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Looking at the events timeline since the end of GW1


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I have spend couple of minutes looking at [this timeline](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Timeline "this timeline") in order to discover where we can continue our story with LW5 and further. This, absolutely doesn't mean that ANET can't introduce something completely new but reading it shows that with things we didn't deal in the past we were dealing now in PoF (for example Joko) or LW3's Lazarus. Going through the timeline there are potential stories which we can continue in the next LW. Which potential story do you think might have its place in the future content development?

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Menzies at this point is probably not worth anything more than a raid, unless they feel like introducing a new god of war too.


As to OP and GW1 hints of things left, there's really only two _major_ non-ED plotlines from GW1 left: Menzies and the Ministry of Purity. Though they could bring back some other bosses like Zoldark if they want, but I doubt they will given their interest in GW1 villains (per Joko's and especially Lazarus' very short lived screentime).


From The Movement of the World / Ecology of the Charr, we get two additional plotlines that haven't been solved: Foefire cleansing, and the human-charr peace accords ( / internal charr politics of the new Khan-Ur, if they want to delve into that).


And from GW2 itself, the only additional leftover major plot at this point would be replacements for Zhaitan and Mordremoth.


Though there's a lot of smaller plots and loose ends all over the place. None are really "main plot" worthy imo.

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A good place to start would be bringing back the Dragon Bash Festival.


Pretty sure season 5 will begin with a big celebration party.


Everyone is like „ we won!!! But now what?“ while we be like: „Dudes! Its not over yet!“


Basically, the races think the can go back to what they have been doing before all this dragon shit started.



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A Magdaer resolution would be nice

Someone making an actual note of the Bloodstone Caves door in Straits of Devastation would be nice, unless thats literally just meant to be an easter egg

Actually explaining what the heck was up with Deepstone?

I almost want them to touch back onto an unused thing from GW1 and detail into Arachnia


There's some blocked off roads and broken bridges in core Tyria that beg for something to fill in the gaps, even if that gets weird because its like 'oh so Lake Doric was just THERE the whole time and closed off because :D'

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