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Guide: How to fly your Skyscale

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So the devs have released another flying mount! Hooray! And after dying in lava, quicksand, tornadoes, being attacked by chickens, revisiting annoying jumping puzzles and many more table-flipping trials you secured your magic hungry dragon mount.

How in the Eternal Alchemy does it work?!?

The Skyscale shares many similarities to the griffin with the controls, but with key differences.


# Abilities


> Aerial Climb/Wall Jump: Key-binding is the jump key, usually the space bar

> Blast(engage ability): Key-binding is first attack key or "1" on the keyboard

> Mount: Typically set as the "x" key

> Mount Ability 1: Bound to the "v" key and used to DO A BARREL ROLL!!! ... Dodge forward

> Mount Ability 2: Bound to the "c" key and used to descend and land

**Passive Abilities**

> Wall Grab: The Skyscale will hold onto the nearest vertical surface as long as the forward movement key is held

> Hover: The Skyscale will hover in place as long as there is no red in the blue stamina bar

> Rift Repair: The Skyscale will activate a rift and turn it into a flight path of Volatile Magic


# Masteries

> _Air Rescue: You can now mount your skyscale in midair. While aloft, use the mount hotkey to hop onto the skyscale._

* No need to explain this one.


> _Rift Repair: Hovering next to rifts will close them and reveal flight paths for your skyscale. Follow them to claim them treasure at the end. But don't miss a node along the way! Your final reward is largest if you touch every node._

* Hovering in front of a rift will cause it to glow and then start a mini game. A blue icon with a number in it will show up in the boon icons if the game has successfully activated. Completion of the game will reward the player with a Mistborn Mote and 8 Volitile Magic. Even after completing the mini game, the rifts can be reactivated to use the paths for travel, but no reward will be given.


> _Wall Launch: While clinging to a wall with your skyscale, hold the jump key to charge your flight meter, and release it to launch into the air. This requires at least one bar of endurance._

* This will use up the yellow stamina bar to refill the blue stamina bar and do a small jump off the wall.


# Tips and Tricks

* The Skyscale is unique to all mounts with its **two stamina bars**. Learning to read these two bars will make flying the Skyscale more intuitive.

* The yellow stamina bar is consumed for the dodge and recharging the blue stamina bar in the Wall Launch. The yellow bar will recharge normally overtime while hovering or on the ground. It will **not** recharge when the Skyscale is grabbing onto a wall.

* The blue stamina bar determines how much the Skyscale can climb into the air. Even with zero in the blue, the Skyscale can remain hovering in place. The blue stamina bar can be recharged very quickly on a horizontal surface. Descending will recharge it equally to how much was consumed while ascending, but only with vertical and steeper descents.

* The blue stamina bar will also measure overexertion. There will be red in the bar when the Skyscale is being pushed beyond what its stamina usually allows. Overexertion will occur when the Skyscale is using Volatile Magic to climb or by using the Wall Launch to recharge a mostly/fully depleted blue stamina bar. The Skyscale will consume blue stamina more quickly and will passively descend during hovering while there is red in the bar until it is gone. Landing on a horizontal surface will reset the overexertion.

* The engage skill, "Blast," will also cause the Skyscale to descend until it touches the ground. The Blast is only activated when the Skyscale is standing on the ground. _Edit courtesy of LucianDK.8615_



> **Key Binding**

> For my keybinding, I have Mount ability 1 set to "2" and Mount Ability 2 set to "3". This works well on a regular keyboard but is also my personal setup for my MMO computer mouse. It's very comfortable and I don't have to contort my hand in a weird position.

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> @"DuskyInsanePoet.4218" said:

> So the devs have released another flying mount! Hooray! And after dying in lava, quicksand, tornadoes,


Um. What? You *died* in lava, quicksand and tornadoes? Why? All you had to do was take damage from the quicksand, get hit by the Dust Mite Twisters, and be swept up by the Branded Tornado. Dying was strictly optional.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"DuskyInsanePoet.4218" said:

> > So the devs have released another flying mount! Hooray! And after dying in lava, quicksand, tornadoes,


> Um. What? You *died* in lava, quicksand and tornadoes? Why? All you had to do was take damage from the quicksand, get hit by the Dust Mite Twisters, and be swept up by the Branded Tornado. Dying was strictly optional.


I wasn't fast enough! T-T

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