetle mount because they willingly omit everything else which does not serve their argument.


> The Beetle Mount was comprised mostly of gathering and collection events, with some map resource requirement.

> The Griffon Mount was comprised of a heavy 250 gold gate, events and story.

> This is the final episode of Season 4, it was **easily** expected that similar to Season 3, something would get added to encourage play across the entire Season.


> Connect the dots.


I bolded the weasel word. All of these points are non-sequitur. The gold cost of the griffon is irrelevant. The beetle mount gives players the opposite message of the one you imply. There's no reason to expect that this season bonus wouldn't be tied to another legendary trinket (or, dare I say, the new greatsword), if we got any of them at all. Players could easily expect the nothing, and players could easily expect the exact opposite (beetle and griffon), or players could easily expect that they wouldn't want the new legendary trinket. It's all so easy to come to a different conclusion.


>@"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Fine, let me rephrase that: You want future content to get designed around only things you play?


That is still not what I said.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I gave a very logical reasoning as to why and how engagement in other maps can be increased. I should not have to explain how this is beneficial overall to the game.



I don't care. That's not what I'm talking about.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> There is tons of reasons for an active player to stock up and save materials. Balance patches for example are a primary one with the often required changes to builds and trinkets and gear which come every 3 months.


PVP balance is handled completely separate from the PVE game. PVE balance itself is really stable: It's been berserker and viper for years now. WvW balance also isn't that dynamic; the need to buy new and unique gear sets aside from the few staple builds is rare. There are a lot of players (dare I say, the majority) who don't bother paying attention to meta builds and tactics. They just run around wearing whatever they want.



> @"Cyninja.2954" said:


> Yes, take a look at the spvp boards, wvw boards, pve boards. Players are whining about everything all the time.


> I'd say, given how poor a vast majority of players are at anticipating, reflecting or even just managing their in game assets (evident every single day with how the TP fluctuates), it is no surprise that many were caught off guard. Unfortunately most rather come complain, instead of learn for the future and imporve.


No. There's no reason for them to change their ways. They did nothing wrong in not expecting the mount to have such a high material cost. They did nothing wrong in complaining about it. They did nothing wrong in not keeping their LWS4 mats under the pretense that somewhere, somehow, vast quantities of the mats will be needed. I cannot fault somebody for not being able to predict the whims of the ever-changing staff of Arenanet. Anet makes the product for its customers, not the other way around.


I didn't even know what the legendary trinket was. Not until people started bringing it up. You can't set genius and prophets as the standard. If nobody saw it coming except for a select few, then it was out of the blue. To be frank, I think all of this "But the griffon cost 250g, so you HAD to know that the new mount would require all of the mats from the LWS4 maps" is just post-hoc justification for players who already hung on to their mats to gloat.


> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > I'd even go as far, if people hadn't freaked out about some minor time gates, hardcore grinder and players would have figured out the collection and every other player would have been more than capable to complete it with time gates in place within 2 weeks of casual play. Everything would have fit perfectly with all Season 4 maps seeing more play. Things didn't pan out that way though did they now?

> >

> > Freaking out about time gates = magical lack of knowledge?


> What was that again? That is not what I said? Let me: that is not what I said, and you know it.


1. If people hadn't freaked out about time gates

2. Hardcore grinders would have figured out the collection

3. Every other player would have been more capable to complete it.


How does 1 go to 2? The time gates are fixed. It is impossible to know things faster than we know them now. It doesn't matter how many people complained. We wouldn't have gotten this information faster. Unless you're saying there's some secret knowledge that hardcore grinders haven't figure out yet, because people are complaining too much. I'm not sure how that would work either.


> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Looking at the entire collection and the overall plan, it is very evident why and how it was designed. The developers even added ways to circumvent jumping puzzle content, something some players do not enjoy or are not good at. Other content can be circumvented with purchases from the trading post.


> The only thing not anticipated is the entitlement and desire to have things immediately.


It was designed as an endless series of fetch quests meant to invoke grandeur, but failed terribly. All of these enemy kills and jumping puzzles, they're tedium. Players are fine with working toward things, and this has been demonstrated in many places. The skyscale is excessive, blindsiding players upside the head with wall after wall after wall, blocking out experience gain in the process. It comes off as sadistic, and Anet has to change many things about it. Take any one part of these collections, cut it completely from the list, and players would not be the wiser to its absence.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > It does matter, you simply do not like the fact that it matters. The reason why people don't have the material is because they consumed in the past and did not save or plan ahead. There is good reasons to have used the materials in the past, and most of them meant that players who did had a advantage in the past over those who did not. Simple economics.


> I AM EXPLAINING WHY PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THE MATERIAL! What do you think I've been saying this whole time?



I don't care why people don't have the material when they have gotten advantages in the past. It's a trade off and it matters. Obviously there was good reasons for people to not save materials. Otherwise no one would be so hurt about not having any.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > It's a Quality of Life upgrade, just like the Copper-Fed-Salvage-O-Matic. You brought up the argument of efficiency and micromanagement. This is one of the few upgrades which directly benefit this in a huge way. Not having such a basic upgrade means you are already not any way close to optimizing or micromanaging your game play.


> It doesn't benefit in a huge way. Instead you just sell when you get to 250, or when you need an influx of gold, or when you think the market is going to shift. Even if you have 500 per stack in the bank, you still have to spend an equal amount of time selling the two 250 stacks that you withdraw.


> Regardless, you're trying to argue that people are going to keep over a stack of these mats in the bank because they have the cash upgrade to mitigate all the hassle of fiddling with a full bank of mats. No, they don't.



It is a huge benefit from a storing perspective alone because it allows to store full stacks of materials without having to manage in any way once 250 of something have accumulated. The first upgrade to 500 material storage is right up there with the Copper-Fed in terms of must get. Even more so when you want to be efficient.


I'm arguing that any argument about efficiency and management falls flat if one doesn't account for minimum reasonable upgrades.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > People are referencing the beetle mount because they willingly omit everything else which does not serve their argument.

> >

> > The Beetle Mount was comprised mostly of gathering and collection events, with some map resource requirement.

> > The Griffon Mount was comprised of a heavy 250 gold gate, events and story.

> > This is the final episode of Season 4, it was **easily** expected that similar to Season 3, something would get added to encourage play across the entire Season.

> >

> > Connect the dots.


> I bolded the weasel word. All of these points are non-sequitur. The gold cost of the griffon is irrelevant. The beetle mount gives players the opposite message of the one you imply. There's no reason to expect that this season bonus wouldn't be tied to another legendary trinket (or, dare I say, the new greatsword), if we got any of them at all. Players could easily expect the nothing, and players could easily expect the exact opposite (beetle and griffon), or players could easily expect that they wouldn't want the new legendary trinket. It's all so easy to come to a different conclusion.



Sure, and I have already yielded that most people who were saving 250 of all materials were doing so for a different reason (trinket expectations). That does not devalue the reason and sense in adding incentives for people to replay the entire seasons episodes. This was done both with Season 2 and Season 3.



> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Fine, let me rephrase that: You want future content to get designed around only things you play?


> That is still not what I said.


Fine, so we are both not addressing the point made by the other, I can live with that.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > I gave a very logical reasoning as to why and how engagement in other maps can be increased. I should not have to explain how this is beneficial overall to the game.

> >


> I don't care. That's not what I'm talking about.


Yet it is a prime reason of why the implementation of this collection makes sense and is beneficial to the game.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > There is tons of reasons for an active player to stock up and save materials. Balance patches for example are a primary one with the often required changes to builds and trinkets and gear which come every 3 months.


> PVP balance is handled completely separate from the PVE game. PVE balance itself is really stable: It's been berserker and viper for years now. WvW balance also isn't that dynamic; the need to buy new and unique gear sets aside from the few staple builds is rare. There are a lot of players (dare I say, the majority) who don't bother paying attention to meta builds and tactics. They just run around wearing whatever they want.


Diviner, Plaguedoctor, Harrier would all like a word with you. So do Renegade, Firebrand, Reaper and Soulbeast. That's just the go-to classes in the meta. I'm not even going to mention chrono.


Also not mentioning any WvW builds since that would tripple the amount of stats required.


People not paying attention is THE primary reason why many were caught off-guard. Again, there is and were ample reasons to store materials in Season 3. No access to trinkets in Season 4 is a reason why people might NOT have stored materials.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >

> > Yes, take a look at the spvp boards, wvw boards, pve boards. Players are whining about everything all the time.

> >

> > I'd say, given how poor a vast majority of players are at anticipating, reflecting or even just managing their in game assets (evident every single day with how the TP fluctuates), it is no surprise that many were caught off guard. Unfortunately most rather come complain, instead of learn for the future and imporve.


> No. There's no reason for them to change their ways. They did nothing wrong in not expecting the mount to have such a high material cost. They did nothing wrong in complaining about it. They did nothing wrong in not keeping their LWS4 mats under the pretense that somewhere, somehow, vast quantities of the mats will be needed. I cannot fault somebody for not being able to predict the whims of the ever-changing staff of Arenanet. Anet makes the product for its customers, not the other way around.


Nobody was wrong. Nobody gets to assume the mount will be handed out for free or immediately. You play the game, you get the mount. Done.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> I didn't even know what the legendary trinket was. Not until people started bringing it up. You can't set genius and prophets as the standard. If nobody saw it coming except for a select few, then it was out of the blue. To be frank, I think all of this "But the griffon cost 250g, so you HAD to know that the new mount would require all of the mats from the LWS4 maps" is just post-hoc justification for players who already hung on to their mats to gloat.


I didn't say people HAD to know. I'm against people complaining that they now have to play the game. No one is entitled to immediately get new content.


- If you gathered the materials in the past and spent the materials, you had your benefit then.

- If you did not gather the materials in the past, you need to gather them now. You get to decide what to spend those materials on and if it's worth it to get the mount and at what pace.

- If you gathered the materials in the past and saved them, you get to not have to gather them now (and have to gather more for all the items you did not get in the past).


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > I'd even go as far, if people hadn't freaked out about some minor time gates, hardcore grinder and players would have figured out the collection and every other player would have been more than capable to complete it with time gates in place within 2 weeks of casual play. Everything would have fit perfectly with all Season 4 maps seeing more play. Things didn't pan out that way though did they now?

> > >

> > > Freaking out about time gates = magical lack of knowledge?

> >

> > What was that again? That is not what I said? Let me: that is not what I said, and you know it.


> 1. If people hadn't freaked out about time gates

> 2. Hardcore grinders would have figured out the collection

> 3. Every other player would have been more capable to complete it.


> How does 1 go to 2? The time gates are fixed. It is impossible to know things faster than we know them now. It doesn't matter how many people complained. We wouldn't have gotten this information faster. Unless you're saying there's some secret knowledge that hardcore grinders haven't figure out yet, because people are complaining too much. I'm not sure how that would work either.


There is a ton of players who are not even close to the material part. There is a ton of players who are in the middle of the earlier collections. The fastest players had the mount yesterday giving players who did not rush the mount ample time to prepare not worrying about time gates. Now the time gates get shortened, but the farm required remains (which would have been done while waiting on the time gates) and people freak out. It's not that hard concept to get.


One of the main arguments was: I can't progress towards my mount due to time gates. This is now untrue for all players not done.


On the contrary, the reduction of the time gates will make that farming and gathering of map resources even more taxing now since players will feel forced to farm as hard as possible without 24h time gates.


Or be sensible and approach this at their own pace and not give in to the drama.


> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> >> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > Looking at the entire collection and the overall plan, it is very evident why and how it was designed. The developers even added ways to circumvent jumping puzzle content, something some players do not enjoy or are not good at. Other content can be circumvented with purchases from the trading post.

> >

> > The only thing not anticipated is the entitlement and desire to have things immediately.


> It was designed as an endless series of fetch quests meant to invoke grandeur, but failed terribly. All of these enemy kills and jumping puzzles, they're tedium. Players are fine with working toward things, and this has been demonstrated in many places. The skyscale is excessive, blindsiding players upside the head with wall after wall after wall, blocking out experience gain in the process. It comes off as sadistic, and Anet has to change many things about it. Take any one part of these collections, cut it completely from the list, and players would not be the wiser to its absence.


All I see is players wanting instant gratification. If people were really fine with working towards a goal and were good at managing short term goals, none of this would have been an issue.

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> @"totaloverride.3240" said:

> this mount better be flying like a plane.

> bcs, while testing it in DF map, i think griffon is better by FAAAR.


That's the next issue btw. People are wildly over-hyping the mount because it's gated to them. Probably the next thing which people will complain about, similar as with the Warclaw.


The new mount is good at 2 things:

- hovering in the air while afk

- horizontal movement which is not straight up (around ledges for example)


On everything else the Bunny or Griffon surpass it.


EDIT: and for everyone hoping the mount gets faster with masteries: it doesn't. It behaves exactly as the ones in Dragonfall.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> 250 is very abused, I didn't count how many I spent since the beginning, if I remember well 50 gold for my lamp, 6gold for the toys, 23g for shiny meat, now 25 for the ls4 map items plus I need 250 of each map ressource, it's beyond comprehension, it's not a legendary, it's a mount , I'm very scared by the price of the next one... I mean the collections are fun with a little story, but time gate, time gate within time gate, gold sink and now that stack of currency.. I have enough!!! Hopefully I can have 30 currency per character by character (if the limit isn't account bound)... hearts will be usefull, hah bad no hearts in dragonfall.


Dragonfall throws currency at you tho

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> @"Kreejaffa.3682" said:

> Am I the only one that has like 1000+ of each map currency just burning a hole in my bank?


> Don't you dare tell me I am the only one that gets a free ride on this one. I refuse to believe it.


If you didn't think this would cause an issue for a lot of people, you would't have come to the forums specifically to a thread that talks about this requirement.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Kreejaffa.3682" said:

> > Am I the only one that has like 1000+ of each map currency just burning a hole in my bank?

> >

> > Don't you dare tell me I am the only one that gets a free ride on this one. I refuse to believe it.


> You're not. I had more than enough of each currency as well, because I'm not the kind of person to spend everything I've got. I save up 1 or 2 stacks of most materials just in case I need them for future content. I also craft timegated items on a daily basis for the same reason, so I'm using my 2 stacks of charged quartz crystals now to earn some easy money by selling grow lamps and skyscale treats.


> I don't understand where this "I need to be told beforehand what to do" thing comes from, though. Just like any other collection in the game we find out what we need to do once it's released/unlocked. I don't believe it's ever been a thing where game companies release specifics of content before it's released. A general idea, maybe, but detailed information on all the things we need to do and spend? Nope. If anything, they would've told us that it's a series of collections, give a few general examples of the things we need to do, but that's it. We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.


Let me explain.


Some of us don't consider GW2 a job and we don't have the time to endlessly grind away at things. Some of us, like myself, have disabilities where certain types of content just isn't possible to complete. Others don't want to do that content. It's nice to know before wading into any sort of epic quest type thing exactly what's going to be required, you know, so people can judge if it's #1 worth the time, #2 something they can do, and #3 if they can access everything they need to complete it.


We knew everything that had to be done for Warclaw and Griffon. People made the choice of if it was worth it. Skyscale? It was purposely hidden from us. I honestly see no issue with putting all the steps of a very grindy, very timegated quest out there so players can go "Oh I can't do that so I won't start it" or "Oh, I can plan for that then". Would have been nice to know about the currency on Day One. Would have been nice to know about the quartz on Day One. Would have been nice to know just how big and timegated this was in Day One.


FFS, I can look up exactly what I need to do to make any Legendary in the entire game, why should this be different? I'm real sure if people were not constantly surprised by timegates inside of timegates and materials that have to be grinded out, half the complaints would have died off because it would have been in the open - not some sadistic secret.

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I ground the hell out of yesterday and collected the saddle. But it was too late for the last part, 5am, so I went to bed.


I am just upset over that they kept the 250 x6 bit a secret. We had -FOUR- days of doing nothing were we could have prepared at a more leisurely pace.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Kreejaffa.3682" said:

> > > Am I the only one that has like 1000+ of each map currency just burning a hole in my bank?

> > >

> > > Don't you dare tell me I am the only one that gets a free ride on this one. I refuse to believe it.

> >

> > You're not. I had more than enough of each currency as well, because I'm not the kind of person to spend everything I've got. I save up 1 or 2 stacks of most materials just in case I need them for future content. I also craft timegated items on a daily basis for the same reason, so I'm using my 2 stacks of charged quartz crystals now to earn some easy money by selling grow lamps and skyscale treats.

> >

> > I don't understand where this "I need to be told beforehand what to do" thing comes from, though. Just like any other collection in the game we find out what we need to do once it's released/unlocked. I don't believe it's ever been a thing where game companies release specifics of content before it's released. A general idea, maybe, but detailed information on all the things we need to do and spend? Nope. If anything, they would've told us that it's a series of collections, give a few general examples of the things we need to do, but that's it. We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.


> Let me explain.


> Some of us don't consider GW2 a job and we don't have the time to endlessly grind away at things. Some of us, like myself, have disabilities where certain types of content just isn't possible to complete. Others don't want to do that content. It's nice to know before wading into any sort of epic quest type thing exactly what's going to be required, you know, so people can judge if it's #1 worth the time, #2 something they can do, and #3 if they can access everything they need to complete it.


> We knew everything that had to be done for Warclaw and Griffon. People made the choice of if it was worth it. Skyscale? It was purposely hidden from us. I honestly see no issue with putting all the steps of a very grindy, very timegated quest out there so players can go "Oh I can't do that so I won't start it" or "Oh, I can plan for that then". Would have been nice to know about the currency on Day One. Would have been nice to know about the quartz on Day One. Would have been nice to know just how big and timegated this was in Day One.


> kitten, I can look up exactly what I need to do to make any Legendary in the entire game, why should this be different? I'm real sure if people were not constantly surprised by timegates inside of timegates and materials that have to be grinded out, half the complaints would have died off because it would have been in the open - not some sadistic secret.


I see your point and I totally agree that some beforehand information about requirements would have been met with different responses from the players.


However, I don't recall Anet ever announcing requirements for any collection in advance. All the necessary achievements, collections and components for legendary weapons/armor etc. had been discover and made public by the player effort. We knew what was needed for Griffon because of the first players doing the collection and updating the wiki. Now, a week later after the release, we already have all the information about acquiring the Skyscale and those who are just starting can make a decision whether they want to go for it or not.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> I don't care why people don't have the material when they have gotten advantages in the past. It's a trade off and it matters. Obviously there was good reasons for people to not save materials. Otherwise no one would be so hurt about not having any.


You mean to tell me that you've spent the past two hours nitpicking every little thing I've said over a topic that you don't care about? I.E. the **one** thing I posted? Quit jerking my chain. I'm tired of this stupid little game of yours.

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> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Kreejaffa.3682" said:

> > > Am I the only one that has like 1000+ of each map currency just burning a hole in my bank?

> > >

> > > Don't you dare tell me I am the only one that gets a free ride on this one. I refuse to believe it.

> >

> > You're not. I had more than enough of each currency as well, because I'm not the kind of person to spend everything I've got. I save up 1 or 2 stacks of most materials just in case I need them for future content. I also craft timegated items on a daily basis for the same reason, so I'm using my 2 stacks of charged quartz crystals now to earn some easy money by selling grow lamps and skyscale treats.

> >

> > I don't understand where this "I need to be told beforehand what to do" thing comes from, though. Just like any other collection in the game we find out what we need to do once it's released/unlocked. I don't believe it's ever been a thing where game companies release specifics of content before it's released. A general idea, maybe, but detailed information on all the things we need to do and spend? Nope. If anything, they would've told us that it's a series of collections, give a few general examples of the things we need to do, but that's it. We are not owed content information before content is released. It's a courtesy.


> Let me explain.


> Some of us don't consider GW2 a job and we don't have the time to endlessly grind away at things. Some of us, like myself, have disabilities where certain types of content just isn't possible to complete. Others don't want to do that content. It's nice to know before wading into any sort of epic quest type thing exactly what's going to be required, you know, so people can judge if it's #1 worth the time, #2 something they can do, and #3 if they can access everything they need to complete it.



No reason to play GW2 like a job. So why do you need access to the newest mount immediately? Play the game at your own pace and be done with it.


The only people who would fall in the category of being disadvantaged are the ones rushing the mount but then getting blocked off by the collection material requirements. Let's be reasonable here, I have a lot of very casual GW2 players in one of my guilds. None of them are even beyond seeing Dragonfall 1-2 times and barely past the story. If you are affected by the material gate because you rushed ahead, you are not as casual as you think.


> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> We knew everything that had to be done for Warclaw and Griffon. People made the choice of if it was worth it. Skyscale? It was purposely hidden from us. I honestly see no issue with putting all the steps of a very grindy, very timegated quest out there so players can go "Oh I can't do that so I won't start it" or "Oh, I can plan for that then". Would have been nice to know about the currency on Day One. Would have been nice to know about the quartz on Day One. Would have been nice to know just how big and timegated this was in Day One.


Yes, you knew because players had completed the collections. The collection is now complete and you have a complete overview of what is required. No collection so far was given away before its release.


> @"Aerlen.5326" said:

> kitten, I can look up exactly what I need to do to make any Legendary in the entire game, why should this be different? I'm real sure if people were not constantly surprised by timegates inside of timegates and materials that have to be grinded out, half the complaints would have died off because it would have been in the open - not some sadistic secret.


It's not. You can now look up exactly what is needed and how the collection works. Same as with prior collections: because people completed them.

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> @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > I don't care why people don't have the material when they have gotten advantages in the past. It's a trade off and it matters. Obviously there was good reasons for people to not save materials. Otherwise no one would be so hurt about not having any.


> You mean to tell me that you've spent the past two hours nitpicking every little thing I've said over a topic that you don't care about? I.E. the **one** thing I posted? Quit jerking my chain. I'm tired of this stupid little game of yours.


That's not what I said. I said I don't care about your arguments as to why people don't have the materials simply because I consider the benefits they gained in the past adequate enough.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Blood Red Arachnid.2493" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > I don't care why people don't have the material when they have gotten advantages in the past. It's a trade off and it matters. Obviously there was good reasons for people to not save materials. Otherwise no one would be so hurt about not having any.

> >

> > You mean to tell me that you've spent the past two hours nitpicking every little thing I've said over a topic that you don't care about? I.E. the **one** thing I posted? Quit jerking my chain. I'm tired of this stupid little game of yours.


> That's not what I said. I said I don't care about your arguments as to why people don't have the materials simply because I consider the benefits they gained in the past adequate enough.


That doesn't make sense.

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