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Skyscale is Bugged/Underwhelming, Or Both

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I've been using the Skyscale a fair bit. I find it to be a pretty versatile combination of Griffon, Springer, and to a lesser extent the Raptor (wall launch mastery is absolutely necessary though).


The red stamina bar is a bit of a pain though.

> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Artits.2795" said:

> > > I'm also very disappointed by it. I only completed the collection because I thought that when you unlock it and the mastery track, the skill that makes you jump walls could make it so that you fly > cling to a wall to recharge your blue meter > resume flying. Which would still be far from perfect considering it is a dragon so realistically there shouldn't be a limit to how much it can fly to begin with, but it would be a nice compromise between players and Anet's disturbing obsession with forcing players to play the game a certain way. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that not only is the climb/ recharge limited by stamina bars, it also builds the red meter the more you use it. I had to deal with limitations (timegates), limitations within limitations (the charged crystal parts) and so many collections to be able to own the most limited mount in the game?

> >

> > You regain endurance while flying...


> That's the part I'm still trying to figure out. Sometimes when I fly forward it regains endurance and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not talking about when it hits volatile magic and gains endurance. Sometimes going forward it slowly gains endurance, sometimes faster and sometimes not at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what triggers it.



It all has to do with pitch. The more you pitch down, the faster you regain endurance. The more you pitch up, the faster you lose it.


The opposite is also true.

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The skyscale rentals were underwhelming. The skyscale mount once you get it is great. Getting the wall jump mastery made a world of a difference and i feel so much better with the skyscale now. The biggest issue i had with the skyscale was those ledges you JUST miss, but the wall jump really takes care of that and bond of vigor helps a ton too.


Overall i'm very happy right now, the masteries really make it worth it, and the skyscale will become my new go to mount. I get that this isn't everyone's experience with the skyscale, so i only speak for myself when i say i'm really happy about where it is right now.


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> @"Rukario.1695" said:

> I believe if you mount in the air at any point the altitude meter should be full, this includes when you jump off of the ground with the Skyscale - it takes a 3rd of the meter just to leave the ground.


> As it is now, it's just plainly broken.


It was mentioned in the Guild Chat today by the Skyscales Mechanic's Developer that they are going to be looking into this. It was an accident in regards to your altitude being murdered by mounting while airborn, ultimately it was an oversight caused by trying to keep the mount from being abused mid-air due to the "ejector seat"/aka Bond of Faith being used.


As for your altitude being chopped after you first leave the ground, not sure if that applies to this or not.


See the video - 46:51 ... Youtube timestamps aren't working right.


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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> I've personally been enjoying it and have been using it primarily when doing my dailies as well as the Dragonfall meta.


do you work for anet or something? have family members or friends that do? get paid to support them on the forums or something?

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> @"DarkRam.1572" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I've personally been enjoying it and have been using it primarily when doing my dailies as well as the Dragonfall meta.


> do you work for anet or something? have family members or friends that do? get paid to support them on the forums or something?


Also, I don't really buy that. I tried to do the meta yesterday with Skyscale, and it sucks. You simply cannot keep up with the group heading from spot to spot. Also, for some reason Anet created the "Restraining Order" achievement in a way that forces players to compete against each other. You have to destroy 50 Crystal Pylons, and while in theory, the Skyscale can hover up to one, stop and let you hit the special key twice, in reality, you'll be outpaced by other players on Griffons. It happened to me and then I switched back to the Griffon. I should have made a video because in hindsight, that must have looked hilarious. You have your target in sight, you are heading to it with all the speed the Skyscale allows,suddenly, a wild Griffon appears from the clouds, descents right in front of you and heads the pylon twice as fast and destroys it before you can shout stop. It would be an ad for Griffons. I also got dismounted while using the Skyscale by those towers, which doesn't happen when you use the Griffon, since the Griffon evades.


Of course one can use it "primarily" for the Dragonfall meta, but it's probably the worst choice one can make, and there is no good reason to advertise it.

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Frankly I feel the Skyscale should have a 75% perm evade as long as you're moving mid-air. The slow speed + range enemies = poor choice. You always have to be above them or completely out of their way, especially in HoT and PoF maps where they can aggro you from half a mile away.

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> @"DarkRam.1572" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > I've personally been enjoying it and have been using it primarily when doing my dailies as well as the Dragonfall meta.


> do you work for anet or something? have family members or friends that do? get paid to support them on the forums or something?


So I must have the same position as you or I’m affiliated with Anet? I cannot have an opinion of my own that happens to be different than yours?


> @"Faaris.8013" said:

> > @"DarkRam.1572" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > I've personally been enjoying it and have been using it primarily when doing my dailies as well as the Dragonfall meta.

> >

> > do you work for anet or something? have family members or friends that do? get paid to support them on the forums or something?


> Also, I don't really buy that. I tried to do the meta yesterday with Skyscale, and it sucks. You simply cannot keep up with the group heading from spot to spot. Also, for some reason Anet created the "Restraining Order" achievement in a way that forces players to compete against each other. You have to destroy 50 Crystal Pylons, and while in theory, the Skyscale can hover up to one, stop and let you hit the special key twice, in reality, you'll be outpaced by other players on Griffons. It happened to me and then I switched back to the Griffon. I should have made a video because in hindsight, that must have looked hilarious. You have your target in sight, you are heading to it with all the speed the Skyscale allows,suddenly, a wild Griffon appears from the clouds, descents right in front of you and heads the pylon twice as fast and destroys it before you can shout stop. It would be an ad for Griffons. I also got dismounted while using the Skyscale by those towers, which doesn't happen when you use the Griffon, since the Griffon evades.


> Of course one can use it "primarily" for the Dragonfall meta, but it's probably the worst choice one can make, and there is no good reason to advertise it.


I’ve been using it primarily for the meta as there really is no need to use any other mount specifically all the time. I use griffon to get from one place to another quickly which is really only for a few of the bonus bosses. I use springer if there’s a situation where I need to scale something quickly or I need to open with CC.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > @"Artits.2795" said:

> > > I'm also very disappointed by it. I only completed the collection because I thought that when you unlock it and the mastery track, the skill that makes you jump walls could make it so that you fly > cling to a wall to recharge your blue meter > resume flying. Which would still be far from perfect considering it is a dragon so realistically there shouldn't be a limit to how much it can fly to begin with, but it would be a nice compromise between players and Anet's disturbing obsession with forcing players to play the game a certain way. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that not only is the climb/ recharge limited by stamina bars, it also builds the red meter the more you use it. I had to deal with limitations (timegates), limitations within limitations (the charged crystal parts) and so many collections to be able to own the most limited mount in the game?

> >

> > You regain endurance while flying...


> That's the part I'm still trying to figure out. Sometimes when I fly forward it regains endurance and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not talking about when it hits volatile magic and gains endurance. Sometimes going forward it slowly gains endurance, sometimes faster and sometimes not at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what triggers it.



The camera steering is too sensitive. In theory if you fly in a straight line you shouldn't lose sky juice at all. If you're angled down you should regain it. If you don't angle it absolutely perfect it thinks you're trying to gain altitude and the sky juice drain is absurdly severe. If they fixed that it would probably feel a lot better to use.


I'm still working on getting mine and everyone's telling me the mastery makes it a lot better so I'm still basing this off the rental. I might try turning off conditional mount controls but I'm not sure how that'll affect my other mounts or if it'll help at all with the camera steering or just end up making it more tedious to use.

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> @"CETheLucid.3964" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > > @"Artits.2795" said:

> > > > I'm also very disappointed by it. I only completed the collection because I thought that when you unlock it and the mastery track, the skill that makes you jump walls could make it so that you fly > cling to a wall to recharge your blue meter > resume flying. Which would still be far from perfect considering it is a dragon so realistically there shouldn't be a limit to how much it can fly to begin with, but it would be a nice compromise between players and Anet's disturbing obsession with forcing players to play the game a certain way. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that not only is the climb/ recharge limited by stamina bars, it also builds the red meter the more you use it. I had to deal with limitations (timegates), limitations within limitations (the charged crystal parts) and so many collections to be able to own the most limited mount in the game?

> > >

> > > You regain endurance while flying...

> >

> > That's the part I'm still trying to figure out. Sometimes when I fly forward it regains endurance and sometimes it doesn't. I'm not talking about when it hits volatile magic and gains endurance. Sometimes going forward it slowly gains endurance, sometimes faster and sometimes not at all. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong or what triggers it.

> >


> The camera steering is too sensitive. In theory if you fly in a straight line you shouldn't lose sky juice at all. If you're angled down you should regain it. If you don't angle it absolutely perfect it thinks you're trying to gain altitude and the sky juice drain is absurdly severe. If they fixed that it would probably feel a lot better to use.


> I'm still working on getting mine and **everyone's telling me the mastery makes it a lot better** so I'm still basing this off the rental. I might try turning off conditional mount controls but I'm not sure how that'll affect my other mounts or if it'll help at all with the camera steering or just end up making it more tedious to use.

It really does.


Whilst clinging to the wall, a fully charged half stamina bar (so it can be used twice) gives roughly 66% flight endurance.


It does drain pretty rapidly, but I've always found it sufficient enough for reaching the next landing spot.



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C'mon people it's same as with griffon - Touch and go. Only with Skyscale you really go up in the air and not bunny hopping around rocks like with griffon until you are clear to jump in air from the edge.

Just a touch to surface and flight juice is insta refilled. Ignore slow juice refill animation, it's just for show.

You still need to calculate/plan your movement just like with other mounts: ok i will touch/refill juice there then i can go full up, touch there - up, hang on wall - recharge, up etc


Only issue is no flight juice when mounting from glider/leyline, updraft.


I'm using it as only mount now and it works perfectly. Map completion 2-3x faster than griffon/bunny. Yesterday was first time i did not rage while completing Draconis Mons xD

And having all mount masteries really makes it shine.


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