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PvP League Season Sixteen: The death of matchmaking

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_...Been sitting here and thinking what to write and how to word it, anger has passed, disappointment is strong, even can't gather sarcasm to make a joke..._


In less then 1h30min will end the 16th PvP season and this season will be special, because after playing in 15 seasons always had met the requirements and more then minimal games required, but this season is the 1st I'm stuck at 119 games. Its annoying, because we usually saved 1 game for last day of season and then played until we lost, sometimes a longer trip sometimes a really short one, but it was an end to the season, something to look back and reflect.


Today when we played we got 1 game in and then que died and it died fully, I stayed online until now trying to que a game to get the last game, but nothing. Enough people in map chat complained about that as well, some claimed they could play. So ye disappointed and even angry for waste of time, but that's on me, I was stubborn enough to wait and que so, perhaps, I and my duo could get the game.


Would like greatly if Anet extended the season for 1 day, because this was simply a let down and unworthy end to a season, thou I know that won't happen and best can hope is them saying something about server problems and what not, if even that.

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PvP is dead, Paypal killed it. For this season finale, the servers helped.


Just like the OP, I ended up just short on meeting the minimum games for this season. As someone who always struggles to meet the weekly quota and plays in plat, this has been a huge letdown. Weeks of trying not to fall behind on games to then being locked out of the last few due to server problems or whatever. But as someone else pointed out, it's fully automated and of course Anet will simply look the other way and pretend nothing happened.


Just like they do when it comes to reported players. Just like they do when it comes to bots. Just like they do when it comes to former "pro" players cheating and turning this game mode into a sad joke.


Anyway, disappointed, but hardly a new feeling when it comes to the current state of the PvP seasons.



> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Wait. Why do you need to save 1 game for the last day? Why don't you just play over mimumum and not save 1 to avoid this problem?


Because of life. As of Sunday-evening, I was 2 games short. Not really because of any other reason than struggling with the weekly quota once in a while. Life happens. Sure enough I could have pushed those last few games on Sunday-evening, but why stress myself out when I can just play them on Monday. Or not.

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Have to confess could have written better, because now reading, if anyone didn't know what happen they surely didn't get the point, so might as well set the record right.

Monday 27th of May all queuing died around 21CET till 01CET on EU servers, this issue prevented queuing for ranked and for unraked games.

This "bug" didn't impact all player base, because there were people reporting they could que for games while many others said they couldn't.

Around 02-03CET, after season ended, you could que again for ranked and unraked games.

This "bug" didn't impact ATs that happened during those hours.


> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Wait. Why do you need to save 1 game for the last day? Why don't you just play over mimumum and not save 1 to avoid this problem?


Normally this wouldn't be a problem you would have to work around, I would fully expect servers to keep running strong during the final hours of season, because I would expect people to tryhard for leader board placements or to remove decay.

My case life happened, I wasn't around after playing games on Friday due to other activities and so Sunday evening after getting home wanted to relax and not que games, because 1 day still remained on the clock.


> @"Gamble.4580" said:

> I think pvp is at its best. If u ain’t playing for titles that is. Apart from season 1-3 where it was at its peak! I feel I noticed allot more to pvp this last 2 seasons in game vaulue and its much better than before.


I have to agree structurally PvP is at its best with leader boards and ATs, and divisions that we currently have, its a massive progress compared to what we had when HoT came out. That's said I would say PvP is in a rough place in terms of player base. I can't comment how its in below Gold league, but Plat has issue with 5-7min of que time, match quality is uneven from playing against or with top10 players vs or while having Gold league teammates. I get to see the same people day after day, season after season. Rewards what you get are great from PvP as well, just the player base needs more people on top level.

I will not even touch the wintrading, and selling leader board places and players not getting banned for that or getting silly 3month dishonoured period while still playing on 2nd accounts, that gives the worse rep to PvP and all thanks to a handful of people that are still around and still doing their stuff due to Anet being blind or passive.

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So let me just say, my experience climbing to plat I have had:


Stawks, Vallun and a few well-knowns in, get this, GOLD 2 GAMES. Tell me why the hell are Top 10-20 people are in g2 games???? That game was so horribly stacked I had to laugh.


Countless plat 1-2 within the gold 2-3. Now in gold 3 that wouldn't be an issue to see plat 1 folk, but plat 2???? Why??? You can tell who was plat and who wasn't.


Class stacking. EVERYWHERE.


Queues being buggy. Excessively.


Constant dcs from players, and not even the win-trading kind. This season truly blee my mind with how incredibly BAD it was.

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A lot of people purposely play under the 120 limit until the 2nd to last or final day. They do it either to avoid other players knowing their current rating, so they don't get que sniped, or simply so they can wear an ambiguous plat badge above their head, rather than an identified bottom plat badge. Better to have an unlisted plat badge and claim plat 2, than have a plat badge that everyone knows is only 1505 or something.


Either way, if we choose to use this tactic, it is at our own risk. Servers do sometimes have issues.

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