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How important are the Crystal Champion masteries?

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How necessary are the Crystal Champ masteries to completing the LW4 ch 5 personal story?

It looks like I must get the first one but the others don't seem too important but sometimes you never know...


Debating whether to keep putting xp in Griffon or immediately switching to Crystal Champ to get the first mastery.


Given my play style and progression speed I probably won't start on skyscale for another month so having the griffon maxed out would be nice.



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Thanks. That's good to know.

Turns out I basically sneezed on my way of the Thunderpeaks (?) starting area, ran into an event with 30+ other players and **blammo** I'm at already at 70% on Volatile magic. It appears that the trial thing (mondo annoying) to start LW4 gave me a huge chunk of xp for it already. Basically getting the first mastery will be a non-issue.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> The main track is necessary for achievements, as every map that introduces them (and often in subsequent maps) you'll need those skills to reach obscure places, or get past certain obstacles. Although I'm still trying to figure out what Bond of Life was for.....


Bond of Life lets your mount borrow the player's lifepool. Useful if your mount is low on hp and you are trying to escape a deadly situation.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> The main track is necessary for achievements, as every map that introduces them (and often in subsequent maps) you'll need those skills to reach obscure places, or get past certain obstacles. Although I'm still trying to figure out what Bond of Life was for.....

There's an [achievement](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Bug_in_the_System_(achievements)#achievement4090 "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/A_Bug_in_the_System_(achievements)#achievement4090") (warning: spoiler for ep2) that is a lot easier to do if you have access to the skill, but it also comes in handy whenever you are trying to steer your mount through a bunch of agressive mobs and are running low on health due to a couple of unfortunate hits.

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